
Destiny: Aryon Legacy

Jesse Aryon is the last descendant of the family of Aryon. Aryon was the first mortal to combine Dragon Magic and Celestial powers. The end is nigh as an evil of a lost time is rising turning the wheels of fate in motion creating an uprising for the return for even greater evils that have threatened the void whilst crossing paths with jesse's journey of self discovery ...

RunicNero · Fantaisie
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16 Chs

Forward Into Another Day

The conclusion...

        Aryon dies kneeling in front of Jesse who also kneels crying as Aryon turns to dust, meanwhile Max stands against Shrae.

" You're in my way "

" Am I? really? "

" No one can stand between me and the book of Zerlar "

" In that case, send me home and I'll be out of your hair," says Max pulling out an orb slowly pressing its centre its liquefies.

Shrae looks at Max with slight interest, as he takes a step forward, Katherine and Lance arrive behind him.

" The dark lord hasn't gotten the book yet "

" We can still stop him "

      Shrae looks at Katherine and Lance, then looks at Max saying.

" The godslayers have each fallen, they have betrayed the master, they swore allegiance to, no matter I'll carry on the task myself"

" Druidic Dark Arts: Siphon "

The magic particles in the air and body of the fighters across the battlefield get sucked into Shrae, leaving Katherine and Lance powerless against him.

" Your magic will return eventually but I suggest you retreat to your fellow powerless comrades "

" Impossible, he took our magic with one move in a second, what is the guy? "

" He's being stupid," says Max in a vicious metallic armour swinging a left hook towards Shrae, who grips his hand and tosses him over to Katherine and Lance.

" Take this trash with you "

" I'm not done ya idiot "

says Max staggering to his feet

" In fact, I'm just getting warmed up, I'll beat you till you send me home that's a promise!. "

" Relax, that's the dark lord of old his power is unmeasurable," says lance to Max as Katherine takes a closer look at him

" But you're not from here are you? "

" No. And this assbutt is my one-way ticket home, outta my way  or help me out "

" How do we help without our magic ?"

" Use this "

Max creates projectile weapons

" stand steady, aim and squeeze this," he says while he points at the trigger

" It was entertaining watching you fiddle with your primitive weapons but I'm in a hurry so I'll end this here and now "

" Hear thee "

Katherine is interrupted as Shrae rushes up to her grabbing her, he replicates a black dagger thrusting it but quickly it's shot out of his hands by Lance, Max grabs the collar of Shrae's attire forcing him to leave Katherine, lifting him upwards and drops him on the ground.

      Shrae bounces up from the floor, snapping the bones in his neck in alignment.

" This is irrational but I'll be obliged to little fishes. "

He forces his left hand into his midsection causing him to bleed.

" Demonic Druidic Seal! "

black sealing scribbles appear all over his skin. They light up and Shrae says

" Break! "

" Demon Dragon Azrohl! "

" TakeOver! "

      Black horns protrude from Shrae's head as his eyes turn pitch black, his iris purple, his skin pure grey, his fingernails turn into claws.

   A dark claw mark appears across his left eye, he lets out a shallow growl before black dragon wings sprout from his back.

   A menacing roar follows shortly after, it is heard across Mythika,

" I've never used this ability before but I must finish my task. Demonic Dragon Inferno! "

     A thick more dense flame bursts form from Shrae's mouth, incinerating the other half of the castle where Max and the others stand, he flies off deeper into the untouched half.

   The smoke clears and a wall of Max's amour is coloured reddish hot, steam pours out of Max as he falls face first and the wall shatters, Katherine and Lance with barely a scratch on them, look in awe how they are alive when their weapons turned to grains of dust. They try to heal Max who is dying.

       Deep in the castle, Shrae arrives at the tomb of Zerlar. He reverts to normal but his eyes retain the draconic features, he wanders around the tomb until he finds Zerlar's corpse gripping tightly to a book, the ancient grimoire, he reaches out for it but he triggers a trap.

      A golem arises, Shrae pays no attention to it, first acquiring the book, the golem slams its hand in front of the corpse, preventing Shrae from attempting anything else, Shrae turns his attention towards the golem emanating his frustration and anger through his aura and it shatters to pieces, he grabs the book of Zerla and reverts to his Draconic form bursting through the castle upwards into the skies.

    Prince Angsem, a blond hair caucasian male with blue eyes and slightly muscular, putting on a knights armour arrives before  the castle as he sets his eyes on Shrae

"It's a good thing I caught you, can't let the soldiers have all the fun now, can we? "

Shrae laughs then swoop downwards landing gently in front of the prince.

" I thought your majesties left for your minions to do your bidding "

" They bought me the time I needed "

" Is that so? You bought your demise instead, Inferno! "

Shrae gathers his flames ready to burst forth, Prince Angsem keeps his sword sheathed as the flames come forth

" Divide! "

Angsem's blade cuts through the flames, reducing its intensity gradually to nothingness, without a scorch mark on Angsem's armour.

Shrae surprised tries once more, but Angsem swings back his sword saying,

" Retort! "

  The flames from Shrae's earlier attack appears with an even greater intensity searing Shrae, he retreats with the book of Zerla a bit burnt.

    Jesse regroups with the troops while carrying Percival on his shoulder.

" He's not dead and we have worse problems than Shrae "

"What could be worse than the dark lord? "

asks Dave looking at Jesse

" What are you saying Scout," says Reith with a slight irritation in her voice.

   All eyes rest on Jesse as he looks at Percival who nods, giving him a go-to tell the others what he learned.

" This world belonged to factions, The celestials, the creators and the creations being us and every creature upon the surface of the earth, and the aberrant the reflection of darkness itself, In a  time before ours there where creations who worshipped Celestials and Aberrants. These two factions became opposed against each other and went their separate ways..."

" Get to the point," says Reith agitated from her battle.

" The point is Shrae is a believer... a follower of the Aberrants, he plans on restoring his masters."

" So how do we stop it? " asks Aaron

" We don't, precisely we can't without the celestials that is if Zerlar's book has not been opened, it's the final key "

says Jesse as Lucia replies.

" That might be a problem, No one except the royal family knows where Zerla's last book is."

" The books of Zerlar were stored in Balta and Mythika, with each of the Royal family alerted to its whereabouts, but after the Royal family in Mythika lost contact with us  they were considered dead and that a new monarch had taken over," says Lucien following up his sisters' explanation

" But if we kill Shrae then we can prevent this can't we ? "asks Reith gripping the godslayer tightly as she stands up.

" I'm not sure " replies Jesse

" Ava take me and whoever can still fight towards the castle. "

" OK sister. "

Jesse, Reith, Lucia and Aaron alongside Ava appear in front of the devastated castle, seeing Angsem heal Max.

" What happened here ? "asks Reith

" Shrae, he was using magic unlike any I've encountered " replied Angsem

" You guys are OK," says Jesse glad to see his friends alive.

" yeah thanks to him, " says Katherine pointing at Max

" I hope he makes it, " says Lance

" He's here," Lucia says looking up at the sky, Shrae swoops down hovering midair.

" Blazing Wrath "

Balls of fire rain from the skies scattering the troops.

" You're too late "

" Shrae! " Reith shouts appearing at his side swinging the godslayer with all her might, he stops it with the tip of a finger and shatters it to bits. Reith in shock falls downwards, caught by Aaron

" Siphon " Shrae sucks out the magic particles once again. Reith, Ava and Aaron fall to their knees. Whilst Jesse, Angsem and Lucia stand, looking slightly better than the others.

" Dragon Wrath: Superior Brimstone "

"Druidic White Magic: Ornament"

Angsem's armour is cladded by white light.

" Forge Make: Demonslayer Xereez & Garza "

Lucia forges her demons layer blades once more.

     A momentary standoff until Angsem rushes after Shrae slamming him through the remnants of the castle. Jesse appears above Angsem as he draws back allow Jesse to slams Shrae into the ground, Lucia appears ready to deal the final blow. Shrae spurs out a wave of flame Jesse drags Lucia out of the way, protecting her from the flame, Angsem dashes in using his Divide ability once more to counter Shrae's flames. Shrae switches abilities to siphon, he grabs Angsem.

" Takeover! Riex, Fusion Azrohl  "

Pushing him backwards with a gravitational type ability. He pulls Lucia towards him forging a blade of flames.

" Spear of Light "

Jesse throws a spear if light cutting off Shrae's left arm. Lucia staggers to her feet and backs off they regroup as Shrae's hand regenerates slowly.

" We can't win head-on," says Lucia

" Our attacks aren't strong enough but I have an idea "

Angsem looks at Jesse and turns his attention towards Shrae saying to Jesse

" I'll be a diversion use that as your opening"

" OK "

      Angsem stands between the others and Shrae. Dropping his sword.

" Enhance: Magi, this should give us the boost needed "

Shrae looking twisted drools from his mouth with a sadistic look on his face

" Paridieans, know your end is nigh! "

      Angsem attacks Shrae, they engage in a brutal hand to hand exchange, creating an impact crater as they continue their onslaught.

" I'll need you to stand back," says Jesse referring to Lucia.

" Divine Celestial Technique: Vanquishing Spear of Light "

   A massive spear of light, larger than the first time he used the ability forms, he tosses it as Angsem slips away from Shrae's field of vision, the crater is enveloped in a ball of light which dissipates upwards, Shrae is seen dissipating but suddenly the skies turn pitch black with black lightning falling all over Mythika.

      A storm picks up, several cyclones separate Jesse from everyone, Shrae restored in his draconic form stands at the centre of the largest cyclone.

" It is done, the Aberrants... "

   Jesse spears Shrae, they exchange blows at the inside of the ever destructive cyclone.

" Shrae! "

" Inferno "

   flames burst out from the cyclone, Jesse bursts through the flames throwing a solid right jab at Shrae, who returns it with a high knee to his jaw.

     The others regroup looking army the cyclone, which steadily turns into whirlwinds of fire.

" We have to leave everything to that boy "

" He's not just a mere boy "

says Angsem replies Reith

" He is the last from a lineage of great warriors who were mages, an ancient lineage as old as the Royal families themselves "

" How do you know," asks Lucia

" His passion and the type of magic he uses, no one except those in that lineage can control or fuse Draconic and Celestial Magic" replies Angsem

" Not even those of us born in the house of Zerlar "

    Ava, Reith and the others look at Angsem in awe and disbelief.

" Anyway let's leave this place unless you want to get killed "

   Katherine and lance look at the cyclone infernos and simultaneously say

" you'd better beat this guy and come back Jesse, do you hear me ?!"

" Let's go already," says Reith muttering

" You'd better win or die trying Scout "

    At the centre of the cyclone, Shrae is seen having the upper hand, relentlessly attacking Jesse, he falls to his knees as though giving all hope. Shrae stands in front of him.

   "Aryon's descendant, who'd have thought I'd meet another one at this age after what I did to your predecessors "

" What did you say?!!! "

     Shrae laughs maniacally, as he thrust his hand through Jesse's midsection, advertently breaking through his dragon-like armour, killing him. Shrae uses a force wave to push out the cyclone infernos further outward from the castle. Jesse lies on the floor bleeding out the light fading from his eyes.

      Jesse appears in a pitch-black space. He wonders around thinking to himself.

" I died, Shrae won "

" You're not dead, you're in the veil," says Aryon appearing towards Jesse.

" We've lost. Shrae is going to destroy Mythika and the rest of paridie "

" Not yet. "

Argon places his hand on Jesse' shoulder

" I'll give you the remnants of my power, make it yours and wake up "

    Jesse's eyes open, his fatal wound healed, Shrae turns around surprised and faces Jesse stretching forth his hand.

" Demonic Druidic Art: Aberrant Light " a beam of purple-black light spurs out towards Jesse, it deflects upwards just before hitting Jesse.

" Combined Technique Celestial Dragon Wrath; Divine Dragon godslayer "

Jesse becomes like Aryon with a draconic form.

" Heavenly Dragon Inferno "

" Aberrant Light "

   Their abilities clash, destroying everything in sight for miles, as the cyclones settle, Shrae is seen burning.

" You're... too late... The book of... Zerlar has been opened... The Aberrants will...have this world now that... "

Jesse falls to his knees then falls unconscious as Shrae dies with a smirk on his face.

      Weeks later, Jesse is seen standing on a hill looking across it with Lucia, Lucien, Aaron, Dave, Reith, Ava, Lance, Percival all standing at his side.

     " So the actual enemy has been to the east across the ocean all this time," says Reith

" What do we do now ? " asks Ava

" We prepare " replies Lucien

" Paridie to the west and Areleas in the east," says Dave as the sun sets...