
Destiny: Aryon Legacy

Jesse Aryon is the last descendant of the family of Aryon. Aryon was the first mortal to combine Dragon Magic and Celestial powers. The end is nigh as an evil of a lost time is rising turning the wheels of fate in motion creating an uprising for the return for even greater evils that have threatened the void whilst crossing paths with jesse's journey of self discovery ...

RunicNero · Fantaisie
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16 Chs


Draped in a leather trench coat, with a pair of brown eyes, white-haired man with a scar across his face, the chief of staff stands on a podium, his squiggly moustache catching the eyes of the freshmen who survived their rigorous training regime, for most of them this would be the last time they'd ever see him again as they get sent to their posts.

" Amber Tyrni! "

snowy hair light grey eyes. and a plain look on her face to hide the murderous intent concealed deep in her psyche, she steps forward and stands before legs closely knitted together

" at ease soldier, the top of Class 5 Omega with a rank upper-Class X, Outsiders Platoon advance regiment. " said the chief in a hoarse tone

" Ava Lynne! " the chief continued as Amber stepped aside, Ava's turquoise hair, slim stature alongside a pair of deep caramel eyes and shy appearance diverted the audience from her sense of radicalism but her friend noticed as she smirked while receiving her badge rank

" Upper emperor class X, Preliminary Royal Guard First Line "

" Eron Garjeil "

his tanned appearance, with icy eyes and slick ebony hair, made him the most sought out individual in the training camp even by his superiors who found him attractive, he steps forward receiving his rank.

"Upper emperor class X, Tertiary Royal Guard, Third Line "

The commander pauses as he turns his attention to the next set of soldiers line up before him

"Percival Zorl "

with blonde hair and grey eyes that stared into the depths of your soul, coupled with a smirky look on his face.

" lower class Z-rank, Outsiders

Recon and Tactics regiment "

" Reith Lynne "

with ashy falling hair and murky blue eyes yes, the younger sister of Ava steps forward

" Middle-Class Z-rank, Royal Guard

Primary Regiment "

" You five are this years strongest, unrivalled and unmatched. You have your sectors, as of this day you and your companions are soldiers for the throne and its forces. Some of you will be beyond the wall, while others will be tasked with the duty of protecting the city. I hope that for your sakes you all survive the experience. That is all! " says Commander Da Heinz.

Kathryn, Lance and Jesse meet up later after the announcement each holding, a plastic-like disk with screens

" So where'd you get ?!" asks Kathryn

" Well I'll be straight with you guys I'm an outsider" replies Jesse

" Whaaaaaat! " Says lance and Kathryn

" Yeah, sorry I didn't tell you sooner," says Jesse scruffling his hair,

" No way I'm part of the outsiders too what about you Kath" replies lance his hands folded the goofy look, he had earlier taken off

"You guys are lucky, I'm with the royal guard " replies Kathryn as she points towards the Royal Guard

"It's all good, but what regiment did you guys get"

" It doesn't say all I have here is exploratory scouts "

" That's strange "

" Kath what about you?!"

" Me! I got tertiary regiment"


A few people dressed up like raiders covered with hoods draped in reddish-brown leather jackets arrive " Outsiders! Primary Regiment! Let's go, we move out before dawn grab your gear, it's time y'all got your hands dirty."

" Huh?! I guess this is where we depart " says Jesse in a sceptical manner.

" Yeah! I guess. Hey knuckleheads don't die on me ok" answers Kathryn

Lance yanks Jesse and Kathryn in for a hug." You know we won't" asserts Lance with a huge grin. Kathryn walks away towards the gathering of the royal guardsmen and walks off with them.

" Looks like it's just us now and these guys," says Lance in a very informal manner.

"I'd stop blabbing on and on if I were you," says a stranger draped in Royal Guard clothing while executing air quotes

" 'cuz these guys can get you killed in a matter of minutes," he says as he walks away.

The outsiders are gathered, with several less than thirty of the students who graduated from the academy.

" There are three regiments and under each regiment are two factions..... And these regiments all report to me and her. "

Says the slick jet black-haired man who's silver eyes look as clear as the sea on a hot day, pointing at chocolate dipped lady with pink hair sitting on a stomp not too far away from the gathering

" I'm the 55th head of the Outsiders, for those of you who are joining us my name is Bryan Felz, and she is Freya Ceeya. These people here are your regiment and faction leaders "

says Bryan as people line up standing at his side.

" Lenard Grant

Advanced Regiment leader.

Anne Yales

Covert Ops Regiment leader

Dave Cormick

Aerial Unit Regiment leader

Markus Tobey

Technology Faction leader

Elliot Zachary

Covert Ops Faction leader

Dante Felton

Advanced Faction leader

Myrrelis Isaac

Tactics Faction leader

Rules Mathers

Support Faction leaders

Evelyn Ryan

Aerial Unit Faction leader

Those of you who don't have a regiment is to report to Cormick over there. He'll put you in support or Aerial unit.


"Hey, Jesse. I guess this is um.. where we part ways. See you around. " says Lance as he walks off to the Advanced Regiment meeting.

Jesse walks towards Dave Cormick, the man's unkempt coarse ebony hair appearance and emerald eyes, made Jesse wonder if he was a leader

" Newbie you're with us. The best way for your types to develop fast is to be in the line of action. Welcome to the Unit Regime "

says Cormick as he introduces Jesse to the regiment members.

" We'll be splitting up into our 3 regiments, training wheels are off. Be careful out there it's a dangerous world. Unit Regime you're going first accompanied by a few from the reconnaissance faction, clear a pathway into the Badlands." says Bryan whilst pacing aimlessly.

After all the formalities are completed. The recruits are sworn in and given hooded capes with star Siegel drawn on them.

The scout leaders are seen conversing amongst themselves while the troops rest in preparation for their next mission as the recruits prepare for their first.

Meanwhile in the capital of Mythika, the initiation ceremony into the royal guard ends.

The Monarch selects his guards while the rest are put on duty almost immediately.

Several guards are summoned to an underground chamber where these selected few are the guards of the Council.

The next morning before sunrise the scouts head off in different directions all departing from the kingdom of Paridie, unit regiment approaches the walls of the country on the horizon.