
A Fammilar Place

After arriving to the castle as a 'new-born' noble Morrigan saw a lot of movement there. Nearly all the guards rushed to their designated stations. But some of them just sit and didn't even make a single movement. Fear paralyzed them, however there were also those who were eager and they started to sharpen their weapons, polish their leather armour and sign songs about victory. The armour they wore was just a cheap makeshift armour but the man treasured it. It was the most expensive thing they ever had.

Entering the castle wasn't difficult. Most people were busy and those who were left didn't dare to ask questions when they saw the golden wristband and noble clothes. Those who saw her yesterday had an even bigger surprise on their face but they too didn't ask any questions. Some of them even kneeled down and asked for forgiveness. Such a scene was strange for Morrigan.

When she arrived in the throne room, nobody paid attention to her. The room was almost full of guards, servants and even commoners. Sharp contrast to yesterday. She then cut her way through the crowd and arrived in front of the throne. There she saw two people talking to Machiavelli. On his right there was the grey haired man with wrinkles on his face, Octavio from yesterday. On his left in guard's uniform a young man with a proud and strong posture.

"My lord you should leave while you can! There is no way we can defeat..."

"Don't speak nonsense Boemund..." Machiavelli gave a meaningful look." Talk about what we know about the incoming army. Who is leading it? Why is he launching an attack right now?"

"We are unsure... the two 'actual' spies shared us only that they were told to spear rumours about the incoming attack, so we will lose heart before the advancing army arrives. That is all we know.

Shall we execute them now or make them examples to deter any form of disloyalty?"

"Why does everyone want to... Of course not! We realise them, and let them take some of their belongings." Boemund became startled." Then we will follow them. They will most clearly go where the invading army is planning to set up a camp. They will want to take their rewards for spying on me after all. Depending on how much food they will take with them, we can guess how much time we have left. There is also the slim possibility that other spies will also leave the city. They won't just sit idly by fearing that those two might take their share."

Boemund was speechless. "Bu-But what if they won't stop there..."

Machiavelli gave a look that would make any man tremble." Being there will prove that they are the hired spies, not just someone who claims to be them, and anyone else would just run away from an invading army. They also have nowhere else to go, so it's their best bet to stay there, let the army take the town and then, return for anything they didn't take with them. "He raised his left arm" Also don't kill them, but make sure you keep them as far away from the town as possible. "He leaned back in his throne and put his arms in a cross."

"Any further uncertainties?"

"None...I-I will go and set up a group consisting of hunters...My lord." He lowered his head then hastily made it out of the room with a regretful expression on his face.

"Octavius! Bring me 'The Prince' from the archives. "Then Machiavelli leaned closer and said quietly

"You will be responsible for the distribution of the cure." He then quickly glanced at Morrigan" I will provide all necessary 'materials' for you. I am sure you will succeed this time."

Octavio turned towards Morrigan and smiled, then kneeled down in front of Machiavelli. "I am grateful for your help my lord. I am sure I won't disappoint you this time." He then stood up and went to Morrigan "We have never met, have we?" He said with a grin on his face." I believe you are the 'widow' everyone is talking about. My name is Octavio. I appreciate any assistance you provide, 'whatever' that may be. I also heard that you are interested in the art of alchemy and in the many mysteries of the formulas. I can give you access to my laboratory anytime you wish." He then gave his right hand. This was how other alchemists welcomed each other even if one was a noble and another was a commoner.

Morrigan quickly grabbed his hand and shake it with her eyes full of excitement.

"I gladly accept your offer."

He then picked out a key from his pocket. "We should go to the archives first if you don't mind, then we can start working on the cure. "He said and went out of the hall. Morrigan could barely catch up to the old man. Despite his age he had agile steps and even the passing guards looked like snails compared to him. "The disease has already affected more than 300 people. More than a quarter of the population is sick. I did my best in formulating a cure but I failed. I only managed to decrease the Mortality rate. It's a miracle that we have you here."

They walked for a while then she spotted two heavily armoured knights guarding a door.

"What are you doing here?"

He held and showed them the key.


"There is no such thing."

"Wrong answer" the guards then grabbed him and put their swords near Ocatavio's neck, but Octavio showed no resistance at all, his facial expression remained completely the same, like he was used to it. Morrigan however grasped and covered her face with her hands.

"Fear not it's the actual password, they just have to make sure I am not some sort of witch."

Then the two guards looked at each other, nodded and put away their swords. The one on the left then said:

"You can pass, but what about the lady?"

"She can come with me; we are going to deliver what the lord requested."

He then stepped in opening the door and leaving it open." You should help me finding it. My eyes are not what they used to be."

Morrigan then went in. When she entered she saw an enormous amount of documents piling on each other. She also realised that there was a gigantic hole on the roof. This made some of the documents fly around.

"I am not sure why was that really necessary...What's in here?"

"These are all the documents Lord Machiavelli ever wrote. Every document, charter, diploma, forgery, military plan, he ever made. You can clearly see how he developed his 'talent' of falsification if you are really interested...however you should help me find the book as soon as possible."

They then split up and started their search in the sea of documents.

Morrigan was overtaken by curiosity "How did you end up here? I recognized you but I would never have realised that you are from King's City's Workshop. "She said while checking the documents

"No wonder to be honest. I wasn't an apprentice for 20 years. I am actually the one that made the snow powder formula for the first time. I quickly rose to fame after that and kept my distance from the Workshop.

"No way... that is the most well-known and famous formula of all!" Morrigan became exited" I-I am so sorry not recognizing you from your name alone...How could you end up here? How can this be? You made one of the most renowned achievements in alchemy yet, you are here?"

"I am not proud about what my invention became..."he let out a heavy sigh"

Originally I wanted everyone to see the wonders of alchemy the marvels that it can do. "He then turned towards Morrigan" You know there was something truly magnificent about exploring then sharing it to the world. On the night I showcased my invention. There were no stars on the night sky.

It was a completely dark not even the moon came out. However I thought it is the perfect time for my invention. When I lit up the snow powder rocket everyone became quiet. "he lowered his voice continually" Then it went up and... Suddenly a big BOOM made everyone in the crowd pic up his head and what did they saw? An orange light filling the dark and empty sky...Then I did It again and again with different colours and when I ran out of snow powder everyone still wanted to see more! No one saw such delightful scene so far, and my invention became a wonder in just one night! Fame and fortune soon followed but I would never had guessed, that misfortune will also come for me...

About a year ago I learned that my delightful snow powder is just a modification of the deadly gunpowder...The same powder that can kill instantly...I wanted to ignore the possibility for a long time, but then it hit me...It's the almost the same...I am a butcher, I made a weapon that can kill without mercy and there is no defence against it..."

"In King's City's I met Lord Machiavelli who was pleading for the lives of his sisters but he had no other means to pay for the cure and he was not alone. I wanted to do something right at least...So I helped him however I could, and I am doing it ever since then."

He then grinned and looked at the document now in front of him. "You are really a lucky person." He then picked up all the documents from that pile and on those documents there was the title of:

'Machiavelli: The Prince'

"Quickly we should hurry" They arrived in the Throne room not long after, but no sound was coming from the room. Another messenger came.

"Lord Machiavelli, Roland Wimbledon... Roland Wimbledon confiscated all the land around Redwater City! All those nobles who resisted were...Massacred on the banquet which was held for his honour! Only one mayor family was spared. It is said that only a couple of women managed to kill every single attendant and armoured knight gathered on the banquet...Nearly 60 people died on that evening..."

Machiavelli stood up and stared blankly with wide open eyes then said "We also received an invitation to that banquette... does that mean that me, Margherita and Spring would also lie on that floor...and that we would make the sixty, into sixty-three...?"

"Another army will soon reach Valencia. Valencia is just east of us only a week on horseback from here. He will do the same! He will claim Lakefall soon and..." Boemund said with disbelief on his face. "My lord you have to leave..." He looked at Machiavelli who was like he wasn't really there, his face was paler than a minute ago, then he fallen back in his throne. "I-I will lead the defence! IF we will be true and steadfast victory can be ours!" Boemund then raised his sword and wanted to start a speech about valour and courage but Machiavelli imminently stood up and grabbed his shoulder.

"Don't do that... You can do everything just not that..."Cough" "Cough" He pulled himself together.

"This changes nothing about our current situation the army is coming and we have to prepare for it. Actually it makes our defence stronger, than ever before... We know now that the Noble family who is attacking us is must be the Medici! They gathered all of their strength to crush Lakefall before Roland Wimbledon removes them from power. They were also the ones that refused the invitation along with the Machiavelli so their identity is now certain. Although they have twice as many solders than the population of Lakefall you have nothing to fear as long as you follow precisely my instructions. Boemund!

"Yes My lord!" He kneeled down, right in that moment.

"You will make sure that not one person leaves the town! Use all of the army if necessary. No man in or out from this day on! Also you must also make sure that NOT A SINGLE carrier pigeon escapes! Do you understand?"

"Yes My lord!" he waited for further instructions

"Octavio! The cure will have to wait a little longer. I have to give the most important task to you! "He then picked up a paper where five names were lined up." You have to find these people and promise them the world if you have to. Tell them that they will get extra depending on how fast they arrive! And make sure that they get their hands on the documents as soon as they can."

"Yes my lord." Octavio lowered his head.

"Everyone else tell all the craftsmen I have a special opportunity for them that they will never want to miss. I am willing to pay twice as much for everything I ask for, if I get my hands on what I ask earlier. I will pay three times as much! We have roughly three days to prepare so move people!" He clapped his hands then everyone began to hastily go on its way.

"My Lord but who are these people? Are they allies? And what do you plan?" Boemund wanted to ask these questions as fast as he could.

"Well let's just say. They are both Kings and Dukes. Queens and duchesses but above all, fools...and about my plan well let's just say It involves Roland Wimbledon the Fourth Prince Himself."

This is a far bigger chapter but I don't want to do 'filler' chapters with no development in terms of story. So you just have to bear with me. After the 11. chapter things will become normal. I can update twice if I am lucky.

Thank you and have fun reading.

InconvinientAllycreators' thoughts