
Devil's Downfall

What does it truly mean to be a martial artist, what is hidden in the world, what course should he take. Nameless and forgotten life has taught him little more than how to lift his fists. He resigned himself to the undesired work. However luck began to smile, as a upheaval took him away to begin a new life. Yet one should never forget the treacherousness of the world.

kingsdog · Fantaisie
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28 Chs

The act of teaching.

"I don't know where most of you stand when it comes to martial arts, so for your guys' first day we're gonna start with sparring, you're free to partner up with whoever you want, but after today I'll make sure your opponent is more equal."

This is a perfect plan. It hits two birds with one stone, for one this allows me to get a grasp on their strength, and I don't have to worry much about knowing what to teach them. I mean head teacher, what was his name again, never mind that, he gave me a run down at what I'll be teaching, but as a so so martial artist I don't even believe I belong here, let alone teaching the next generation. So then it hit me, why not have the next generation teach each other.

The students went around talking to each other. When that brat from earlier raised his hand.

"Is magic allowed?"

It was one simple question yet I had no answer.

'This kid knows how to use magic two?'

"So yes or no?"

"No, the use of magic against students is forbidden."

"So that means I can spar with you right?"

"Technically yes."

"Okay then I chose you Teach, as my sparring partner."

The whole class turned to the boys rambunctious challenge. 

'It would look bad if I denied him, I can't have these brats seeing me as a coward. If there's one thing I know in the streets, the most cowardice dog gets eaten first.'



In the corner of the room.

"Okay then I choose you Teach."

'Is this brat mad, how dare he challenge Master like that. It's not like Master has a reason to accept, man this Alexander guy is a fool.'


'What he accepted.'

'Alexander has been a prodigy ever since he was young, he was destined for greatness, even gramps praised him, he said "if my no good son was half as talented as Alexander he would have reached the tier of king by now." The one thing gramps complained about is Alexander's lack of motivation. Rumor has it that all that so-called talent disappeared within just a moment, he hit his head or something, ever since he was average. However his attitude never changed, his cocky voice seemed to want to bring back his former glory.'

"So Teach, weapons or are we just using fists?"

"You're free to use what you want." His voice shook for just a moment, it was undoubtedly unnoticed by the group, but it caught me off guard. 

The whole room cleared an opening for their sparring match, eyes tracked both their movements, the room fell silent.

Thud. Master slammed his foot into the ground, entering his near perfect stance, all eyes viewed in Interest, but even more stared at Alexander. If you blinked you would have missed it the moment Master entered his stance a spear appeared in Alexander's hand like it was always there, in not even a millisecond the magically enhanced spear appeared beside Master's head stopping just before impact.

"You ready?" He cockily asked.

Master glared at him.

Although still visible, with an excellent display of mastership Master grabbed Alexander's wrist and flipped him into the air. Alexander barely caught his footing, landing well glaring back at master. 

"Who said we didn't begin?"