
Family Get Together

The whole cafeteria is silent. Bad boys are joining us to the lunch. And it's uncomfortable to us to.. I mean there aura make us scared. I don't know about anyone. But I do scared my legs are Shakiing. it's just that we are not comfortable and they are badboys. they are dangerous.

I am happy that Noel  and Holly are both seating besides me. So I did hold Holly's hand. And she look at me and smile. I think she also feel that same.

" Make some space to me too.." Ari voice we heard and she come up with her food tray and chair. And than we all adjust to each other. Noel and me now wearing very close to each other.

" So i want to ask that whoever that boy we arrested. I know is not from our school. " I tell him Noel and I know he did nervous about hearing it.

I didn't tell before. But I know that I never saw that boy ever. If there is unknown person are invited. means that is party open invitation. So maybe. Who knows.

" Who's that guys what happened to him and all that is none of your business. And you don't have to involved in all of this. You help her. You give your statement. Now your work is done here. Now don't try to put your nose in all of this. We guys will handle it. understand" Fimiler voice dangerously said suddenly. And I see everyone looking at me and than him.

" I am not talking to you. And you don't have to involve to anyone's business.. understand" I snap him back.

" Look Lena.. I am telling you last time. Don't make me Angry. When I said that not to involve in this. Than do not. If i see that you are getting intersted or somthing I swear to god. I will tell your dad about this. And you know very well that what will happened next.. " he said to me dangerously or I said he just threaten front of everyone. And I am sacred like real real sacred. I never want to involve in this shit. Why he think that. I just worry and concern about Ness. Fucking assholle. I ignore him after that. I didn't said anything.

" Stop it Nick don't sacred her like that I will talk to her.." Ari said to him. And than he sign..

" You better.. " he said to her. How can my sister is still into that piss of shit. I mean he always do what he want to..

" You oky.." Noah ask me looking at me. And I look at him and nodded. And I eat my food.

After that Holly and me started to talk about our homework. kill this silent and avoid all of this tension. Noel didn't talk to me or anything. He just seat there. And eat he's food. He didn't dare to talk to me or look at me.

What happened to him. He is not like this. How the hell suddenly he just act like this. again I am back to square One..why I am even thinking about him.. ughh..

I also see one think that Ness and Nick both are talking normally that one is little bit surprising. He never talk with like that. How can he be so clam after yelling at me. He don't care about others feeling did he.

Other side my sister want to talk to Nick but Ness don't give them second to talk. So she give up she started to talk with Nate. Noah and Mia both are avoiding to talk to each other. And Derrick and Noah talk about related to there own stuff..

" Today is football tryouts.. if you wnat to try Noel.." Derrick approach him. And he just nodded and didn't said anything after that. Strange. Feel like he is hiding something.

Lucas and Marcus both are doing something in there phone. I feel uncomfortable here. And suffocating. I hope this lunch break get over and than I leave this table as possible as fast I can..

After that my whole day go normal. Bussy in my own study's.

Next couple of days. I see that Nick and there friend's come and seat with us. I can say that our freedom is literally gone. Like we use to talk and joke around.

Mia and Noah maybe clear things up whatever going on between them. Noel seating with Nick. He did stop to seat beside me. And avoid to talk to me. We did smile and wish each other good morning and give awkward hugs. Nothing else.

Ness getting more close with Nick. I did saw them sometime masking out. And I see how my sister's feeling hurt like hell. But she can't tell this to anyone. I other hand try to ignore them as possible as I can.

I know Ness is nice girl. But what she is doing with my sister. It kinda hurt looking at her. She spend time with Noel shocking. They both are together well'. Noel and my sister i see them sometimes Makin out with each other. I feel like I have to give up and not to think about Noel anymore. I mean I never know that Noel will do somthing like that.. and that with my twin sister..

I do have my friend's that I always stay in my group's. And not to look at them. I know one day he will pick my sister and not me. She is more than beautiful and what everyone's say.

So I accept that and try to avoid them.

My dad text us. I mean me and Ari that they are finally coming home. And they announced that we are having family dinner in this weekend. Which me and Ari kbow what that means. Noah family and Nick family also are going to join us.

Four of life are going on in other side. I mean we four of decided that what we want in our life. Another than stick with each other.

Noah still is with me. We both talk and hangout but nothing more than that. But he always be my side. We spend time together. And he never leave my side no matter what. He still dating he's bitch of GF Zara.

This six of people Ness and Nick, Noah and Zara, one last I could add Noel and Ariana they are gossip of this school. People think they do have dating to each other.

I do talk about Mia that what she feel hurt or somthing. She said she never have feelings for Noah. So she don't care whom he sleep with or date. So i am happy that Noah did told me truth that he never hurt mia. And he never will. Hope so.

The weekend up. When wake-up. I remember that today we all are having dinner. Means mom and dad are home.

I quickly FRESHNUP. And than meet them in kitchen. Dad seating there and reading newspaper and I run to him and hug him and he laughed.

" Ohh my little girl finally up..," he siad. And I kiss he's check and join him to dinning table.

Mom and Ari both are cooking in kitchen like old times and they both are talking god's no what.

" So how's your school going on.. anything interesting.." dad ask me..

" All are going well dad. There is nothing interesting expect that exam's is coming over next month before the Halloween " I tell him.

" Yeahh about that halloween. Well Kayden's is throwing ball and we all are invited to no more plan that day.. and sorry is surprise he told me that he want to tell this in dinner. So just forgot what i siad. " He siad and we both laugh at his antics.

" What you guys talking. "Mom  come with food and Ari join us.  I see big smile on Ari's face. she finally happy. Mmmm.

" Nothing just telling her kayden have surprise to tell them.. and i accidently spilt it. So I tell her forget that that I did told her that.. " and they also laugh.

" You are always like this Kavin" mom said and join us.

" Whats the surprise..," Ari ask him.

" Just hold your horses and wait for tonight you will know.." he said to her. Ari nodded and leave it.

" Your cooking skill better that I know.." mom said to Ari. And he proud of that.

" It's just me and lena since she don't know about cooking. And we know that how bad she is in so I have to always make food for us. So it's normal now. And not big of deal plus I also get spend some time with Lucy. She is always help me out." She said to me Lucy is Nick's mother.

" She did doing her good job. Thanks to remind me to tell her lots of thanks. To taking care of all this. In my absence." Mom said.

" And you.. when you going to be learn cooking. I know you girls are still little but still you do know little knowledge about cooking. " She ask me.

" Ohh no she don't have to.. I think she is not born for make food or anything. And I don't take another disaster to our home. Did we.." dad said making joke. We all laughed.

" Dad I am not that bad cook. It's just i don't understand how it's work. Other than I know if I did try will be make good food. Like I am good at to everything.." i tell them proudly. And they all Rolle there eyes on me.

" Yeah yeah whatever." Ari. And than leave that topic.

" So Lucy and Medelline are coming right. What are going to make dinner for today. I think we have to plan it now than we have to go for shopping. Lots of work to do mom.." Ari said. Medelline is Kayden's wife and Noah's mom.

" Ohh yes. I don't want to be late for that. When they come and we still are in kitchen to cooking. I do want to my girls time with them." My mom sometimes act like teenager.

" And we do have a talk with kayden and Michelle don't forget lena.." my dad said to me mad i look at him. We both smrik at each other and nodded.

" What is that that you guys always talk talk and don't even tell us. Not even Nick and Noah.." Ari said to me and dad.

" Trust me ariana nothing special it's just that I know that you ledis will be bussy in gossiping and cooking so I don't want to make lena alone. So we always pick her so we guys also do some of bitching about you guys.." dad said and they both are looking at us in shock. And me and dad both are brust out laughing looking at there faces.

" Ohh my god dad. You guys bitching about is. And lena you also join them I mean seriously.." Ari said. And we laugh more.

" Trust me I don't have to but they drugged me. So I don't have any Choice" i tell her.

" I never know that you guys use my baby for this.." mom said to dad.

" Come on Julie it's just for Fun. If we did front of you guys you not like this. Even that's why we didn't invite Nick and Noah.." dad said.

" Just leave it. I don't want to hear this. And you Elle I never accept to join your dad for all this.." mom said and i Apologize her but she just leave that topic. And than Ari and mom talking about cooking again.

After that mom and Ari left for shopping. So they give us work to clean the house. Yeah they always boss around us. Since we can only do that. There is no way we can help them in cooking. So other things they always give us cleaning to make the house look like clean and best.

I always make house the clean so that is good that we don't have that work much. We did clean our bedroom. My bedroom are alway clean so I don't have to much work. But Ari have lots of mess.

Books and clothes are not in when they have to.. and than untidy bed. She is the one who are always in most indigenous girl but look like nothing like that.

After that when we done. Me and dad plan to wash over Cars. And that is our best think that we love to do it.

Washing car that is fun. When there is sun is shining and than we are getting our to shorts and dad only where shorts and come out shirtless. He always like to show he's body. And let me tell you he still look like handsome and fit and fine.

No words that mom and dad still love and do always bad things at night. Yeah it is helireous but that is our parents are. They are enjoying there life. And why don't they.

Sometimes they done there business and come to the living room and kitchen they look at me or Ari accidentally. He know the why we are up and what we are here he murmured in he's breat that ' remember to make soundproof bedroom' and he's look speechless. And I sometimes laugh at him.

" Ohh Mrs gomez how's you.." my dad said. The our neighbours. And she look at my dad and blush. See my dad still have charm to make blush the woman.

That same time mom and Ari both come out and see that and mom glare at dad. Whoohh jealous mom. And dad put t-shirt as fast as he can. And that make me laugh at more. And he glare at me. And I laugh more to seeing the seen.

After that mom talk with our neighbours ignoring dad comments. How dad try to flirt with Mrs Gomez. We get in the house.

" I am sorry Julie I will never do that. I promise.." and mom ignoring dad go to the bedroom. And dad follow her.

Me and Ari look at each other. And than we both know what will happen next. So we both get our phone. And earphone and started to hearing musics to ignoring the other sounds which coming from there bedrooms. Damn it. I love them.

In the evening mom and Ari both are started to making food. When other side me and dad clean the dining table. And than seach some of CD's of movies so we can see to time passed.

Me and Ari didn't ask about that. So did they. They act like nothing happened. But mom's big mark of her neck say it everything. But didn't even comment on that too.

After that all of done. Mom and Air are making desserts to everyone. We love desserts. Even Noah's and Nick's family come home. Me and dad WLCOM them. I do want to go my room and change but I know what dad tell me. So I didn't change it.

I hug everyone. Accept Nick. He just see that me and dad are standing to WLCOM them he give my dad bro hug and enter the room without looking at me. And I Rolle my eyes. And WLCOM Lucy and Michelle.

We all are seating in living room and than talk. When Lucy and Medelline join the Ari and mom for talking.

" There are again doing it didn't they.." kayden said to me. And I just don't know what to say. They ledis are laughing and talking forget that we are also here.

" So let's take walk shell we.." Michelle clearing his thoughts and said to us. Other side Nick and Noah both are don't know where they are. So we just walk out to the living room..