
Destiny: The Legendary Hunter

## DESTINY THE GAME, FANFIC## A dedicated Destiny player finishes the new Witch Queen dlc as a warlock. Ultimately he decides to make a new character, but play as a hunter this time.. Little does he know, he's pulled through the screen as he does. Now an NPC in the destiny world, he must survive the years until the game starts and the players come rushing in. How will he begin his journey, and what will become of him? # MC will be an npc within the destiny world, transmigrated a few years before the start of the year 1 game. (Before the game officially releases with new changes).# #Inspired by The Legendary Mechanic, Novel's Extra and Author's Pov.# Disclaimer: I do not own the front cover image, nor do I own any fraction of Destiny's characters or story lines, they all belong to Bungie.

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Crucible Chronicles (1)

A/N: We've passed the first minor arc being Shin Malphur. If I had to briefly explain the plotline, there's only about three minor arcs left before we finally reach the great disaster (major plot). Crucible chronicles is one of the minor arcs. If you're interested in the plotline, try rereading the auxiliary chapters I've uploaded.

I am also aware, that certain events are not exactly streamlined with cannon (I won't go into detail, if you know, then you know) but I will straight up chalk those up to my decisions. It won't affect us anyway.


[One Day Later, The Last City]

The Bazaar beamed with life, as the constant influx of travelers continued. Most, just guardians looking to spend some good coin, as they restocked their vaults. Hundreds of civilians put out their stalls to peddle their goods as they shouted and ushered any willing to spend glimmer.

A minute wouldn't go by without voices raising through the roof as inexplicable fights broke out. Naturally, cut-throat bargaining was a serious matter here.

However, near the yellow vending machines, at a small ramen bar, a sole hunter seemed to sulk as he dozed off on the table.

"Aym, get me another bowl please" Void groaned, resting his head on his hand as he motioned for the droid to come.

The quirky oblong droid jumped up on the table as it rolled over to Void, and began rebelliously ramming it's wheel into the hunter's arm, trying to knock his head over in protest.

"Hhm?" Void opened his eyes slightly as he stared at Aym, the robot insurgently glared back, it's bionic eyes showing red flares of anger.

Void sighed helplessly as he stroked the robot's head, soothing the droidling

"Alright alright, it's my last one." he replied

Aym tilted it's round head as if to say, "Yeah that's bullshit."

Void frowned, "You know, you should really trust me more. I thought we were friends", he complained.

Aym seemed to have taken offense to the last line as the pudgy robot backed up and immediately rammed into Void with the meager speed it could muster, the hunter found it hilarious as Aym bounced back from the hit.

Aym frowned seeing Void laugh, the robot wasn't advanced AI, but it sure as hell could identify when Void was being an asshole.

Annoyed and frustrated Aym decided to ignore Void as the rotund robot defiantly looked away, swearing that he would never face his friend again until the seven seas shriveled up and the mountains laid flat.

Void could hear several resolved *beeps* of various pitches as Aym faced away from him. Void chuckled, and then raised his brows.

"Are you angry Aym?" He questioned.

Aym shivered, hearing it's name, the robot barely stopped itself from turning around. As if to pout, it's body spun around, doing donuts on the table as Void clapped in astonishment.

"Hoo! Let's go Aym, show them how it's done. Spin to win." Void shouted as Aym got distracted and started following Void's words. The droid rapidly circled the table earning a round of applause from the hunter as it deftly flipped in the air and landed in front of him.

Aym nudged forward, as if to bow as Void spoke out, "Wonderful, just wonderful. You must be the fastest droid I know. The Vex could never compare to you. You'd scare them all away."

Flattered by the praise, the droid restlessly spun around as it felt excited, but all of a sudden it recalled what Void did a few minutes ago and immediately snapped out of it's trance. Stopping midway to glare at Void as it finally scurried back to the cashier station.

Void smirked, as he stood up and walked to the checkout, pulling out his scanner.

"Fine, fine, you win." He consoled the droid and put his scanner near the counter to complete the transaction.

Seeing as his buddy had finally stopped sulking, Aym whirred Victoriously as it accepted the payment. Tapping Void's arm to let him know that he was always there for him.

"Yeah I know buddy, I will be there for you too." Void scratched the droids head.

Maurice who had been observing this whole time, flashed a relieved smile.

"I see you're all cheered up?" He asked.

"Yeah, I just completed a big mission, but the payout was just not what I expected." Void replied, rubbing Aym's head.

"Thanks for letting me crash Maurice, I will give you a heads up next time." He waved good bye to the shop and triggered his transmat to the Jumpship.

"Obsidian, set course for Skywatch. It's time to go home." Void stated, deciding to doze off some more,

"Setting course for Skywatch, estimated arrival in 4 hrs 32 mins 23 seconds." Obsidian replied, calculating the route rapidly.

As the Jumpship warped through the horizon, Void stared at his system window one last time before closing his eyes.


{ Legendary Guardian System}

++++ Store Unlock++++

-System will undergo an upgrade, time remaining till next system patch: 6 Days, 0 Hours, 0 Minutes 0 Seconds.

- Rewards for the previous mission will be given once the upgrade is complete!

Remarks: (owO)...(Owo)..... (o<o)..... 0 0 0 (Please Wait Patiently) 0 0 0


"What kind of a trash system needs a week to upgrade" Void muttered under his breath as he decided to sleep it off.

The Jumpship shook as it tore through the horizon, shooting towards the cosmodrome.


[Lunar Base, Skywatch]

The sun kissed the sea as it drowned, dyeing the horizon red, akin to an oil painted rose. The stars glimmered, ushering in the beautiful night sky.

Atop the high-rise satellite tower, Void peered above, admiring the shimmering stars a look of wonder struck his face as he whistled. He hung upside down as his legs wrapped around a steel beam, anchoring him to the tower.

"Can't believe I missed this view" Void reminisced about a few weeks ago when he trained day and night with the squad, where he still felt that he could change the world.

But now? Perhaps that confidence was not so concrete. His gaze shifted away from the Sky as he looked towards the lofty mountains surrounding the last city. Atop which hung the great machine.

Void's eyes flashed with self ridicule as he gazed at the traveler, ever graceful as it solemnly hung in the sky.

"You're enjoying this aren't you?" He spoke.

The resounding silence disappointed Void as he looked away.

"Who am I kidding, you can't even speak. I don't know if you gave me this system, but fix this shit." He lamented into the lonesome dessert.

Void hung around for another hour as he felt a familiar aura approaching.

"Still sulking?" A voice from above beckoned.

Startled by the question Void glanced up, "God?" He asked.

"It's captain, you idiot." Tevis kicked the hunter in the side as Void struggled to not fall off.

Void shook his head as he looked again, as he spotted Tevis standing atop the towers peak. Solemnly peering down at Skywatch.

"That's DANGEROUS! What were you thinking?" Void shouted, barely stabilizing his legs.

Tevis flashed him a disgusted look as he spit to the side, "Get over yourself, it's only a fall. It's not like you're gonna die." He retorted.

"Yeah but the pain is still real." Void murmured, unfortunately, not low enough to escape the captain's ear.

"This is why you're a wimp, bastard. The pain makes you stronger, it strengthens our beliefs in the light." Tevis flashed a preaching smile as he perfectly mimicked the speaker's voice

Void shot a deadpan look at Tevis.

"What? That's exactly how he speaks, don't deny it." The captain argued.

Void sprang up on the beam as he got to his feet. Immediately swiping one of Tevis's legs to the side, forcing the veteran hunter to balance on one foot.

Tevis panicked as his arms flailed trying to catch the tower's beam, he barely grasped a beam and pulled himself over as he stared at Void in disbelief.

"WHAT's the idea, I could have fallen you dumbass." Tevis sighed with relief as he got to his feet.

Void frowned as he whispered, "Coward."

"What did you say?" Tevis glared.

"I said, why don't we both join the squad down at the base...captain." Void flashed an innocent smirk.

Tevis turned around with a stern glare, "Wimp".

The two hunters swiftly climbed off the tower as they joined the Nightstalkers huddled around a campfire preparing for a shift change for the night.

Circling the small campfire, Levi chucked in some wood occasionally as the Nightstalkers clamored with anticipation. Naturally, they gossiped about their recent adventures, but there was one that interested them the most.

All eyes turned to Void as he sat down on a log, warming his hands on the crackling wood fire.

"Hmm?" He shivered, feeling penetrating gazes from the side. No one said a word but he knew what they wanted.

"It's confidential." He whispered, hoping it would buzz off the flies.

However, the hunters scoffed.

"What are you? The Praxic Fire's Dog? How much did they pay you." Levi pointed a marshmallow at him accusingly.

It wasn't long before insults and allegations were spat out at Void who had no choice but to cooperate under the intense peer pressure.

" Ugh, fine." Void groaned, he began recounting the events of the mission and discussed certain events as loosely as he could manage.

The night was young and the Nightstalkers enjoyed every passing second as they listened in. Some hollered at the fights as Void described them with great fervor, relaying what he felt. The warmth on his skin, the fear, the despair.

How his heart raced, how he resolved himself and chose to fire a Shadowshot. He didn't spare a single detail about the fights.

At the end, he recalled as the battleground felt still, no one dared move an inch as Shin was missing. A wave of anxious looks spread among the crowd.

What had happened? Did they get him?

The Nightstalkers collectively gulped, as they waited.

"We found his cloak, shredded to pieces, spread over the ground. As we picked it up, there was a dark abyss below. The Man with the Golden Gun, escaped. He was gone, back to being a myth". Void spoke in a mysterious whisper, as his last words struck the crowd, like hammer to hot iron.

Instantly, cheers spread as they gasped, some in disbelief of the entirety of events. The hunters looked at Void with respect, others with slight concern.

"You've met the legend himself. I am entirely envious." Cory voiced, as he forwarded a fist towards Void.

"Don't be, he was as scary as the legends" Void replied, bumping his fist.

"Didn't think you'd finally make it to the big leagues eh." Levi chuckled, handing a marshmallow stick he had grilled to Void.

"What can I say, I learned from the best." Void chuckled, as the two bumped elbows.

"Indeed, but what about the loot." Bandit chimed in, words dripping with greed.

Void zipped his lips and gestured , "I am not allowed to reveal anything, but let's just say the next few rounds in the shop are on me" He laughed.

Bandit nodded, satisfied with the offer.

"So what are you planning next?" A faint voice asked.

Void furrowed his brows as he tried to recall the silent hunters name.

Hypnos, he nodded to himself. Void contemplated the hunters words but soon the crowd fell into deafening silence.

Void scratched his head as he sat clueless.

"I am not sure, I guess I will just be patrolling with you guys?" He suggested.

But Tevis chimed in, "That won't do. Don't get me wrong, your skill level is fine, but considering your recent adventure, I feel like we should introduce you to a new form of combat. One that you're slightly familiar with."

Void raised his brows as he sat in anticipation.

"Don't you think it's time you visited the crucible? If you've faced the renegade, you should know how important it is to learn how to defend yourself" Tevis stated, munching on a marshmallow.

Void sat there as he gasped,


"Not a bad idea captain...Not a bad idea at all." Void rubbed his chin as he planned his next steps.


P.s, forgot to ask, but do you guys listen to music while reading the chapters? Try the Destiny or Destiny 2 soundtracks and you will be pleasantly surprised reading the fight scenes at least. (A shell of what it was) or (Journey) are amazing OST's in my opinion.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed, don't forget to leave a review. Comment what you liked! As for the slow updates, I got caught up in rereading one of my favorites (HP: A Magical Journey), that kinda threw me off track so I forgot to finish this chapter up.

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