
Devil's Advocacy

How’s life feel when you’re constantly being provoked… by God and the devil at once? In a place where you don’t belong here or there, where does one go? These are just the everyday choices no-name is confronted with. One cannot hope for a life of peace if you can’t let go of the past, but when she’s going forward she’s really just going backwards. No name is a city girl who has been exposed to the streets since she was a little girl. Intimidating? Not for her. While her journey seems unclear, being well equipped with supernatural powers come in handy in Brooklyn, New York. Come see Brooklyn, how you’ve never seen it before. Night life? Oh, you haven’t seen anything yet.

BriaNFate · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
8 Chs

Stay With Me Tonight

As I started leaning down towards her, she watched before a look of worry came over her face. She gently stopped me in my tracks by pushing her hands against my shoulders.

"Hakeem.. don't. It's way too soon for all that, you're moving too fast."

I let out a sigh, nodding as I let go of her and backed up. It was understandable, but now she probably thinks I'm just after her like any other fuckboy. I walk over to the speaker, turning it off and putting it away in my back pocket. By this time it had stopped raining and everything around us was just soaked.

"The song was beautiful though, and I'll admit you're a pretty good dancer. I had a great time."

I'm not gonna lie, that warmed my heart. As I turn to her, she sneezes and sniffles. I blinked as I stood there for a second. She sneezes exactly like a baby kitten. I break out laughing and she glares at me.

"Shut up, it's not funny!"

Straight after that her stomach starts to growl, which makes me laugh even harder.

"Look at you! You're sick and you didn't feed the beast!"

She stamps her foot on the ground in frustration and causes a small crater in the ground. My laughing slowly stops as I look over at her and her mouth forms an "o" shape while her eyes fill with surprise. She quickly attempts to change the subject as she turns on her heels.

"Uhh, it looks like it's getting pretty late, so I'm gonna head home.."

She points in a direction, and you could tell she was lost because that direction led to a dead end. I sigh and decide to drop the situation for now.

"You might as well come hang with me at my place, let me cook you up some dinner, and take you home in the morning because you're obviously lost."

Red hesitates again before she bites her bottom lip. I wasn't taking no for an answer so I walked over to her short ass and picked her up, throwing her over my shoulder . Her ass was in the air while her face lightly poked into my back. She started pounding her fists against my back and whining about being put down in protest, which got annoying after a while.

"You gotta be one of the most stubborn people I've ever met. Shut up and just let me take care of you for the night."

I playfully slapped her ass after my sentence, which earned a squeal in response from her. Right after she huffed in irritation, I felt a hard slap on the back of my head.

"I told you you were moving too fast Alexander. I expect you to respect my boundaries."


After a fifteen minute walk, we reached my apartment complex. Red had been silent the whole walk, I'm pretty sure she's just pissed because I low-key kidnapped her. I stayed on one of the broken sides of the town, the side of town that was filled with the low class families that were scavenging to find food for the rest, the side that had demons prying around almost every corner. The people around me were going through the struggle, but I could only do so much to help them. I enter my apartment building, and we take to the rickety elevator. This is when Red starts up again as she eyes the elevator.

"Don't have us riding in this thing! It looks old, like it could snap any minute, are you crazy?!"

I smirk, raising an eyebrow as I playfully run my hand up one of her legs.

"Would you rather ride me instead?"

With this she went completely silent, she was probably blushing like most girls would. Although I don't try this on just "most girls", and that's what made her special. After our little episode, I push the fifth floor's button, and up we go. Yet next I felt a kick from the tip of her shoe in my stomach.

"You must think you're so clever. You're such a smart ass you know that? I'm pretty sure that I've officially let a pedo take me home."

My shoulders started to shake gently as I laughed and I could almost feel her eye roll as we finally reached the fifth floor. The elevator doors open up, and I step out onto the fifth floor, with Red on my shoulder. I guess by now she'd gotten used to it because she stopped complaining. I was the seventh door on the left of the long hallway I'd walked into, and when I reached the door I pulled out my keys, unlocked it, and headed inside.

It wasn't the richest thing out there, but it was home. The place was a two bedroom apartment, yet I only used one, the second one I.. would rather not talk about what it's used for right now. It's private, but the first one was my bedroom that also led out to a balcony that looked over the city, there was a living room that led into the kitchen with a beautiful island counter, and a full bathroom.

I set Red down and she only looks around the place. I can't tell what's going through her mind, but by the way she was shivering, she was probably freezing cold.

"Go ahead and take a seat, I'll be right back."

She nods her head and heads towards the living room where she sits on the couch. Meanwhile, I went towards my room and pulled out a pair of sweats, an undershirt, and a hoodie. Girls like hoodies...right? I hoped so as I brought them back out to her.

"You're fine with borrowing these until I can take you home tomorrow right?"

Red took one look at the clothes and smirked jokingly at me.

"Oh we're already on the stage where I'm wearing your hoodies? You might as well kiss me and call me baby, why don't you?"

I leaned in towards her to the point where our noses could almost touch. She took a sharp breath as she locked her eyes onto mine and I smiled.

"Someone's eager, does this mean you want to be my girl?"

Red catches me off guard when she tilts her head and starts to close the space between us. She seemed like she was gonna kiss me, so I slowly closed my eyes. Even though I felt her breathing against my lips, nothing was happening after a while. I'd then felt the clothes in my hand being taken, and felt Red getting up from the couch.

I quickly opened my eyes to find her skipping off towards the bathroom with the clothes in her hand, and a dumbfounded look came over my face as she called to me.

"I've said it once before and I'll say it again. Keep dreaming smartass!"

The bathroom door closes behind her and I sit on the couch, blinking for a minute before breaking out into a laugh. This girl was going to be the death of me, literally. I love it.


By the time I heard Red come out of the bathroom, I was working on some hot chocolate. I could tell she was out when I felt a small presence behind me attempting to look over my shoulder, but miserably failing.

"You know you'll never be able to see when you're most likely more than a whole foot shorter than me."

Red huffs in frustration like she always seems to do, but knew I was right.

"Since you want to know so badly, for your information, I'm making hot chocolate."

I turn around towards her with a smile on my face that disappears when I see her. She was wearing my black sweats that had two white lines going down the outside of the legs, and my black hoodie that was big on her, yet I was hardly paying attention to that. Her long orange hair was in another messy bun that she had redone. Her presence was just breathtaking.

"What? What's wrong? I look like a wreck don't I? I knew it.."

She starts to become insecure as she shakes her head, putting her hands in the pockets of the sweats and looks at the floor. I find this to be one of the most adorable moments ever. I reach down and curl a few fingers under her chin, tilting her head upwards and making her look at me.

"You're beyond beautiful Red, and you always will be. If anyone ever tells you different let me know."

A blush is apparent on her cheeks as she breaks out into a never ending smile. The happiness is radiating off of her, and I'm fighting the urge to kiss her. She's like a magnet, and I've never felt so attracted so someone in the short time span of two days. Although I know that me kissing her this early into our friendship might cause her to distance herself, and I don't want to lose my potential future.

So I let her go and tell her the hot chocolate will be ready in a few. In reply she nods and heads out of the kitchen and towards the living room. It took me a couple of minutes, but eventually I'd finished whipping up two cups of hot chocolate with marshmallows and whipped cream. I'd rounded the corner ready to share a moment with Red, talking, laughing and getting to know her, but to my surprise she'd fallen asleep on the couch in the time frame that I'd spent making our drinks. I was slightly disappointed, but I couldn't stay that way for long because watching her curled up into a ball on the couch, asleep in my clothes made my night I can't lie.

Therefore, I put the cups on the counter and walked over to Red, lifting her up and taking her to my room. I wasn't going to do anything with her, but it'd be rude to just leave her on the couch when she deserved to sleep on a bed. I'm a gentleman thank you very much. When I get to my room I set her down on the left side, but when I turn to leave, she had softly grabbed onto my index finger, making me turn to look at her. In her sleep she whispers, "Stay with me", and something in me just can't seem to turn her down.

I end up getting into the bed with her and she wraps her arms around me. Her body was so warm that my heartbeat started to pick up again, especially when she rested her head on me. She seemed comfortable, but I mean so was I. I stared at the ceiling for what felt like forever, until I felt myself sink into a deep sleep.