
The Ultimate Pranksters [2]

"Alright Prank Master Gomaiko, what will we do to prank Amasu and Mikoto?" I asked.

"Well we need to catch them off guard and do a prank that will put one of them to sleep. We must only target one because if we target both of them our sun and moon will both disappear." Gomaiko said.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"It is 4:23 PM. We should target Mikoto if we are being honest, but we will be risking a prolonged Day Time because Mikoto wakes up when Amasu is asleep around 8:30 PM." Sanaoko said.

"That is an issue and the reason we need to target them both!" Destiny said. "If Amasu sleeps then your sun will disappear! Master can't you call Amaterasu to kept Amasu stay awake?"