
Destroyer in Danmachi

You take a normal harmonal teen and you take a truck-kun, baaam!!.... You wait for few second, you freak out and then..... Isekaaaaaiiiiiii. Come on you know the drill. In short the MC is OP and an asshole. Might not be your cup of tea since he is not going to go around doing the right thing, No tragic backstory, no suffering childhood, no bullying in previous life, just your regular assholes. Being an assholes doesn't mean the same as being evil, kinda like bete loga. But not a tsundere.

Overlordfanboy · Anime et bandes dessinées
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29 Chs


"a little help here" the tied up God asked

Seeing the familia, goddess and high level adventurers, the soldiers stopped in there tracks.

The god who wasn't tied up stepped forward. And looked at Artemis,

"get out of our way" he said

"what are you doing with that god?" Artemis asked

"none of your business" god said.

"holding hostage" the tied up God said.

Artemis didn't recognize both the god, then again there were so many gods in tenkai, not everyone remembers everyone.

"what do you want?" the god asked, his soliders already told him that the people around the goddess were high level adventurers.

"we are here because we received reports of the country forcefully enslaving people and children." Artemis said as the god scoffed.

"so what?" God scoffed. He wasn't even trying to deny it.

But then suddenly they heard sounds of chains, they all looked at the entrance, they saw golden chains emerging and mapping the place. They all were alerted.

Suddenly a child with white hair came out but they all gasped when they saw that the place were the eyes should be, there was only a bloody mess and empty sockets,

"holy shit, and here I thought them tieing me up was bad" shiva exclaimed.

"don't be too surprised world always find new ways to fuck you over whenever you feel invincible" the boy said with a chuckle.

He stepped forward and people saw golden portals behind him where the chains were emerging from, but on one of the chains was the king hanging unconscious.

Seeing there king in that condition, the god ordered few of the soldiers to attack him, but as soon the soliders reached near him they were hit by hit by multiple chains shredding them to pieces,

Artemis familia watched as the bloodied mess of the soliders fell on the ground, Artemis stepped forward much to the dismissal of her familia members.

"did you kill all of them" Artemis asked the boy. The boy didn't look older than 10, fighting even with that gruesome injury, and the way he replied to the god, no hesitation in killing, he was anything but a child.

"what if I did" lio faced the new arrival, voice tells him she is a girl, the aura from where the voice came it was a deity. A goddess.

"we will stop you before anyone else is hurt" the goddess proclaimed, stop me, those sorry excuse of adventurers will?. telling the levels without rinnegan is hard but there aura was lower than me. Then again these sorry excuses were the ones who got me.

"whatever, Lord shiva a little help here" I asked my god

"release the king and we will release the god brat" God said.

a single chain flew past everyone at Mach speed and wrapped around shiva and pulled him towards me and dropped shiva beside me. Members of Artemis familia gulped, they couldn't even react to the speed at which the chains flew past them, how the heck are they going to fight this monster?.

"you were saying?" I couldn't see but I am willing to bet he was fuming, now that I have got shiva I don't need that piece of junk. Hence I threw the king towards the god. Who caught him and ran away along with the soldiers, I will deal with them later, there is still that carriage driver too. But first sort this mess.

I used [gates of babylon] to drop a few weapons around shiva who used them to cut open his ropes,

"come out, all of you" the boy suddenly said, then slowly people from the ruined castle came out, they were people who did not had a falna or the ones who quietly watched as I massacre everyone that attacked me.

"you want to save people so badly, help them then" I looked at shiva, he nodded and after dumping the aftermath of my actions on someone else we went inside one of the houses,

Shiva told me that the goddess was Artemis, huh? Artemis?. She was only shown in a movie, that I am willing to bet, was something that came purely out of the author's mind. Arcanum was OP incarnated, the stuff I can do with the system doesn't even qualify as arcanum level shit.

Shiva could still see the system so he helped me cast the healing spell [angel's blood] as my eyes returned as I then started going through all the stuff I missed while I was blind.

[you have killed a person for the first time unlocking the class feature]

[Class will give a boost to stat according to the chosen class]

[ please chose a class:

Magus (+500 Stat increase in mag)

Paladin (+500 Stat increase in str)

Assassin (+500 Stat increase in agi)

Crusader (+500 Stat increase in end)

Berserker (+500 Stat increase in vit) ]

Huh? This is new.

I will take magus thank you very much. I need as much mana as I can get. I asked shiva to level me up to level 7. And then this.

[your condition has been restored]

[due to severe damage to your eyes rinnegan(Amenotejikara) has been destroyed]

[due to severe damage to your eyes EMS(kamui) has been destroyed]

[due to severe damage to your eyes rinnegan(limbo) has been destroyed]

[due to severe damage to your eyes EMS(Tsukuyomi) has been destroyed]

That's it. 1,400,000 worth of SP down the drain, by mob characters no less. I had over 80,000,000 SP right now but it still hurts.

Shit like this wasn't even mentioned in the light novels.

This was a real world, not an anime world, this was the new reality and human were the same too, they can fall way down to get what they want. Now I wanted nothing more than to just level this place.

Artemis told us that a bunch gods do not like slavery but could not do anything due to the considerable military might of the three countries of kaios desert, but after the black dragon burned one of the countries, shalzard, and damaged other reducing there strength to half of what it used to be. As well as the population culled by the black dragon making it easier for them to manage the people, even the demeter familia is helping them by providing them food for cheap prices.

After a few hours we heard a loud "honk" sound, my first thoughts were 'a ship'. We looked at the edge of the city, there were three ships moving on the sands, they were desert ships, a magic device made by casters in altena. Seeing our confused faces Artemis said

"those are our reinforcements if the talk with warusu goes south but now it seems pointless"

They started loading the peoples of the warusa in the ships, even loiad city is in this entire revolt, because the goddess of altena were the major trade of loiad happens, Athena does not like slavery. Apparently they have given loiad city-state a ultimatum that if they didn't abolish slavery they will stop trade with them. And even three more familias were headed towards israfan. if I am correct, freya found syr there, it might change things or maybe she had already bought all the slaves. Maybe she is also involved in this.

After gathering everyone we could find we started boarding the ships, everyone were looked after but suddenly we heard commotion from the far side of the city,

The King had gathered his army and was marching towards us, the hole in his shoulders was healed maybe they have a high level healer, it was a solid army of over 3 thousand soldiers, this scared everyone as they started hurrying and boarding the ship but here I was grinning ear to ear. I opened the shop and started buying my previous skills and one new skill.

and instead of boarding the ship started walking towards the incoming army,

Shiva suddenly stopped me by holding my shoulder, "what are you going to do"

I grinned and said "trust me you are going to love this"

"you are going to use that blue monster thingy?"

"nah, that will end them instantly. No, something better"

After convincing Artemis to leave us and using [Amenotejikara] to snatch up their deity, we walked towards the army, I looked at the ships getting further and army getting closer, currently they were crossing the inner section of the city, perfect right in place

"so, what now?" shiva asked

"just watch" I said as I opened the system,

First hand sign, Blue coloured mana started gathering around me,

Second hand sign, the blue coloured mana collected together to create Susanoo but without his weapons,

Third hand sigh, Susanoo also made two other hand signs,

Show time, as I clapped my hands.

[Tengai Shinsei]


Artemis pov

This was the worst outcome that Artemis wanted to avoid, she looked at approaching army.

the king already gathered his army, fighting them will only result in lots of causality, but with the ships we can easily outpace them.

While everyone was in a panic and hurry, fearfully looking at the approaching army which was out for blood, the strange boy on the other hand was grinning ear to ear, and for some reason he looked more scary than the approaching army, he then started talking with his god. What are they doing we have to leave.

"what are you doing you two doing, we have to go" I shouted, everyone else had boarded the ship except for those two. The boy then suddenly covered his healed eyes, maybe they had an elixir that they used, and said.

"leave now, we will catch up"

"what are you talking about" I shouted, is he seriously thinking about taking on an entire army?. He was strong but he will be overwhelmed.

"listen boy, we know you are strong but with that many soliders, you will be overwhelmed." the captain of Artemis familia said.

"don't worry, and take him too" take who?

He boy picked up a piece of clothing from the ground, and suddenly clothing disappeared replaced by the god that was in warusa,

What? How did he... Everyone was thinking the same thing as the boy threw the god on the deck, and he and his god started walking towards the army.

Ahhh!! Whatever, if he is that confident then so be it, the other people needs to be sent to safety,

I ordered the ship to depart, I saw the duo getting further and further. What was the boy planning as

suddenly the boy was covered by a blue flame like structure, it looked like a huge monster.

Suddenly a shadow was casted over the entire region

everyone looked up at the sudden appearance of clouds.

That is not clouds.

People started falling on there butts shaking,

Ship was steering as fast as it could people shouting to steer it faster, we could see that the army had already dropped on there knees looking up, waiting for there end,

How is a mortal capable of doing something like that? It wasn't quite arcanum but it was still way beyond any mortal in gekai was ever capable of.


The god and child duo looked at the sky, as a meteorite the size of orario came hurling down at the city.

"please tell me you can do that multiple times" shiva said.

"yup" I replied.

"fuck yah" shiva said, this amount destruction was extremely pleasing.

They looked at the army which was looking up along with there king, they dropped there weapons that carriage driver was amongst there soldiers as well, oh man the look at their faces, this is called karma bit&#.

"so what now?" shiva asked

"huh?" I looked at him, what did he mean?.

He looked at me pointed up at the incoming meteorite and then pointed at the place where we were standing,

"we are beneath it too" he said.

I looked up and then at my feet,

"fuck I forgot about that part"

"you idiot" he said as he started running away.

He is too slow so I picked him up like a sack of potatoes and dashed towards the departing ships,

"I take back what I said. wait for us. Please." I shouted at the top of my lungs while shiva was fluttering like a flag, he might have some problems tomorrow morning.

They were a little far for me to use [Amenotejikara], I can replace anything in my line of which greatly enhanced by rinnegan but if I use it now I will not replace those boxes on the deck but the entire ship, so put I put all my strength in my legs are ran as fast as I could. Just a little more, the meteorite had already collided with the castle,

The moment I was in range I used [Amenotejikara] and replaced a box lying on the deck.

The box disappeared and we appeared spooking the crap out of the people, shiva stood up and walked to the edge of ship and vomited the contents of his stomach.

I was lying on the floor panting, fuck that was too close for comfort,

A loud "kaboom" sound was heard as the meteorite collided with the ground obliterating everything near it while it broke in pieces.

Someone walked up to me and asked how we escaped as I replied "I am fast as fuck Boi", he was visibly confused, damn you cultural difference.

This is NOT a nerf, I repeat this is NOT a nerf.

MC bought all of his skills back again.

These last two chapters were for

1. This is reality not some harem anime he is watching

2. He is not invincible, he can be caught off guard just as easily,

3. He was getting over confident and slaking off, ignoring other stuff, and only buying naruto skills because he is a naruto fan(like me) but now he will be buying more skills and training with them

Overlordfanboycreators' thoughts