
Destiny's Spirals

"I want you to move on with your life." Tears rolled down my eyes and I had no words to say, just listened to him. "Do whatever you feel is right, I just want you to be happy. I'll always watch you and protect you. And I'll love you, forever and always." With that, he was no longer with me. I've lost him forever.

blue_pearls · Urbain
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10 Chs

Chapter 3

I was woken up from my deep slumber by the phone ringing. I got up, only to find my father calling me. "Ava, I need you to join us at the formal dinner party at our house with the Linwoods. And I want no excuses." I sighed after ending the call. What an excellent way to start a day.

"Who was the guy, you were with last night?" I turn my head to see a sleepy Julia, smirking at me. I smirked and told her everything about Edward. She squealed after I had done talking. "You should meet him, Ava!" I sighed at his. "Julia, I really want to meet him but I didn't give him number nor did he give me his."

"It's okay, Aves! You'll meet him if destiny wants you. Now, come on let's go get some breakfast. I'm starving." We quickly got dressed and made our way to the nearest cafe down the street, leaving Kevin behind. We entered the cafe and I went to the counter to order our breakfast. As I turned after placing my order, I met with the similar piercing green eyes again. He smiled seeing me. "Hey, Ava. Didn't expect you to see you here." I smiled and replied, "Neither did I." We sat in booth and continued speaking till mine and Julia's breakfast. "Ava, can I have your number? If you don't mind." Edward nervously asked me. I smiled at this, "Sure. Let me save it in your cell phone." I said while taking his cell, typing it quickly and returning it back to him.

"Bye, Edward. I really hope to see you again." I said while going out of the cafe. "Likewise, Ava." I went out of the cafe and remembered that Julia was with me and haven't seen her since we came to the cafe. I turn around to go to the cafe again, only to see her smirking at me.

"Now, that was awfully cute. You didn't even acknowledge my presence. You both look so cute together." I blushed at her remark. "That's enough. We need to hurry back home. Come on, let's go." I pulled her away from the cafe. On our way back home, Julia kept on blabbering about how I should be date Edward and have kids with him. As soon as we got inside the apartment, she told everything about what had happened in the cafe between me and Edward to Kevin. I sighed seeing their childish behaviour. But deep inside, I knew that I started liking Edward.

In no time, the sky had become dark and I was on my way to my parents house. I planned on wearing a simple black dress and curled my hair slightly. I was late for the dinner for I saw my parents and another family already sitting at the dinner table. I apologised them for the delay and sat beside my mum. As usual, my father and brother just glared at me. The dinner comprised mostly of business deals and offers.

Soon, the dinner was over and both the families headed to the living room. "Ava, why don't you show Fionn the garden? I'm sure he'll like it." My father asked. I replied him with a nod and started walking towards the garden with Fionn tagging along.

"Hi, I'm Fionn." he introduced himself with a wide and pulled out his hand. "I'm Ava." I replied with a small smile and shook his hand. Fionn had a shade of light brown hair, had straight hair unlike Edward's. His eyes were a mixture of blue and grey. He was good-looking. "I suppose, you don't like these formal dinners, isn't it?" His words brought be back to reality. I shook my head and said," Family dinners were always something I disliked. It is either filled with business talks or nothing at all." He nodded at this.

"You don't stay with your parents. May I ask why? If you don't mind." asked Fionn. I shook my head and replied, "I don't mind at all. I just didn't want to stay with them anymore. I had a stable job and a good source of income, which was enough to buy me a house and all the basic necessities. I really didn't want to be a burden on them." He didn't say anything.

We were quite the whole time. An uncomfortable silence overlapped us. I really didn't know what to say. After sometime, my mother called us back inside. We went inside and saw the Linwoods getting reading to leave. My parents were hugging and bidding them goodbye. Mrs. Linwood hugged me and said, "It was really nice to me you, Ava. I hope to see you again." I smiled at her.

"Bye and good night, Ava. It was lovely experience to spend time with you." Fiona winked at me and left with his parents. I was dumbfounded at his response, when the only thing we did was  keeping quiet the whole time. After the Linwoods left, I bid goodnight to my parents and my dearest brother, Steve and went to my car. I reached my apartment sooner than usual and checked my phone to see a that I had received a text message from Edward.

Edward: Hellllooooo :))))

I smiled at this and immediately sent him a message.

Me: Hiiiiii :))

As soon as I had sent him the message. I got a call from Edward. I picked his call and we both kept on talking for hours until it was already two in the morning. We ended the call by Edward asking me out for dinner the next day. I was beyond happy. I fell asleep feeling all giddy which I had never felt in my twenty three years of life.