
Escape Chapter 8 Desperate Situation

"Switch to the conventional engine side, go 30 degrees to the left and pass between the two enemy troops in the front, act immediately" Huo Xin's order remained firm

"Understood," the first to respond was Faye.

"30 degrees to the left, got it," replied Sun Ming.

"Sun, you seem to have estimated the detection range of the invasion fleet, right, how long do you think it will take for them to find us" Huo Xin's words interrupted Sun Ming's meditation.

"Half an hour at most."

"Then please calculate according to half an hour after the enemy finds us and starts to encircle our troops, find a suitable Zeus point, launch a strategic nuclear missile, and let it explode at a fixed Zeus point."

"Without relying on radar, the chances of an invading fleet stumbling upon a nuclear bomb outside of our detection capabilities is simply impossible" Sun Ming said.

"We are doing an impossible thing, so let's leave fate to the gods of luck. There's nothing we can do about it," Huo Xin replied, "All we can do is hold on for even one more second, as long as we're still alive, things could turn around at any time. We don't need to keep anything for the future either, because we only need to live through the present, so it's useless to keep those nukes, so let them out first."

"Understood, I will try to find a most suitable Zeus point," Sun Ming replied, a trace of relief in his eyes, so Huo Xin you also hold such a thought, we are all mortal

Without any worries, the "divine punishment" issued two strikes with all its might, sending the "Gods" at full speed with a shock!

The lucky gods did not abandon the Earth believers, the nuclear blast shockwave really happened in the route of the invasion fleet, and the timing was just right, although not a frontal hit, but also forced the invasion force slowed down, a moment of opportunity, the "Ark" fleet like a cunning fish, in the moment of the net jumped out.

"One of the pursuing invasion forces jumped into space and will probably appear in front of us", Sun Ming's eyes were fixed on the space monitor.

"Turn 60 degrees to port, level one speed" Huo Xin ordered, one monitoring and calculating the movement of the invasion fleet, the other deducing the situation of the enemy encirclement, with keen judgment and a bit of luck, the Ark fleet under their command, actually slipped out from under the invasion force's encirclement. The Ark fleet was not only at an absolute disadvantage in terms of numbers, but also inferior to the invasion ships in terms of sailing speed, the only advantage was that it was much easier to command, and, as long as there was a little gap, it would be difficult to trap the invasion forces' encirclement.

"Your Excellency, don't you think the situation is a bit strange" Sun Ming said, "the invasion fleet seems to be in no hurry to trap us, for the last two hours no troops have jumped ahead of us, instead, the other directions are blocked, as if they are escorting us in this direction "

"I also found, I do not know why" Huo Xin replied, "could it be that they are not afraid of us escaping from this direction, before frankly allowing us to continue on, the end of this route will be a dead end. But, in the vast universe, dead end dead end," Huo Xin whispered.

"Ah," two people almost at the same time woke up.

"You quickly check the star map, we used to observe anything in this star field," Huo Xin asked.

"No need to check," Sun Ming pointed to another detector, "a huge source of gravity, this gravitational field in the universe represents only one thing, light is impossible to escape the grave, black holes," Sun Ming's tone reveals a rare relief, the hard work of escape is finally over the

Almost at the same time, the news of the "Ark" fleet of warriors are a long breath of relief, it seems that the long hard and tense escape, has replaced everyone's fear of death, a sense of relief completely flooded the entire fleet.

Looking at the approaching black hole, looking at the radar of the collection of light, Huo Xin heard the legendary voice in his ears again "you will say goodbye to all your relatives and loved ones, leaving the solar system, to venture into the universe, to face the Atlantean Empire's pursuit, to bear the responsibility of continuing civilization, to experience the struggle and even to die in despair, compared to perhaps stay It is easier to accept the destruction on Earth."

The people who are alive cannot escape the fate of destruction in the end, nor can they exist forever, that is, the Atlantean Empire, that is, the universe, there will be a day of extinction. In contrast, the meaning of the existence of things may only lie in the ability to transcend themselves.

Black hole, black hole, what is behind the black hole? What exactly becomes of those stars after they die, the only graveyard in the universe is so mysterious and terrifying that it exudes a kind of temptation. We can also experience such an experience one last time, like the light destroyed in this dark grave. Huo Xin is still trapped in infinite thoughts, perhaps, behind that cemetery hides a more wonderful sight. "Rosen Bridge" space channel, two words popped up from the mind, like a shot of stimulant hit Huo Xin's body, the silent fighting spirit suddenly active, as if from the corners of the body of reason have come out, chasing away those unnecessary emotions

Huo Xin just in time to stop the "Guardian" is ready to turn the rudder, "Faye do not turn back, we go to the black hole"

"What" Faye astonished, but the next second to understand the intention of this order, "No, I do not want to take everything to bet that does not exist in the space channel. I want to fight and die like a soldier, even if one more Atlantean warship is sunk, I do not want that kind of unnecessary sacrifice"