
Detective's life-long dream

----------------------------------------------- "My name is Ravena Oakenwood, the new detective in the investigation team." I'm Ravena, my friend usually calls me Raven. I'm from Jamaica, and now I'm almost 23 years old. To my surprise, I'm now promoted to be a new-officially detective!! To be a detective, is my dream since I'm in elementary school. I was so interested in this occupation. And now I'm so proud of myself. But in the other hand, I feel so nervous standing in front of A-class detectives, I have to do this, it's my dream! ...Now I just realized that being a detective is not that easy, it's so damn complicated. Do I really wanna done this thing? or it's just a crazy dream of me? -----------------------------------------------

amarestxdere · Sports, voyage et activités
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9 Chs


An hours passed by but she is still in the bed, sleeping peacefully while we investigate the strange man that sudden approached at the greetings.

"Brian? How's about Raven?"

I been snapped out of my thought when Catherine's sudden approach almost made me jump. I shot her a side way glance nodded her to sit down and she did what I told her.

"Is she wake up yet?"

"Nope, she's dreamily slumbering "

She said chilly as she take a sip from her coffee mug. We've been sitting in the room waiting for Ravena to wake up so we can return to the PS, but an hour passed by and she didn't even flinch when we go check on her.

"I think if we don't leave soon, captain will make us into trouble though "

We chuckled while take a sip in our own mug, now that the case has been settled, there's no need to worry anymore… RELIEVED