
Destiny Divine: The Divine Threads

Through the lenses of Konquerors, a place where hidden realities are twisting destinies, Timothy a 15 yr old and dreamy, discovers that what seems to be ordinary life is a fabric of lies. The filmy veil of his ordinary family-life is torn up at that point, and he finds himself in the brink of a world on the verge of war. Timothy's world is upturned with the unveiling of The Forsaken Son's Prophecy and he is forced to compensate for an existence totally different from the one he had ever known. In the subterfuge provided by the mysterious imprints of fate, he has to find support amidst fragile alliances and to undo age-old mysteries, which he must do with the demons of chaos always on his heels. Be a part of Timothy on a wayward path to find what he is looking for and the meaning of his life all the time filling him with impending fate with each step he takes.

SHADOW_IV · Fantaisie
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100 Chs

chapter 57 : we will return soon...

" am I ?" Zenoki raised his arms and gigantic blood red vines with thorns tore though the ground and went straight towards faro with shocking speed , Faro's crystalline shards attacked the vines ferociously cutting through the vines leaving them bleeding but the vines didn't stop coming and pretty soon his green tornado was the only thing standing before him and the vines

"I'm going to kill you eve if it means killing myself!" Faro's eyes were starting to turn black

" A life...for a life ... He deserves to pay ....pay....pay...PAY!!" A demonic voice entered Faro's ears , zenoki saw the change in Faro's aura and quickly started making hand seals

- shit I wanted to see the full extent of his power but he's about to fall in the void , I'm sorry faro I can't let that happen -

" Blasphemous rune of suppression" a rune appeared in his palm emitting a foul aura , zenoki looked at Faro before leaping towards the tornado with his hand pulled back

"Woooosh" zenoki broke through the tornado with ease but his mage robe suffered some damage , his palm shot towards Faro grabbing his face

"Seal" the rune on his palm released a bright eerie light that engulfed faro who was screaming like a madman

The light faded and on faro's forehead was the rune zenoki had on his palm , his eyes had returned to normal and the tempest was fading. "Yo-you..why? " Faro asked before he started falling , zenoki watched as Faro fell and just when he was about to hit the ground he flicked his hand and his vines caught him .

"My work here is done , the rest I leave it to you....Don't even think about it Holt you are way out of your element" after saying that zenoki descended to where Faro was then his vines wrapped around them before retracting back to the ground , leaving the battlefield with only the dead bodies of the former blades

A thousand yards away Holt angrily watched zenoki leaving with faro " this is not over yet ."

" Let it go love , as you can see I am fine " a pale hand touched his shoulder , turning around so fast he pulled her into his arms

"You are not fine , I believe you should rest and let me take care of things now" Holt's tone was soft

"But I -"

" Shhhh no buts Es" he placed his finger on her lips shutting her up , Esther helplessly nodded earning herself a peck on the forehead

Holt reached into his armor and pulled out a small wooden block inscribed in runes , channeling the breath into it the runes lit up

" Second regiment and third regiment this is general Holt you may approach the village , the threat has been neutralized " he spoke unto the wooden block , after a few seconds a response came through

" Understood General" Holt's eyes were now on the bodies of the former blades , a dark smile could be seen on his face

Harmonia's eyes regained their light and her body started to rapidly heal itself , she turned her head to see the lifeless bodies of her lifelong friends lying on the ground covered in blood , a lone tear escaped her eye "I'm sorry my friends ." Harmonia got up and left the scene but it seems like neither Holt nor Esther could see her ...


Blades castle

Finn and the blades were all gathered in Timothy's room circling his bed

"My Lord we have been trying to wake him up but he's not responding , Jake splashed him with water and nothing happened . He is clearly still breathing but he seems to be stuck in a coma " komoni reported to Finn

Finn inspected Timothy for a while and he moved to pick him up " he will be fine let us go , Jake grab his stuff "

Jake quickly moved and grabbed Timothy's things quickly following behind the others

"My Lord what has happened?" Komoni asked making their way down the stairs

" Sedrigus and his army were poisoned , we currently do not have knights fit enough to take on La'faura that is why we are evacuating the whole city. I believe we have been housing members of the blood brothers in our kingdom and we have been doing so for a long time that this cult actually has a certain hold over Zebha , that is why we cannot stay here or with the rest of the citizens for we will just be bringing unnecessary danger to them " Finn answered in a somber tone

"But where will we go ?" Dan asked

" The citizens have already left for a very safe place but we are going somewhere else , somewhere far , somewhere you can grow in strength. Only two of you have reached the soul sprout stage and in this war people of your strength have no purpose other than adding the body count " Finn responded to Dan , komoni opened the castle door and made way for Finn to step outside

"Kya" an excited screech resounded . kora , Finn's mount seemed happy to see them .

"Hey kora " komoni waved at the giant bird that towered over them

Finn wasted no time and jumped to the back of the bird with Timothy still in his arms the others followed behind

"Hey guys , how are-..... what's wrong with him my Lord?" Elaine who was seated on Kora's back the whole time moved quickly towards Finn with ver and the two princess behind her

"Timothy, wha-what happened?" Tears escaped Ver's eyes

"Dont worry he will be fine , he pushed himself way too much on his previous mission ...let him rest up" Finn lied which didn't go unnoticed by Elaine

" Uhm Elaine what are they doing here ? I thought I instructed you to not allow them to follow us ?" Finn turned to look at Elaine pointing at his two sisters

"My lor-"

"We are coming with you elder brother and that is not up for discussion" Carolyn cut off elaine

"You- you ....alright , kora let's go " Finn looked at his little sisters and shook his head , he knew they would be safer with him. kora flapped her wings and took off into the sky .

The usually loud and busy capital now seemed desolute and abandoned , the blades all took in the sad scenery with Finn's aura leaking out of him making it hard to breathe

-what kind of king abandones his kingdom when danger approaches?.....A king who is willing to suffer small losses in return for bigger wins - Finn questioned himself and answered himself at the same time before taking out a crystal orb and throwing it infront of them

" We will return soon Zebha"....



"Why is it not stopping June ? He will die if he continues absorbing that much aether " moraine screamed at June

June too did not understand what was happening , she continued watching as Stephen absorbed the aether all around them that even the tears were not able to keep up with his aether absorption rate for he was absorbing the aether before the tears even released it . They too could not put up an aether membrane to cover themselves from the terrifying aura coming from Stephen as he would also absorb their aether , it was as if he was a massive black hole .

"He will be done shortly just hang on " Sebrina who was in Catalina's body reassured them

June looked towards her with a scrutinizing gaze nodding after she saw the confidence in her eyes