
Chapter 33

"What's up, brother? Didn't she come today?" Hari asked as he saw me arriving at college alone on my bike, unlike usual.

"No... my sister-in-law gave Devu a day off," I replied.

"Your mother and sister-in-law really seem to have understood her..."

It was a joke on Hari's part, but the incident was true. Yesterday, I became convinced that she, too, has a place in that house today.

"Really... I don't know what she got them to do, bro. I don't think they'll agree to leave her even if her father comes."

"So you decided to leave her with her father?"

"And then? Isn't that the best for both of us..."

Hearing Hari's question, I got angry at first, but I answered immediately.

"Oh, I thought..."

"Thought what?"

"When I saw your performance yesterday, I thought you would like her..."

"Love her? What are you talking about? What happened to her yesterday? Was it because she was taken to the hospital? Shouldn't anyone do the same?"

I had the exact answer to his question.

"That's right... when you heard that she was sick yesterday, you ran and took her to the hospital. But what can I say about your performance yesterday, like a husband standing outside waiting for his wife who was put in the labor room? What can I say to that? Anyone who sees that will think the same."

It took me a moment to answer his words. I was confused about what to do.

"What are you saying, I'm in love with her?"

"I won't say that. I just want you not to lose sight of that girl's love. Didn't you say that you should leave her with her father? Are you sure that she will live well even if she goes with him? Do you think she will have a good life as a second daughter? Well, let her go. If her father does not come and accept her? What if he didn't believe anything she said?"

Hari's comment left me with a lot of confusion on levels I had never even thought of before.

"What are you talking about now, Hari? What should I do?"

"I know I'm not the person to comment on your case. But when I heard her story, when I got to know her, I had a feeling in my heart that she belonged to you."

"Hey, I..."

"I just said a wish. I thought that at least that one wish in her life would come true."

That was the first time Hari looked emotional, especially for her, like a beggar in front of me. It was more than I could bear.

"I think she is the girl that God has destined for you... or will this happen? That girl is not a liar as you think; she is the truth. When all the doubts in your mind are over, you will understand that she is a poor girl. Don't let her go."

At the end of the words, Hari walked away, leaving something unsaid, along with my heart.

I had a lot of thoughts about what to do and what not to do, maybe because Hari's words were so touching.

Even when many decisions in my life seemed wrong, Hari has been there for me many times. But I still feel uncertain about whether this decision will be the right one.

Hari left, leaving a lasting impression on my mind. It felt like he was imposing his innermost desires on me. I skipped regular cricket practice, canteen tea, and Miss Stella's class. Devika occupied my thoughts entirely. Since she entered my life, everything revolved around her in my mind. I remembered every detail, and Devika in my memory always wore a sad or scared face. It feels like nothing happened by chance. I wonder if the girl with secrets and love for me is real or just a myth. I don't know. There's a sense of an unrecognizable connection between us. Will it happen? My mind whispered unconsciously.

Doubts still linger in my mind. I'm unsure if what I feel is genuine love or if Hari's words have imposed a sense of love for her on me.

I felt remorseful for feigning ignorance about Devu's love. Besides the enigma that surrounds her, there is no other girl quite like her. She's genuinely good. My initial anger toward her transformed into pity as I recognized her inherent goodness. With each contemplation, Devu's face appeared in my thoughts—always a melancholy countenance, eyes on the verge of overflowing with emotion. Regardless of her attempts to change, that expression remained constant. It saddened me; she seemed to have a perpetual reason for sorrow. I realized I was the cause of her current distress—it was her love for me. Thoughts of Devu started to dominate my mind. With a decision in mind, I entered the class that day.

To be continued...