
Destiny Harem Remastered

"Wait...You want me to what? Go on dates with who? I am literally just now starting college can this wait?! I'm only 19 years old! Allow me to at least ready myself for this! Being a virgin doesn't sound to bad right about now..." A "lucky" 19 year old male named Shiro Moji has been chosen to start his own harem with many women of different races and species! A truly momentous moment for him to finally escape his old virgin lifestyle and finally become a man! As he goes on dates, a tiny demon guide named Lustie, helps him keep track on how much affection each girl has and has other useful features! Join Shiro as he builds his very own harem with many different girls! -------------- This is the absolute remastered version of my most popular book, Destiny Harem. As I reread the first writing of Destiny Harem and began to continue to write different books to see how much I can improve, it's time to put it to the ultimate test by giving you all a way better Destiny Harem experience. There are better written characters and even new characters to see in the story! There are new backstories, better interactions, and overall a better Shiro! Please enjoy Destiny Harem Remastered!

AisuruOfficial · Fantaisie
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47 Chs

Thank You Gift *

Day: Monday

Location: My Bedroom

Time: Morning

I woke up on my bed and sat up then looked around. I noticed Lustie floating around my room and she looked at me, noticing I had woke up. She floated to me and smiled then sat in front of me.

"Sleep well?" She asked.

"Whoa. When have you ever asked that." I chuckled softly then rubbed the back of my head. "Yeah I slept well...I was too exhausted to move so I slept like a rock last night."

"Good." Lustie smiled. She looked at me and blushed a bit then looked away.

'Why is my heart racing..? This shouldn't be possible...Am I actually excited to date this guy..? He was one of the sorriest saps I could find and now he's got my panties all wet whenever I look at him..! He started off as an incel and now he's got five women under his belt...How did he learn so quickly..? Well...at least I know I did my job correctly..~' Lustie thought to herself.

"Red?" I tapped her shoulder.

She looked at me quickly. "I'm not embarrassed! Shut up!"

"Wha- I didn't even say anything.." I said then looked at her and smiled. "Look I'm gonna get ready for the day. With my bullies gone, my job should be simpler and go by more smoothly. Sooo...yeah."

"Actually, uhm...Can I come with you? I just need some time out the house and I know you're gonna go on a date so I just wanna see...what you do." Lustie said, sounding a bit shy from her usual casual self.

"Sure, but why do you need to ask? You can just teleport to me as you please." I chuckled a bit then got out of bed to get ready for the day.

"W-Well sometimes it feels like you don't need me and I just wanna check up on you, y'know?" Lustie said as she floated after me into the bathroom after I picked out the clothes I was going to wear.

"Mhm." I said, not minding her following me to the bathroom. "It sounds like you're getting a little attached."

Lustie blushed at my teasing and puffed her cheeks. "I am not! As your Love Demon it is my duty to keep you safe at all times! It is against the rules for a client of mine to die! I don't want you getting hurt."

"You take good care of me, Red." I said as I stepped in the shower after removing my clothes.

"Ah- Let me wash you!~" Lustie said after snapping off her clothes then hopped in the shower with me.

She stood behind me and immediately reached for my dick and gently rubbed it. She blushed and looked at my shaft as she rubbed it. 'Wow...It feels so nice in my hand..'

I looked back at Lustie then looked down at her stroking my cock. She began jerking me off and I blushed. "R-Red.." I moaned softly.

'I can't stop myself...I want to see him cum with my own eyes..' Lustie thought to herself and held onto my body as she began to jerk me off faster.

I placed my hand on the shower wall and panted softly. My cock twitched then I moaned as my cock shot out a load of cum that landed in the tub then washed down the drain as the water hit it. I grunted lightly and moaned then stopped Lustie.

Lustie's pupils formed into hearts and her eyes shined. "W-Wow...Ahh~ Haha~ I can't believe...I actually did that..~"

I looked back at Lustie and noticed her lewd face. I looked at my dick that was still in Lustie's hand. She released my dick then snapped back to reality. She just finally realized what she did and blushed a lot.

"I can't believe I did that!" Lustie said in shock.

I caught my breath then turned around and looked at Lustie. "I can't believe you did that either, but I'm not complaining..~"

Lustie looked at me and her entire face was a pinkish red color. Smoke came from her ears and her demon tail wagged excitedly. "U-Uhm! You should get ready! Hahaha!" She teleported away.

I chuckled softly and began to wash myself.

After taking my shower and freshening up, getting dressed, and handling all my business upstairs, I walked out of my room and met up with Lustie downstairs.

"Ready to go?" I asked.

"Y-Yes!" Lustie said excitedly and stood up. She cleared her throat and calmed down. "I mean yeah, whatever. Let's do this shit!"

I moved my eyebrow then grabbed my keys off the table then walked out of my house with Lustie. I locked my door behind me then walked off.

"S-So who are you planning to take on a date today?" Lustie asked.

"I might pay Naomi a visit after classes are all done. Check up on her and see how she's doing. Lust-E told me she's in Destiny Hotel so she's no longer in Sanctuary Lake which is good." I answered.

"If I recall correctly, she's 83% so...you'll be able to...have sex with her to get her to 100%. I mean after what you risked to save her, you deserve it." Lustie said.

"I mean yeah, but I'll still take her out if she wants.." I shrugged and smiled. "I wanna ask something. Is it normal for someone to know about a Love Demon other than a client and the higher ups?"

"No. We make sure to conceal our identities via a human disguise or by becoming invisible and if we are found out, we just erase the memories of the person who finds out...well that's what we used to do. You see I've been alive for 389 years, no human other than my clients know what I am. So it's strange when a human that isn't a client knows about us." Lustie said.

"Hm. That's very strange." I said then walked onto campus.

I noticed more much more peaceful the campus was now that the main problems were dealt with. I walked ahead then noticed Mark sitting alone at a table with his binder open. He completely changed his appearance. He wore his hair in a ponytail, had on an orange jacket over his black t-shirt, black jeans and boots on. I walked over to him and noticed he was doing his own work for Akira's class.

"The answer is five." I said then sat beside him.

Mark looked at me then looked at his work.

"See, if you divide that...then you add what you have left. You'd get five." I said then watched him fix his work.

"I don't know how I missed that." Mark chuckled.

"Well..." I started.

"I don't need you to tell me, I know if I did my own work and actually focused on my academics I would've known." Mark chuckled and looked at his paper.

"Yeah that too." I smiled and looked off into the distance.

"Eh? What were you gonna say before?" Mark looked at me.

"Ah nothing. Don't worry about it." I chuckled softly then watched all the other students interacting with one another. "It's more peaceful here. I haven't seen this many people in the courtyard since the first week of college."

"I agree." Mark said then watched the other students.

"What were you up to on the weekend?" I asked.

"Meh. Hung out with my sister. She's one of the only people who actually still respect me despite having seen my past mistakes. I apologized to Ashley and Aubrie. Of course they turned me down, but they were surprised that I even apologized. I tried to fix my bond with Chelsey, and I guess you can say we are friends again. I spent this weekend trying to turn over a new leaf." Mark said.

"That's nice." I said then closed my eyes. "I hear Eric moved back to America and Jake went rogue. You still keep in touch with them?"

"Nah. I cut them off. Me and Eric said our final goodbyes at the airport. Jake didn't show up, but I didn't expect much honestly. Eric is also gonna turn his life around. His sister decided to stay here with her friends so she can pursue her career." Mark said.

"I see." I said then opened my eyes and the bell rang. "Let's go ahead and head to class. I'll help you with your work before you get to Akira's class."

Mark nodded and smiled then we gathered our things then headed inside the building. We walked into our first period and took our seats. Whitney and Gloria walked in afterwards and greeted me and I greeted back. They took their seats and the professor walked in then got the classes started.

The day went by pretty smoothly. As I began to hang out with Mark more, I noticed his change from your typical jock to your reformed bully. He was a lot more nice to the students in which they returned the kindness he showed them. People seemed to have forgotten about the stunts he used to pull and gave him another chance as they noticed him trying to turn his life around.

The final class came and I walked into the classroom first then walked to Akira's desk. She looked at me and smiled then leaned forward on her desk. We chatted for a bit and she listened happily. She told me how great of a night she had on Saturday and she was happy that I gave her chance. I agreed with her and we shared a quick peck on the lips before anyone else walked in. I went to my desk and the other students began rolling in and the bell rang. Once everyone took their seats, Akira stood up and began teaching her lesson.

The lesson flew by as well as the time. The final bell rang and we all gathered our things then got up to leave the classroom. Me and Akira kissed each other goodbye and I was the last to leave. I left the building and went home to get ready to meet Naomi at the hotel.

"So, now it's Naomi's time?" Lustie asked.

"Yeah, you coming with me there as well?" I asked.

"Mhm. I'll be invisible though, it'll be like I'm not even there." Lustie said.

"Except I can still see you." I chuckled.

"Just pretend I'm not even there." Lustie said.

"Ay ay captain." I smiled.

Day: Monday

Location: Destiny Hotel

Time: Afternoon

I parked my car in the parking lot then got out and walked inside of the hotel. I walked into the receptionist and told her that I was visiting Naomi. She told me the room number she was in then nodded. I thanked her then walked over to the elevator. I rode up to the second floor. Once the elevator stopped and the doors opened, I walked out of the elevator then walked to the room number 259. I knocked on the door and watched for a bit. I heard the door unlock then was greeted with Naomi's face. She looked happy to see me then quickly hugged me. I smiled and hugged back.

"I'm so happy you came to see me..." Naomi said.

"I thought I'd pay you a visit after everything that's happened...I just wanna spend some time with you.." I said then smiled.

[Naomi's Bond Percentage rose to 90%]

"I wanna spend time with you too so come in." Naomi smiled and dragged me inside of her room.

I walked inside of her room and she closed the door the the door locked automatically. I walked ahead and sat on the bed then looked at her. She sat beside me and smiled.

"What you did yesterday not only was badass as fuck, but it was really kind of you to go that far for me. You could've died, but you still risked it all for me...just like you did the first time." Naomi smiled and leaned against me.

"I didn't want to let you die. Besides, you're away from all that gang shit and can focus on yourself from this point on." I smiled.

"I can't thank you enough for this. Lord knows how long I've been trying to get out of that shit. I've been trying for years...years...and now I'm free. You're the only guy who's gone through this length for me and...I really appreciate it." Naomi smiled.

I looked at Naomi and she looked up at me. I placed my forehead against hers and she gently gripped my shirt.

"Shiro..?" Naomi spoke softly.

"Mhm..?" I responded.

"...I love you..." Naomi said. "The moment you came into my life...you pretty much...stole my heart with your charms and heroism...I just want to be with you...I want to spend my time here...with you.."

"...I love you too...and if you want to spend time here with me then we can just stay here.." I said then stroked her hair.

[Naomi's Bond Percentage rose to 99%]

She smiled then kissed my lips in which I kissed back. We closed the gap between us as we kissed and began to deepen out kiss. A few seconds turned into two minutes of our kissing session. Naomi pulled away from the kiss to catch her breath. She glided her hands along my body and felt my boner. She rubbed my boner gently and gazed into my eyes. I gazed back into hers and she smiled.

"How experienced are you with this..?~" She asked me, wanting to know how many times I've had sex.

"Well...I've had sex with five different women, so you can say I'm pretty experienced with this..~" I answered truthfully.

"Five...wow..." Naomi smiled and noticed I stopped her from unbuckling my belt.

I pulled her on the bed with me then laid her down and towered over her. She looked up at me and blushed. I brought my face down to her neck and began kissing her neck. She tilted her head and let out little sounds of pleasure.

After a few minutes of kissing and biting her neck, I began to raise her shirt and take it off. She helped me and I set it on the floor. I sat her up and unclasped her bra then set it on the floor as well. I admired her large breasts, her dark areolas and hard nipples, and her flat stomach. I grabbed her left tit and kissed it before sucking on her breast.

"M-Mmph..~ My breasts are sensitive...be gentle.." She spoke softly and blushed hard.

I took her breast out of my mouth and left mark on it. She noticed the mark and looked at me. I laid her back down and began to unbutton her pants then unzipped the zipper and slowly pulled her pants down. She raised her hips and allowed my to get them off her completely. I looked at her nicely trimmed pubic hair on her beautiful pussy. I rubbed her nice curves and her slender legs then spread them. I placed my hands my hands on her inner thighs and spread her legs more.

I gazed at her wet cunt and stuck my tongue out and ran it along her slit. My tongue sent shivers along her entire body and she bit down on her index finger. She watched me intently as I kept running my tongue along her slit. I used my thumbs to spread her delicate folds and began to insert my tongue inside of her craving pussy.

"Oh god." She moaned and her breathing became deeper and more breathy. Her moans continued as I drove my tongue deeper inside of her wet pussy. I buried my nose in her hairs as I used my tongue to study every inch of her pussy.

Her moans of pleasure grew louder as I began to swirl my tongue around in her. She gripped the headboard of the bed tightly and panted heavily. I took my tongue out of her mouth and immediately went for her clit. I flicked my tongue along her clit quickly, sending more unexplainable pleasurable feelings along her body. I began to suck on her clit hard and she covered her mouth and moaned louder.

"Uuhhn!~ Shiro..!~" She moaned my name as she felt a wave of pleasure take over her body. She arched her back as she had an orgasm and began to squirt. She laid flat on the bed again after she finished squirting.

"Mmm..~" I chuckled softly and pulled away.

She grunted lightly and pushed me down then got on top of me. She took my shirt off hastily and gently rubbed my bare chest. She kissed my lips as she used her other hand to unbuckle my belt and unbutton my pants. I helped her by pulling down my pants and underwear then kicked them off the bed.

She pulled away from the kiss and looked at my manhood and admired it. "God...how do you hide that monster in your pants..?"

"I have my ways..~" I chuckled.

She blushed and began to stroke my cock slowly. I latched my mouth on her breast as she jerked me off. I used my free hand to fondler her other breast. She moaned as she watched me enjoy her tits. She took her hand away and spit on her hand then started to stroke my dick once more. A minute passed and she began to jerk me off harder and faster. She kept moaning to please my ears then bit her bottom lip as she felt my cock twitch. She looked at my cock then watched my cum shoot out and land on my belly. She kept stroking and looked at me. I stopped sucking on her breast and panted.

"Not done..?~" She asked.

"I'm only getting started..~" I said then pushed her down and spread her legs wide open.

She looked at me and her body got excited when she felt the tip of my manhood press against her hungry pussy. I inserted my cock inside of her wet pussy and she moaned a bit loudly. I began thrusting quickly and hard, causing her to moan loudly. I held her hips and watched her boobs bounce with each thrust. She gripped the covers tightly and watched my cock penetrate her craving pussy. I began to drive my cock deeper inside of her.

"Ahhh~ Ahh~ Don't stop~ I love your cock~" She said lustfully in between her moans of pleasure. I continued to fuck her and moaned, grunting with each thrust.

"Uugh..~ I love your pussy Naomi~" I moaned and placed my hands on the bed, fucking her faster.

She began to gasp loudly with each moan. She closed her eyes tightly and gripped my wrists. Her moans became shaky as she began to reach another orgasm. She clenched her teeth as she began to cum heavily. I slowed down for her to catch her breath. I chuckled softly and took my cock out of her.

"Holy shit...Okay...okay..." She panted and smiled then laughed softly. "Okay...my ex has never made me feel this good..~"

"Really..?~" I chuckled.

"Yeah..~ My body can't get enough..~" Naomi said then sat up.

I smiled and leaned towards her then kissed her lips. She kissed back and we began to start our make out session. After a minute I pushed her back down and turned her over on her stomach. She turned her head and looked back at me. I smacked her ass and she made a sound of pleasure. I slid my cock back inside of her pussy and she moaned. I made her get on all fours and began fucking her roughly and quickly.

"Mmph!~ Haah!~ Yes yes!~ Uuugghhh!~" She moaned and groaned loudly in pleasure as I fucked her. She clawed at the headboard and panted heavily. She began to lean down as I kept thrusting hard.

I gripped her shoulders and grunted loudly with each thrust. "I'm gonna cum!~" I groaned.

"Cum inside!~ I want it, mark me as yours!~" Naomi moaned and squeaked as she was pushed against the headboard.

I gripped her hair and moaned loudly then came inside of her. She grunted loudly and closed her eyes tightly as she came hard as well. She panted heavily and I panted as well. I was well prepared to go another round, but Naomi seemed too tired to do so. I took my cock out of her and laid back on the bed. Naomi laid down and caught her breath.

"Oh yeah, the people next door are definitely pissed." Naomi giggled softly. "But i don't care.."

I used Peak Human Hearing to see if anyone was next door.

"I can't believe...we just heard Shiro fucking your cousin...that was like super hot and I kinda need to masturbate right now so don't bother me!" Jessica said.

"L-Let me join..!~ I need to release myself too..!~" Baylee said.

"Fine but don't be weird!" Jessica said.

I chuckled and looked at Naomi. "They don't seem too bothered by it."

"Oh right, I forgot you have superpowers." Naomi teased and giggled. "I really enjoyed that, but I'm so tired after that...I haven't had sex that good in like ever...my body wasn't used to it because I usually can go four rounds before being exhausted.."

"Well it looks like you've got some training to do..~" I teased.

"Next time we have sex...I bet you that I can last longer than you.." Naomi smiled.

"Mhm when that happens I'll publicly expose myself..~" I chuckled.

Naomi smiled and closed her eyes then drifted to sleep.

[Naomi's Bond Percentage rose to 100%]

[Achievement Unlocked: 100% Naomi]

[Reward: Naomi's Charm (Added to Hidden Inventory)]

[Credi Earned: 10,000]

[Lustie Requirements Met!]

[Unlocked Lustie as a dateable candidate!]

Lustie blushed as she looked at me. "The first guy...who will ever date me..." She began to pant as she felt herself getting extremely wet at the thought of us having sex.

I looked up at Lustie and smiled. She looked back at me and floated down to me. She grabbed my shoulder then teleported me and my belongings back home.

Day: Monday

Location: My Bedroom

Time: Evening

I grunted as we landed on my bed and Lustie sat on top of me. "Whoa there, Red..~ You seem more excited than normal..~"

"Lust-E...register me already!" Lustie commanded.

[Okay damn..]

[Lustie's Information Acquired]

Name: Lustie Pixielust

Age: 389 Years Old (21 Human Years)

Birthday: January 18th

Sex: Female

Species: Demon

Race: Succubus

Height: 5 Feet 4 Inches

Weight: 110 lbs

Bond Percentage: 15%

Status: Lover

Education: Love Demon School [Graduated]

Occupation: Love Demon

Most Desirable Trait(s): Lust

Least Desirable Trait(s): Romance

Libido: Do I even have to say it?

Favorite Food: Junk Food

Favorite Drink: Flavored Alcohol

Favorite Gifts: Sex Toys, Dancing Items, Dirty Magazines

"There...now...I'm yours..~" Lustie said and looked into my eyes.

"Let's go on a date tomorrow...After classes." I said.

"Perfect...I can show you a real woman and you'll be the first to ever date me..~" Lustie smirked and kissed my lips.

I kissed back then chuckled. I pulled away and held her hips and watched her tail sway. "I feel like this is dangerous, but I don't care..~ This is gonna be amazing..~"

"I agree..~" Lustie smiled then laid her head on my chest. "My Shiro..~"

[Lustie's Unique Traits Registered]

The Lascivious: Lustie is the embodiment of all things lust and is one of the most lustful beings to exist. If her Affection Meter is 70% or above an any date you take her on, she will have sex with you at the end of the date without fail.

Sex Freak: Lustie will be obsessed with having sex with you. Before she relieved herself by masturbation, but now she has you and she will go multiple rounds without fail. Be sure to have your Stamina high because she won't stop until she's tired.

Unconditional Love: Even though she's a Love Demon of Lust, she will love you. She's the only woman who's Affection Meter will never drop even if you do wrong. She's a demon why would she punish you for doing anything bad.

Hard Mode: It's hard to raise her Bond Percentage even if she loves you unconditionally. Her Bond Percentage only raises after each date.

"Four unique traits...You're the real deal.." I smirked.

"Mhm..~ I can't wait to fuck you every night, every morning, every afternoon...~ You're gonna love me..~" Lustie smirked.

"I know I will..~" I chuckled. "Good night..~"

"Sleep well..~" Lustie smirked and turned off the lights.