
Destiny of us

it's a story about 6 mental disorder guys where unexpectedly starts the journey, have to complete the journey together, will they make their journey complete?

Chandu_88 · Urbain
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3 Chs

The rules:


We started the journey from the hospital, if everything goes well, we will be reaching their by 5 and half hours.

I was sitting in the front seat, where Gagan is driving, I wonder why did he recognise him, I wanted to talk to him and wanted to be free where I was earlier, but he is the main reason what I have been having, everything started with him and it was when I and him together....

"Stop, stop." ( Varun)

I see that Gagan is driving without listening anything, I have been watching both of them, Varun started to shake the car by holding the holder on the top of the car, by seeing the situation everyone tensed, and started all together to stop, all of the sudden Gagan pressed the break. Ujwal was sitting in the middle and fall towards front and hit to my head.

soon, Varun opened the car door and went to the side of the road, everyone was tensed by his behaviour and altogether got down from the car, where Gagan is still holding the steering.

Varun is peeing beside the tree, by seeing the situation everyone took a breathe as he made worried all.

all hop on into the car, and Varun also hop on the car. everyone were starring into the Varun's face. Gagan was driving the car.

"Did anyone came and bite your ass why everyone are starring me or is anything on my face." (Varun)

"Don't talk bad words in front of me, I really hate it." (samudhr)

"What did I said why are you over reacting or who the fu..." (Varun)

"Stop right there, I don't want to listen the word, or else I am going to bite you." (Samudhr)

I see that they both are shouting at a time, everyone are trying to calm down, I was tensed by seeing Gagan's driving, the more they shout the more he is increasing the speed, I was feared where we are going to hit. I was watching them and trying to stop them

they started to hitting with hands, Gagan pressed the break, where I see that everyone's faces where in intense fear, I turned my head and see that car was stopped so close to the tree which is approximately 5 cm distances, I see that Gagan's face is so calm as if like nothing happened.

Gagan turned his face, "If anyone make a noise, next time I am going to hit the car to anything, be prepared for it if you people want to die, I don't have any fear of anything." 

after that I see that it is pin drop silent not even anyone are breathing aloud, I was starring his face. why is he like that.

within 2 hours we reached the Pondicherry, we took 3 rooms and each 2 of us decide to share the room, everyone took the varun and sagar took key from my hand, I see that samrudh and Ujwal followed them, they willingly left Gagan to me, as I don't have a choice we both went the room, I had a bath and dressed up, Gagan also had the bath, we both out to have dinner.

I see that all are having dinner and by seeing us they ate food in hurry and are about to leave the place. we both went to the table.

"Stop, " (Gagan)

I see that everyone are feared by listening his voice, they just turned to us.

"Why are you avoiding me? come and sit here." (Gagan)

when he shouted everyone ran to the table in fear and sat in the chairs.

"let me introduce myself to all of you, I am Gagan I have Alexithymia." (Gagan)

"What Alex bro?" (Varun)

Everyone starred his face as if he said something as he shouldn't say.

"Cool guys, it a disorder where I got it from birth, I can't feel any feelings towards anyone, whatever you people show affection I can't feel anything." (Gagan)

"Wait bro, you don't know the feel of anger." (Varun)

Ujwal hit on Varun's head and said to stay calm.

"No" (Gagan)

"Then why the freak you feared us, you are really crazy man." (Varun)

"Well, I just acted in front of you, as I wanted to stop you from fighting, I have been doing this my mom since childhood." (Gagan)

"Bravo, my bro today you won my heart with your acting skills." (Varun)

everyone were shocked by listening to Gagan's words and Varun's words, we didn't expect this from them.

"Bro let me explain about me, I and Varun having bi-polar disorder, where there will be high level of fluctuations in my mood, emotions and behavior and one more thing, I can't control my mouth using from cursing words." (Varun)

"I am Ujwal, I have OCD, I want everything in order, disciplined way, punctual, correct way. If I see anything little bit from the line in my brain, without knowingly I correct it." 

I look around the table as he said he kept all the things in a right way, while everyone are talking, I haven't recognized him while he doing this.

"I am Samudhr, I am extreme extrovert, I take the energy from the people, I am too talkative, I make the people uncomfortable by my behavior." 

"Oh that's why you are being like got bitten by mad dog while we are in journey." (Varun)

"Why are you middling in my business." (Ujwal)

again both started to shout, I shouted towards them, made them to sit quietly. 

"I am Sagar, I am introvert, I just like to being with me, I don't like to talk with anyone, I even don't like to go to the trip with you people." (Sagar)

We all of us starring our face, were shocked by his words, I see that he is only the person who never talked from the starting, I see that he never took any initiation at nowhere, but never expected the words from his mouth, which flow like a water, which resembles same as his name.

"You are the last one, you need to us what actually you have." (Varun)

"I am pruthvi, I have Attachment disorder, where I trust people easily, I will be clingy towards the people and finally I am being hurtful from the people." 

"By listening all of our stories, I think every one are hard in their own path, lets all together across this hard time as like water in the river." (Samudhr)

we both stood up all together as we were about to leave the place.

"Wait, who said to leave the place, for what reason I have called you I haven't said anything." (Gagan)

"What again, I am too lazy to walk to the room also I want to sleep." (Varun)

"If you people want to complete the trip I have a rules that you need to follow.

1. should not go anywhere without telling me.

2. should not exchange my things with you people

3. most important, until we complete the trip we should never be close with the girls

4. until we complete the trip should not fight with anyone.

If you can't do this, just pack all the things and leave now."

Varun looked everyone's face and sighed as to tell something.

"Can we talk for a minute by all of us." (Varun)

"take as much as time." (Gagan)

Gagan was having his dinner, we all together, gathered far away from Gagan and stood round and bowed our heads.

"Don't you people remember what doctor said?" (Ujwal) 

"Yes, Doctar asked to complete the trip all together and take care of Gagan and try to be friend with him, but what she we do now?" (Sagar)

"Nothing there to decide." (Samudhr)

"Let's do what he said" (Pruthvi)

"Then first we do this." (Varun) he took out his hand from his pocket, opened his palm in front of us, and we all together put our palm into his Palm.

"Ok, we decide to agree of your rules." (Pruthvi)

"Ok, I am leaving now and going to bed, don't forget about what I have said." (Gagan)

I see that Gagan is walking to the room, from the starting of the journey, not even single muscle in his face moved, there were a situation, where he might had shown his emotions, but didn't shown anything to us, may be this is the reason, as he is being in this way from the starting.

I went to the room, took out the dairy and started to write what happened from the beginning as I wanted to make it memorable of us 6 members forever.