
Destiny of the Chosen One: Journey of the Apprentice Witch

Monsters known as werewolves are scattered on this continent. They hang out in villages during the day and wait for opportunities to devour humans at night. Dill was an Oriental orphan bought from the port by the big witches with a dozen dill spices. As a trainee witch, she soon came to the first village and swore to find the werewolf and win the favor of humans' belief. But one night, the handsome guy who had been rejected during the day knocked on the door of his room with a cute and naughty smile. He blinked his golden vertical pupils, his canine teeth slightly exposed under his lips and asked, "Now, are you still saying no?" The handsome little wolf with chocolate fur is dedicated to taking away the little witch with the seasoning potion.

Daoist41JuTq · Fantaisie
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57 Chs

Chapter 30 The Red Riding Hood Witch

◎You think I am a werewolf. ◎

"Sir Elder? Why are you here?"

The man's voice seemed to be relieved: "I saw that those people were sneaky, so I kept following them. If you are okay, just open the door quickly and I will take you out."

The people inside were silent.

"Are you okay?" Elder knocked on the door impatiently. In fact, compared to his previous attitude, it could be considered gentle.

But the girl's voice was firm: "I'm fine, please leave first."

"You're fine, why don't you open the door? Hurry up and open the door. I'll take you away. It's not safe here."

The man's knocking on the door became even more irritating. Dill could feel the entire wooden door shaking. The man's strength was quite strong.

"I won't open the door."

Dill's resolute and frank attitude made Elder stunned for a moment, and then he seemed to understand something and couldn't help laughing angrily.

"Hey, you suspect that I am a werewolf?"

Dill silently stood against the door. The other party was indeed not a werewolf, but he was not a good person who would do justice either.

She couldn't guarantee whether Sir Aird was with those people, or how much Sundenberg knew about the "customs" that had been passed down in Jonestown since ancient times, and how much he kept silent about them. She didn't believe that Aird, the son of the castle lord, had anything to do with it. No.

After all, he was quite resistant to the Silver Knight's investigation at first.

"This door can't resist werewolves, but I won't open the door. Please go somewhere else quickly." She repeated stubbornly, and at the same time, she hoped that the other party would understand that it is more convenient for one person to escape than two people, and she is better than him alone. There are even more ways to show off your skills.

The person outside the door did not speak, and everything seemed to be silent. Just as Dill breathed a sigh of relief, a fierce push suddenly hit her back.

  bump! bump! bump! The man banged on the wooden door like crazy, and the whole house was shaking. For a moment, Dill thought he was about to break in.

She clung to the door panel and heard a faint scraping sound, like the sound of metal friction as a sword was being pulled out of its scabbard. Dill could hardly control the urge to scream.

Who can tell her what's wrong with the people outside the valley? !

"You can die as you please, idiot."

Before he left, he couldn't help but kicked the door hard. There was a thud, which made Dill's back feel a little painful.

She didn't dare to be careless and put her ear to the door. Sure enough, the footsteps did not go far and soon appeared near the wooden house again, approaching the door again.

Dill really couldn't stand this bad-tempered feudal noble. The little witch licked the wound on her hand, her dry lips were moistened with blood, and she blurted out some sweet and vicious curses.



There was still a vast darkness outside the window, and the boy's clean and clear voice was like the light before dawn. He seemed to always arrive in time when she was in crisis, but now Dill couldn't feel any warmth.

She felt cold all over, and only the blood on her lips was hot.

The girl opened her mouth, not knowing what to say for a moment.

"Sir Elder..."

"He ran away when he saw me. Are you okay? I've been looking for you!"

Mucha's tone sounded full of worry. It was not difficult to imagine the flawless silver knight following the guidance of the stars, walking through the dark forest, taking risks and perils all the way just to find one person.

Like every suffering princess waiting for the knight, the perfect fairy tale is about to have a perfect ending.


I can't say these three words "I'm very good". Dill trembled and fumbled for the salt pen on her body, holding it tightly in her hand.

"I saw a werewolf." Her voice trembled.

Mucha didn't seem surprised. His voice was urgent but clear: "I also heard the screams and followed them here. We can't stay here for too long. Let me take you away, Dill."

The knight successfully found the suffering princess, and he could win a happy ending as long as he opened the door.

The tense emotions all night almost broke out at this moment. Dill's shoulders relaxed and she could no longer bear the load. She pressed against the door panel tiredly, but still had no intention of opening the door.

She said weakly: "Mu Xia, I found Sir Russell's sword. The sword body is made of bronze, and the hilt is a brass mallet."

Mu Xia was quiet for a long time. It was so long that Dill thought he was gone, then she heard him say softly: "Thank you."

Dill suddenly had a feeling: In fact, the other party already knew everything.

A sense of absurdity that she couldn't resist made Dill want to laugh. Destiny was a game played by the gods. Now she really understood that if she were an outsider, then this game would be so damn interesting. She even wanted to play it for herself. Note.

"Dill? We really have to go."

Mucha knocked on the door gently. Unlike Sir Elder, he never directly asked Dill to open the door from beginning to end. The boy always behaves like a perfect prince, patiently waiting for the girl to open her heart and fall into his arms.

But the closed wooden door remained unmoved,

"Mu Xia, do you still have the sachet I gave you?"

"Well... I'm still here." Mucha didn't seem to understand her question. After all, it was a matter of life and death.

The girl seemed to be in a different situation and started chatting with him: "It is stuffed with wolf-repelling herbs passed down from my grandmother. I don't know if it is useful. I just think it smells like an old woman's foot wrap."

The person outside the door couldn't help but let out a muffled laugh: "As long as it can really drive away werewolves, I can tolerate the smell no matter how strong it is. Besides, this is the first gift you gave me. Oh, no, the first gift should be It's Apple."

Dill gasped slightly. The cold night air was so cold that she could hardly breathe.

"I also gave one to Mrs. Cole, do you remember her?"

"Isn't she Lily's mother?"

"She told me that you are the most handsome man she has ever seen."

Mu Xia swallowed and hesitated a little: "Why do you suddenly talk about this..."

"She had never seen you before that."

The young man paused slightly, as if he didn't understand what she meant.

"Why did you know she was Mrs. Cole at first sight?" There was no ambiguity in the calm voice.

Mucha subconsciously replied: "I was in the market at that time..."

"She spent the whole morning looking for Lily and had never been to the market at all."

Separated by a door panel, the two people who had talked openly fell silent.

"Dill, you think I'm a werewolf."

Mu Xia's tone was half-smiling: "He is still a werewolf wearing silver armor."

He was not as angry as Sir Elder, but just laughed at himself calmly, as if he had heard a joke that was not very funny.

Yes, who would have thought that a werewolf would wear silver all over his body and swagger to the crime scene in the name of God.

Dill stared at the dark night outside the window, trying not to reveal her emotions, and said quickly: "Silver has to pierce the werewolf's body to be effective. On the first night, the mayor used a silver cup to fill the wine. Everyone drank, except you. No."

As long as there are no wounds on the body, the silver armor worn will not have serious effects, but the werewolf's body cannot withstand the wine purified by silver. Just a small sip can make them go crazy and reveal their true form.

Mucha sounded helpless, but tried to remain patient and explained: "I had to do night patrol that night, and of course I couldn't drink. I'm glad I kept the commandments, because that night I was fighting to the death against the werewolf, and I also saved the alarm man. , don't you know all this clearly?"

Although he was clearly the one who was wronged, he instead humbly requested: "Dill, we really have to leave quickly. I have fought against that demon, and it is not a power that humans can imagine."

He didn't say it was okay, but when he mentioned dill, he thought of that night.

She was just like today, separated from the black werewolf by only a fragile wooden door, but Doom had always remained silent, even now. The unseen werewolf seemed to be telling her in silence: she was not his target and he would not hurt her.

Everything makes sense, no matter how perfect his acting is, he will still leave clues, and now they are all connected in the girl's memories, forming a complete web.

She should have known it a long time ago. Whenever the young man arrived in time... no, maybe earlier, when he followed the smell and came to the apple tree, she should have known it, a knight walking on foot, because he didn't know how to do it at all. Horses needed.

Before waiting for Dill's response, Mucha smiled helplessly: "Just because I am better at recognizing human faces and don't like drinking, should I be suspected of being a werewolf? Dill, this is ridiculous."

"I also think it's ridiculous. A werewolf dressed up as a knight and said he wanted to avenge another knight who hunted wolves is not only ridiculous but also ridiculous. Does the name Mucha come from the knight who took away his identity from you?"

Dill felt a shock behind her, and the old dust on the suspension beam shook off a burst of gray snow. It was the sound of someone hitting the board with a fist, and she heard him finally couldn't help but curse in a low voice.

Great, she pissed him off.

Just when Dill thought he was going to continue explaining or even scolding herself, the young man suddenly said:

"Did you delay for so long just to set up a barrier?"

Her heart froze for a moment, and when the other party finally turned over the identity card in his hand as she wished, Dill's head went blank.

She slowly backed away, holding the salt pen tightly in her hand. The wooden door that had not been shaken even after being beaten many times by the man now cracked a large dark crack;

Those inhuman eyes were brighter than during the day, like two shining stars in the dark night without the sun and moon. Ordinary humans did not have that kind of light, she should have known.

The young knight's body standing outside the door was still upright, but Dill no longer felt at ease and trust. The shadow stretching out on the ground was like the dark wings of an angel falling.

Even the moon elf couldn't help but scream in her ear.

Amber once told her that the more dangerous the monster, the more it likes to use the beauty and holiness of gods to disguise itself, otherwise how can it tempt humans to be easily fooled.

Dill slowly raised her head and met those eyes.

The golden-green eyes were filled with hot smoke, and the powerful magic power of melted gold slowly flowed in them. Just by gazing at him, the hot power was enough to penetrate the souls of mortals.


The once reliable and loyal knight was just a human skin he put on. Maybe Mucha was not his real name. This is not a fairy tale about knights and princesses, this is a real Little Red Riding Hood meeting Granny Wolf.

"I'm not the only one with a double mask, am I?" The young werewolf said calmly: "Miss Witch?"

The author has something to say:

You can go back and read Chapter 22. The church uses silverware to entertain guests. If the werewolf legend in the village is true, silver will be more precious than food here. All the silverware in the church should have been melted down to make weapons. It's common sense that humans who have fought against werewolves for a long time know, so Dill thought it was weird at the time.

Then our little knight was the only one who didn't drink, because the wine was in a silver cup. He kept talking about business to scare everyone, just to prevent anyone from raising a toast to him, he was a evil-minded little wolf.