
Chapter 5

In my usual manner, I arrived home as late as possible.

"Daughter, he's here. Offer him something to eat," my mother instructed.

Upon seeing me, she uttered those words and retreated to her room.

I couldn't help but feel disheartened as my mother turned away, not even glancing at my face.

Once mother left, she emerged from her room and began serving me food, still avoiding eye contact.

"I don't desire anything," I stated, my gaze distant. She looked at me inquisitively.

"I'm asking not because I should know... What are your intentions? My dear child, if your aim is to take my mother and sister-in-law and remain here as my wife, then discard that thought. Because my circumstances are such... But when the opportune moment arrives, you will need to depart from here. Remember, there will never be a place for you in this house."

As soon as I concluded, she hurried into the kitchen, tears streaming down her face.

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"This morning, where are you headed?" my mother inquired as I prepared to leave. Given that it was Saturday, I couldn't mention college.

"Mom, I'm just stepping out..."

"After the wedding, you seem to have little time for home. Is it because you can't stand to see the girl you love? Or is it because it pains you to look at us?"

I simply hung my head, offering no reply.

"Is it your decision to confine that girl to our home like this? Isn't she studying in the same college as you... have you chosen to forbid her education?"

"Mom, I haven't made any decisions about that."

"But I have. Starting tomorrow, she will attend college with you."

"Mom, it's..."

"Don't say anything else. I believe her act of coming down with you shows her youthful naïveté. However, don't let me hear that you've jeopardized her life or her future. So, from tomorrow, she will accompany you to college."

At that time, my mother was going to become a teacher. I couldn't muster any words and simply nodded in agreement.

"You should take her and go to her house," As soon as my mother went inside, sister-in-law rushed over and advised.


"That's fine. She doesn't have to go to college from the next day?"

"In that case, she can go."

"Don't toy with this... Her books and some of her clothes are there. That young girl came here with nothing. You should go and retrieve them."

"I can't. You'll have to go."

"Nanduta, you've endured enough from me. What harm is there in going to her house with this girl?"

"That doesn't seem appropriate, sister-in-law..."

"Why isn't it appropriate?"

Upon hearing my mother's question, I kept silent and pledged to go tomorrow.

Even tonight, she lay on the floor while I occupied the bed. The familiar chorus of weeping filled the room that night.

When I woke up in the morning after a bath, the girl was ironing my shirt. I wondered if this girl had no sense of shame. She didn't meet my gaze as she laid the shirt on the bed and left the room.

It was likely out of fear of hearing harsh words from me.

I swiftly got ready. As the car started and I waited for them, she came and got into the car. She was wearing sister-in-law's churidar. I couldn't tell if it was because she was accompanying me or because she sat in front of me in the car, but there was a nervousness on her face.

"Didn't you come?" I asked my sister-in-law.

"What does it matter to me when you're off on a new venture? Take care and go."

"There's no point in saying anything to this sister-in-law. How many times have I told..."

"Why don't you just go away..."

I drove the car a little faster than usual. She must have sensed my anger in the way I drove, looking scared as she sat in the car.

After we'd gone quite a distance, I suddenly remembered something. I didn't know where her house was.

"Hey, where is your house?" I asked the girl.

She was frightened by the speed of the car, closing her eyes and looking at me with a puzzled expression.

I slowed down the car a bit.

"Tell me, where is your house?"

She slowly opened her mouth and gave directions.

Following her instructions, I stopped in front of the house she pointed out.

It was a small, unfinished house. The yard was the main attraction, adorned with a variety of blooming flowers. Her house was close to the road, but the path leading to the yard wasn't wide enough for a vehicle.

"I'll be right back," she said as she stepped out of the car.

"No, I'll come too." I followed her, driven by curiosity to see her house and its surroundings.

To be continued...