
The Demon Tower Floor 2 and 3

I rested up for the next battle against the woman who stood before me. Once I got finished I stood up and she opened her eyes. She smiled at me then summoned her sword.

"Seems like you're well rested. My name is Lexi, and I am your opponent." Lexi said then looked at me.

I summoned my sword and my eyes shined. She dashed to me and jumped then spun around, slashing down. I parried her attack then pushed her back. I dashed to her and she dashed to me and we slashed at the same time. We clashed at the same time then slid back a bit then dashed to each other and clashed multiple times. I parried her multiple times then pushed her back then looked at her and winked. She blushed and became immobilized for a second. I held my hand out.

"Lecherous Release." I said then blasted her away with a powerful energy beam made from my lustful aura.