
Deus: We are all Lords

My name is Kingsley Seth and I, along with all 7 billion+ people on Earth got transferred into a planet said to be 50,000x bigger than the Earth. Having no choice but to listen to a system whose only defining feature was it's absolute fair judgement. This is a story of how we try to overcome the dangers of this new world. Not just physically but also mentally... well, this is a story of how they survive. I live in a massive castle and it is served by beautiful maids and incredibly powerful guards. I hope they survive

king_frosh · Fantaisie
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Recovering from his headache and reading the new announcement, Kingsley couldn't even react, since he felt as though he should have expected it. Shifting his attention away from the vexing system, or whatever it was called, Kingsley focused on the information that had been transferred into his mind.

It contained a kind of weird instinctual knowledge that made him know the exact limits of his realm. He didn't understand it, but it was what he felt at the moment; he somehow knew where his territory ended and where its exact center was. Hint: The broken-down castle wasn't the center of the territory.

"Damn, that's big!" Kingsley thought of the territory assigned to him.

He assumed that this was the standard size that was given to everyone, considering that the system, though hated, was fair in its doings. It removed all its functions because he had an OP ability, thus putting him on some form of equal footing with the other lords. It also granted the elderly and the young more time to learn or find safety before they get rescued by those who have established a stronghold in this place.

The territory in question was huge, and the closest thing he could think of that could match it in size was two football fields, but even then he didn't know the exact measurements for a football field.

"At least I have a lot of space to move around in," Kingsley said, giving himself hope.

With all that over, Kingsley turned back to the broken-down castle behind him and walked back to the throne to organize himself and plan his next course of action; after all, he had family members to save and he had only two (2) weeks to find them.

"How do I even use this?" Kingsley thought to himself while sitting on his highly uncomfortable throne.

Looking at the shrubs around him, he stretched out his hand, and a wide grin appeared on his face. He never imagined that one day he would be doing the same things he had once thought were weird with all seriousness. Stretching his hands like this brought back incredibly embarrassing memories of when he was younger, running down the school hall, Naruto style.

Screaming as though you were about to turn super Saiyan before a play fight with a friend Trying to use Chi, Chakra, or Ki despite knowing it wouldn't work

"Ahh, those were the da... eh! it's growing!!" Kingsley shouted in surprise when he finally noticed the shrubs, which had all grown to be nearly as tall as him.

"Is this my ability?" He questioned himself, as his original purpose for trying this was to see how his ability worked, but it seems his ability is even better than he thought.

"No wait, come to think of it, no ability is this good; where is the law of equivalent exchange? Does it take my life force or something?" Kingsley asked himself after all he had watched and read too many books to know that something was definitely up.


Warning!!   Warning!!!

Lord Kingsley is an exception to the grace period. Please prepare for battle, as the natives of the planet [Deus] have access to your territory. 

Good luck!


"Huh?" Kingsley asked in complete shock.

"Why?..... No wait, fuck you!!! "You ******* ****....." Kingsley instantly flew into a rage as he let loose all the filth in his mind.


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