
chapter 1

One bright Sunday morning Maggie suddenly woke up with a Jerk.She was shocked to see that she is already late for college.She got up from bed and starts to get ready for her college.She was studying psychology and she dreams to be a psychologist.

She goes to college regularly because her exams are near so she really can't take the risk to miss her classes.

Her best friend name was gauri who helps her in her studies.They both used to study together and enjoy their meals together after college.

After 2 weeks when her exams were over maggie tries her luck for job and things workout in favour...she got a job of psychologist. She was soo happy as she cannot express it.She told her parents and friends.And she was elated...

6 months have been passed and all the things were going well in Maggie's life and one day a boy named Carl visited her clinic..he was good looking,well mannered but he was depressed.

Carl is a young boy who is a business man by profession. He used to visit clinic once a week. One day when he visited Maggie's clinic he saw that Maggie was giving some advices related to life to a patient who was looking mentally unstable.Carl was actually a calm person but something bad happened in his past which had somehow affected his mental health.

Maggie used to ask Carl why he used to visit her every week because she clearly thinks that Carl was a normal boy and he don't need to visit her.Then Carl told her his story that he lost his mother at a young age and he is still unable to cope up with that situation. He wants someone to be with him forever so that he could somehow tries to forget his past and go ahead with the future.Maggie asked him that does he have any friends? Carl replied I have many but there is no one who could listen to me and help me get out of this situation...I am a business man well settled in my life in the eyes of people but I am broken deep inside.Maggie was kind of feeling bad for him and she kinda of start liking him.

Weeks passed and Maggie and Carl used to meet each other at clinic and sometimes at coffee shop.Maggie was a beautiful girl inside and out and she used to recommend good books and some medicines to Carl to overcome depression in life.

Carl was getting back to normal and he also started liking Maggie a lot..he was waiting for a day to confess his love for her.

After 2 days Maggie's birthday comes and Carl visits her clinic.He bought a flower of bouquet and a letter .Maggie was soo happy to see Carl and then she opened a letter there was a beautiful note written by him

I was a boy who don't know what is love..until you came..I was the one who never knew that I will ever fall in love..until you came..you helped me get out of my past and move on..I want to confess my feelings to you and I want you to be with me forever...

Maggie was happy and she was about to cry but she stopped and she asked Carl to wait for her answer...Maggie told her bestfriend gaurie about this and asked her to help her in convincing her parents.

Gaurie visited Maggie's house and she told every thing to her parents ..they were shocked to hear that because their daughter was never interested in love.

When Maggie comes home she confronted her parents and her parents tries hard to make her understand that Carl is not good for you.We will find a better man for you...but Maggie was so reluctant she somehow convinced her parents and her parents agreed.

After 2 months Maggie and Carl got engaged and after 2 years they got married and lead a happy life together forever.. ❤