
Chapter 12

She remained in the yard until they departed, then quietly entered the house. When I changed my attire and entered the hall, she seemed lost in thought. As I headed to the kitchen for some water from the fridge, she was still seated there.

"What's on your mind?"

Upon hearing my question, she glanced up, her eyes brimming with tears.

"Hey... what's wrong? Why are you crying now?"

She inquired, summoning strength from somewhere.

"Is it not proper to parade me in front of your relatives? Is it because we're all struggling? Or is it that no one in this household cares for me?"

"What brought this on? Did they say something to make you think they dislike you?"

Puzzled, I took a seat across from her.

"Then why didn't they take us along?"

I chuckled at her question.

"Well, haven't you figured it out yet... would anyone be thrilled to visit their mother in the hospital?"

She regarded me as if that were indeed the case.

"What did your sister-in-law mention to you before leaving?"

"She said we should resolve our arguments by the time they return."

"Ah, that's the only thing. They assume we always quarrel just because they're here... or that I always clash with you just to put on a show for them. So, to put an end to our disputes, they've devised this hospital charade."

"And if they're not here, how will we resolve our argument?"

"How can I explain it any better than this?"

Her innocent question elicited a laugh from me.

"What are you saying, Nandu... I'm completely lost."

Suddenly, I heard the doorbell ring. I stood up and opened the door.

"Ton Taton..."

Our friend Malu appeared, striking a pose like Kajal Aggarwal in a toothpaste commercial, waving in front of the door.

"Aren't you going to college today, my boy?" she asked, playfully nudging me inside.

"Where did you come from, you little devil?"

"This morning. Where's my fellow sister and the others?" By then, Devu had emerged from inside.

"They all went to the family home," I informed her.

"Oh... Is that why you two didn't go to college and ended up here? Did my sister-in-law find my visit to be an inconvenience?" She asked, hugging Devu. Devu responded with just a smile.

"Oh... Look Nandu, how beautiful her smile is... It makes me want to see it. When I smile, I should do it like this. Have you ever seen my smile? One lip here, the other there..." Malu demonstrated her smile.

Indeed, Devu's smile was much softer than Malu's.

I thought it was good that Malu came. It would have been uncomfortable for Devu to be alone otherwise. Mother and sister-in-law hold her in high regard here. Everyone appreciates her for stepping into such a situation. However, I'm still unsure how to interact with her. A woman who had been on the fringes of disdain suddenly occupied a place in my thoughts as a kind person. But I didn't know how to convey this or what to discuss.

After exchanging jokes, they went inside. I didn't participate in their conversation, only occasionally peeking in. I was watching an old cricket match replay in the afternoon when Malu called me for lunch. I then joined them. When Malu arrived, the same radiance and energy that she brought could be seen in Devu. However, she also seemed hesitant to speak to me. Malu took Devu back to her house when I left for my usual cricket game in the evening. I returned early after the game.

"My dear Nandu, the wedding is over... at least stop playing cricket with those boys... try to remember that she's here..."

Malu remarked as soon as I walked in, looking at me.

"Could you give him some advice?" She turned to Devu, who was with her. A smile was her response.

"Well, both roles are equal... a wife for a husband... I'll take my leave then..."

"Where will you go? You can stay here tonight."

"Then what should I do with you lovebirds? I'll go to my family..."

With that, Malu departed for her home.

To be continued...