
Destiny Divine: The Divine Threads

Through the lenses of Konquerors, a place where hidden realities are twisting destinies, Timothy a 15 yr old and dreamy, discovers that what seems to be ordinary life is a fabric of lies. The filmy veil of his ordinary family-life is torn up at that point, and he finds himself in the brink of a world on the verge of war. Timothy's world is upturned with the unveiling of The Forsaken Son's Prophecy and he is forced to compensate for an existence totally different from the one he had ever known. In the subterfuge provided by the mysterious imprints of fate, he has to find support amidst fragile alliances and to undo age-old mysteries, which he must do with the demons of chaos always on his heels. Be a part of Timothy on a wayward path to find what he is looking for and the meaning of his life all the time filling him with impending fate with each step he takes.

SHADOW_IV · Fantaisie
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100 Chs

Chapter 24: The forgotten land of Concilia

Timothy found himself plummeting once more, yet this time he met the descent with calculated grace, a fluid maneuver that belied the urgency of his predicament. The world spun around him as he rolled, a cascade of motion that culminated in a swift recovery. Rising with a controlled grace, he assessed the terrain and bolted toward the looming trees, his every movement a testament to a newfound readiness.

The cacophony of pursuing engines reverberated in his ears. A chilling "vroom vroom" underscored the relentless pursuit echoing behind him. His thoughts raced, a tumult of questions and accusations directed at the elusive Stephen.

"Why, Stephen, what have you done!" Timothy's internal outcry reverberated within the confines of his mind. The menace trailing him intensified, a palpable threat that demanded immediate attention. He dared not turn to confront his pursuers; instead, he fixated on the path ahead, the rustling leaves and the ethereal dance of shadows among the trees.

As the symphony of relentless pursuit closed in, Timothy's ears caught the unmistakable sounds of steam-powered motorcycles. Glancing over his shoulder, his eyes widened at the sight of a formidable legion – a hundred men on mechanical steeds, their leader adorned with a malevolent mask and steampunk goggles.

"Impossible! I'm doomed," Timothy's internal monologue betrayed a sense of resignation. The odds stacked against him were insurmountable. The masked leader, a figure shrouded in ominous intent, orchestrated the pursuit with militaristic precision.

"What did you do, Stephen!" The gravity of Timothy's predicament sank in. The world around him blurred as he navigated the uneven terrain, each stride carrying him closer to an uncertain fate.

A quick peek over his shoulder revealed the relentless horde closing the gap. Panic seized him, but in the midst of turmoil, a realization struck – the forest offered sanctuary. An idea sparked, and with a decisive leap, he ascended toward the sanctuary of the towering trees. The pursuit intensified, the roar of engines echoing beneath the canopy as he executed a perilous dance, traversing from branch to branch.

"He's using the trees for cover! Spread out, cover the entire forest!" The masked leader's authoritative command echoed through the woods, a call to arms that spurred the relentless pursuit.

Timothy, fueled by a desperate determination, continued his arboreal escape. Each calculated leap carried him higher, and the relentless pursuit below adapted, their motorcycles weaving through the labyrinth of trunks. The pursuit reached a crescendo as Timothy neared the swamp, a natural boundary that promised momentary respite.

With a final, gravity-defying leap, he descended into the murky waters of the swamp, a calculated gamble that concealed him from the prying eyes above. The cacophony of engines diminished, replaced by the ominous silence of the swamp. Timothy submerged himself, the cool waters enveloping him as he held his breath, waiting for the telltale signs of the pursuit to dissipate.

Minutes passed like hours, and as the echoes of the engines faded, Timothy cautiously surfaced. The moonlight filtered through the dense canopy, casting an otherworldly glow on the swamp's surface. Convinced that the immediate threat had waned, he stealthily navigated the swamp's edge, his movements guided by a primal instinct for survival.

The masked leader, Decker, surveyed the swamp, frustration etched on his face. "Curse you, Stephen! One of these days, I, Decker, will catch you and rip you to shreds for your crimes against the esteemed Republic. Men, move out!" With an air of defiance, Decker and his entourage retreated, leaving Timothy concealed in the murky depths.

Timothy bided his time, ensuring that the retreat wasn't a ruse. Satisfied that the coast was clear, he emerged from the swamp, mud-laden and exhausted. The adrenaline-fueled escape had taken its toll, but determination fueled his next move – returning to the concealed entrance of the base.

The door creaked open, revealing a hidden refuge. Inside, a red-haired woman awaited, her gaze unwavering. "You're late," she declared, a tone of reproach underscoring her words. Timothy, still catching his breath, paid little heed to the reprimand as he moved deeper into the sanctuary.

The woman, June Bellanour, leader of the Revolution, observed Timothy with a faint smile. "Let me guess, trouble found you again? Who did you offend this time?" Her question, laced with amusement, acknowledged a recurring theme in Timothy's tumultuous journey.

Without a word, Timothy proceeded to switch on the lights, revealing the underground chamber bathed in a soft, artificial glow. June remained seated, her posture exuding a calm authority as she patiently awaited Timothy's account of the encounter.

"You're always in trouble, Stephen," June remarked as Timothy removed his muddy steampunk jacket, revealing a black t-shirt that clung to his lean, scar-adorned frame. As he settled into a seat, the room's ambiance shifted, the gravity of their shared struggle settling over the dimly lit space.

"Well..." June began, her voice carrying the weight of untold history. She began recounting the intricate tapestry of Concilia, a world forgotten by the gods. Timothy, now more than ever, was entwined in a saga that spanned generations.

"Concilia, our world, is a realm abandoned by the gods," June elucidated, her narrative weaving a tale of ambition, betrayal, and a relentless quest for power. "My father, Graham Nimuor, sought to unite the world in an age of steam. In the darkness that followed the death of our star, fires were futile, and the minds of the ingenious turned to an alternative power source."

Timothy listened intently as June painted a vivid picture of her father's pursuit of progress, an endeavor that led him to encounter a god named Cedric the Watcher. The god bestowed upon Graham Nimuor the knowledge of steam and aether, ushering in an era of innovation and technological marvels.

"While my father traversed the world, his ambitious vision drew envy and manipulation," June continued, her gaze fixed on Timothy. "Those who coveted his knowledge conspired against him, ultimately leading to his demise. The Republic, forged in betrayal, dismantled his legacy, erasing the laws he had set in place."

The revelation hung in the air as June's eyes betrayed a mix of sorrow and determination. Timothy absorbed the gravity of her words, grappling with the enormity of the revelations. "If your father is Nimour, why are you a Bellanour?" Timothy queried, seeking clarity amid the intricacies of lineage. "And who is Moraine? What does the Republic want with me?"

June's response unraveled the threads of a familial bond that stretched across time. "Your full name is Stephen Bellanour. Yes, you and I are married, or perhaps we were. Moraine is your little sister, abducted by the Republic. You, Timothy, are the true leader of the Revolution. The Republic pursues you relentlessly because, after Moraine's abduction, you single-handedly stormed one of their bases, showcasing your formidable prowess with aether."

The weight of Timothy's forgotten exploits settled over him. "What is my purpose here?" he questioned, torn between the enigma of his past and the uncertainties of his future. "So, Concilia is a forgotten land, implying the existence of many other worlds?" Timothy mused internally , his mind navigating the labyrinthine implications of June's revelations. "Am I meant to reclaim Stephen's identity or forge a new path?"

June, sensing the burden that rested on Timothy's shoulders, placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Worry not, my love. I'll guide you through it all."

The underground chamber became a sanctuary for shared confessions and unspoken fears. Timothy, now stripped of the armor of forgetfulness, bared the vulnerabilities of a man grappling with a past that danced at the edge of his recollection.

"Aether," he spoke with a touch of despair, "a power that eludes my understanding. How can I harness its force? And yet, I must save Moraine."

June, her eyes reflecting a mix of sympathy and determination, rose from her seat. "Aether is a power enigmatic even to those who have wielded it for generations," she explained. "It surrounds us, yet remains elusive. My father believed it leaked from the tears in space, though the cause of these rifts remains a mystery. Come, let me show you the technique."

Seated on the cold chamber floor, June closed her eyes, inviting Timothy to join her in this introspective exploration. As they delved into the intricacies of aetheric manipulation, Timothy felt the currents of power weaving through the fabric of his being. The lesson unfolded, a dance of metaphysical energies guided by June's patient instruction.

Timothy's mind was occupied by June's words , he stopped struggling with the instructions and opened his eyes only to be met by June's gaze .

"what do they want from me?" Timothy pressed, his eyes searching for answers in June's unwavering gaze.

"You were not just a rebel; you were a symbol of resistance," June explained. "Your prowess with aether posed a threat to the Republic's control. They fear your potential to rally the people, to inspire hope. In their eyes, you embody the rebellion's spirit, and they will stop at nothing to extinguish it."

As the echoes of June's words lingered in the chamber, a resolve kindled within Timothy. "I may not remember the battles fought or the victories won, but I sense a duty – a responsibility to reclaim what was lost and to face the shadows that haunt my past."

June nodded in understanding, her red hair catching glimmers of light as she offered a supportive smile. "Together, we'll unravel the mysteries that bind us and confront the Republic's tyranny. You are the key to a new dawn for Concilia."

The underground refuge echoed with the weight of revelations and the promise of a shared destiny. Timothy, now aware of the intricate tapestry woven by fate, took a moment to absorb the gravity of his role. "June, tell me more about your father, Graham Nimuor, and this god, Cedric the Watcher. What secrets do they hold, and how did their alliance shape the destiny of Concilia?"

June's eyes gleamed with a mixture of pride and melancholy as she embarked on a recounting of her father's journey. "Graham Nimuor was a visionary scientist, driven by a desire to salvage Concilia from the encroaching darkness. In his travels, he encountered Cedric the Watcher, a god from a higher plane of existence."

The tale unfolded, painting a portrait of an alliance forged in the crucible of necessity. Cedric bestowed upon Graham the knowledge of steam and aether, a gift that became the cornerstone of Concilia's survival. "The artificial star, powered by steam and aether, became our sun, sustaining us in the wake of our star's demise," June continued.

As she spoke of her father's achievements, Timothy marveled at the ingenuity that had birthed a new era. "But the Republic's betrayal changed everything," June sighed. "They manipulated my father, stole the design of the star, and orchestrated his downfall. The very technology meant to unite us became a tool of oppression."

A sense of collective sorrow hung in the air as June delved deeper into the machinations of betrayal. "My father's name, once revered, became a distant echo in the halls of power. They erased his legacy, twisted his vision, and left Concilia in the grip of a tyrannical Republic."

Timothy absorbed the weight of the tale, recognizing echoes of a familiar struggle against forces that sought to control the narrative. "What happened to Cedric the Watcher?" he inquired, his curiosity reaching beyond the confines of Concilia.

"Cedric vanished, leaving behind a legacy of both progress and turmoil," June explained. "My father believed that the tears in space, conduits for aether, were connected to Cedric's higher plane. Whether the god's departure was a result of cosmic indifference or a deliberate withdrawal remained a mystery."

The revelation sparked contemplation in Timothy's eyes. "Aether, tears in space, and the legacy of a god – our world is entwined with forces beyond our understanding. June, what can you teach me about harnessing aether, and how do we challenge the Republic's grip on Concilia?"

June, her resolve undiminished, gestured for Timothy to join her once more in the mystical communion. As they delved into the intricacies of aetheric manipulation, the chamber became a crucible of shared purpose and burgeoning strength.

Outside the hidden refuge, the world of Concilia remained veiled in shadows, but within those walls, Timothy and June forged a pact to defy the chains of forgotten history. The journey ahead was uncertain, fraught with challenges and the looming specter of a Republic determined to quash the spark of rebellion.

And so, the underground refuge became a sanctuary not only for the fugitive's respite but for the genesis of a revolution – a revolution fueled by the enigmatic power of aether and the indomitable spirit of those who dared to defy the established order.

As the analog computer hummed with the echoes of untold tales, Timothy and June embarked on a journey to reclaim the forgotten legacy of Graham Nimuor, confront the elusive mysteries of aether, and defy the Republic that sought to erase the dreams of a world reborn from the ashes of betrayal.