
Chapter 26

While on our way back home, Kaveri, Priya, and Devu were engaged in conversation. I could hear their playful laughter. Upon entering, they fell silent.

"Dear, do you like everyone?" Raman approached Devu, patting her shoulder as he inquired. She nodded and replied.

"Where did you go?" Kaveri asked.

"We simply went for a walk," Raman replied. Devu and Priya headed inside. Raman, Kaveri, and I continued our conversation, unaware of the passing time. We discussed various aspects of the town, its features, the local scene, weather, industry, and politics.

Just then, my phone rang. Glancing at it, I saw it was my sister-in-law calling. I stepped away from the group to answer, albeit with a hint of reluctance.

"Hello, sister-in-law..."

"Where are you now?"

"We're in Pollachi."

"Where is she?"

"Further ahead."

"Pass her the phone," she asserted.


"I'm not sure if you're done with her..."

"And she's not one to be easily dismissed?"

"Come on, don't jest... After dodging each other like a snake and a mongoose for so many days, you fell in love in just one. I can't take you seriously about going on a honeymoon. I had my doubts when you mentioned it. Don't joke around, just give her the phone."

I felt a profound sense of sadness when my sister-in-law, who had been joking around for so long, made a remark like that. It was a feeling that even she didn't have faith in me. Without uttering a word, I opened the door to the room she was in and entered. Devu, who had been chatting with Priya, noticed me and stood up.

I handed her the phone, mentioning it was my sister-in-law calling. I wasn't sure what they discussed, but even though I was nearby, Devu's responses consisted of only hums and giggles. Afterward, she returned the phone to me.

"Do you believe me now?" I asked my sister-in-law when I got back on the line.

"You're not to be trusted, boy..." she chuckled from the other end.

"Well, if you have doubts, you could always call her directly..."

"That's what I said. You're not the right guy. How am I supposed to call a girl who doesn't have a phone?"

It was then that I learned Devu didn't even own a phone.

"Ah, I just called... I hope you don't mind..." my sister-in-law said when she realized I hadn't responded. Initially, I felt she was inquiring without apologizing for her earlier comments.

"Where are you? Did you get a hotel room there?" came the next question from my sister-in-law.

"No, we're staying at Hari's cousin's house. Tomorrow we plan to visit a few places nearby."

I couldn't believe the lie I had just told.

I ended my call with my sister-in-law and began to leave the room. Devu called out to me from behind.

"What did Raman say? Something about father?" I assumed that's what she was inquiring about.

"Raman suggested that we should search for two more places where father might have gone. We'll look into it and let you know tomorrow."

"Mm... Nandu didn't enjoy coming here?"

"What's the matter? It's alright. These guys are pretty amazing..."

It was then that I noticed Priya, glancing between us, clearly not understanding our conversation.

"Are you all set?"

"Hmm... Poor thing. It's just that her father speaks Malayalam... She doesn't know the language at all. We'll have a good laugh when we hear her trying."

"Do you know Tamil for that?"

"No. I only catch bits of what she says. But some things make sense."

Devu seemed to find solace in having someone to talk to.

"Mm... everyone seems to hold you in high regard..."

"Ah... It's strange... A man I can't even recall meeting before, along with his family, treating me like their own."

It didn't take long for me to realize that Devu was quite taken with this place.

"So, are you planning to just stay here and wait for your father, instead of going home?"

I threw out the question in jest.

"Does Nandu mind me being here? Who does I have there?"

Suddenly, Devu's question caught me off guard.

"I didn't mean it like that. Who does you have here? I can't say anything to her, my God..." I muttered to myself.

"What's wrong, sister?" Priya, noticing Devu's tear-filled eyes, must have sensed something was amiss and stepped in.

"It's nothing. Your sister is like this. No matter what you say, it leads to tears..." I explained to the girl in the limited Tamil I knew. She understood.

"You see... all her glamour fades after crying, doesn't it?" I tried to lighten the mood with a joke.

"Sister is beautiful..." She struggled to hide the smile that crept onto Devu's lips.

"How can she be beautiful if she's always crying? Is this what beauty is?" I asked.

"Making me cry is Nandu's favorite pastime, dear," Devu said, wiping her tears. I was surprised to learn that Priya understood Devu's Malayalam so well.

"No need of Tamil, Nandu... She'll get it if you speak in Malayalam," she added with a smirk.

"It doesn't seem that way. He looks pitiful," Priya supported me.

"It's all just an act..."

"Leave me be, both of you... I didn't say anything, my dears... I'll go." They both burst into laughter. I felt a sense of relief seeing Devu's sadness transform.

To be continued...