
The Final Battle

"How much more are you willing to take before you decide to give in and give us the Sword of Ruin? You may be a Goddess, but you aren't invincible." Demise said.

"Yeah. You saw how we took down those two Angels of Power. It would be in your best interest to just hand that sword over and make things easier for all of us." Nemesis said.

"....I am not giving you two bastards anything. Just wait until Shiro gets here...he's gonna kill you both.." Felola smirked.

"Shiro? Ha! Nice joke. No one is coming to save you, so just give us what we want and let this be over with. My patience is running thin." Demise said.

Felola lowered her head, ignoring his request. "Beat me all you want. I'll just come back in 40 days and this will all happen all over again."

Demise glared then pressed a button and began to drain Felola's energy. She yelled and clenched her teeth as her energy began to get drained. "That's fine. We have an alternative anyway. Be stubborn all you want."
