
Destiny's Observer

Leo is a 33-year-old office worker who has been plagued by recurring nightmares for the past month. In these nightmares, he witnesses the enigmatic world of Elysium through the eyes of a young orphan cultivator, shunned by society. However, Leo's life takes an unexpected turn when he dies on Earth and reincarnates as the very same boy he had been seeing in his nightmares, thanks to a mysterious oracle system. Equipped with the power to predict the causes of events that shape destiny, Leo embarks on a journey within the world of Elysium. He uses the oracle system's predictive abilities akin to a skilled gambler, seeking to uncover the underlying causes behind the events unfolding around him. With each successful prediction, Leo grows more powerful, harnessing the system's assistance to identify the factors responsible for reshaping the fate of cultivators and other influential figures. As Leo observes the triumphs and downfalls of the inhabitants of Elysium, he maintains a detached mindset, refraining from interfering in their affairs. His sole focus is on survival and leading a cautious, steady life, steering clear of the tumultuous struggles that grip Elysium. Despite witnessing the grandeur and the tragic consequences of the world he now inhabits, Leo remains distant and indifferent, harboring a resolve to navigate this unfamiliar realm without being drawn into its conflicts.

WriterOfEnd · Oriental
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30 Chs

Aura Nullification Technique

Leo found himself lying in a bush after escaping from the old man's domain while cursing him. As he stood up and looked around to confirm his location, he hoped not to find himself in another cursed place. Fortunately, he saw some stone walls ahead and realized that they must be the town walls. Only then did he relax and find a shady spot under a tree to sit down and organize his belongings.

He emptied his bag on the ground and found one fourth and two sixth Qi condensation realm monster cores, as well as a water elemental stone. Leo then checked his space ring and was surprised to see that the space inside was much bigger than the common space rings sold in the market. He wondered, "Is an Earth Grade space ring really this much different from common mortal grade space rings?"

Inside the space ring, he saw one hundred spirit stones and a scroll. After seeing the spirit stones, he felt his mood improve once again. He took out the scroll, put the items that were on the ground into the space ring, and murmured to himself, "Let's find out what this so-called technique is all about."

[ Aura Nullification ]


Upon mastering the technique, the user can conceal their cultivation realm from others and reveal only what they choose to show.

Upon mastering the technique, the user can resist the pressure from others' cultivation realms when activating it.

This technique can only affect people who haven't achieved immortality.


After reading the skill description, Leo was honestly impressed. 'It's a useful technique,' he thought, 'and the effective range is not weak. With this technique, I can hide my cultivation realm from almost anyone in this world.'

"This technique almost made up for my suffering in that damned domain," Leo murmured under his breath as he carefully stored the scroll in his space ring, learning the technique for a more appropriate time. After organizing his belongings, he wondered how long he had been there and then mentally called upon the system, "Hey system, are you up yet?"

The response he received was not what he expected.

[ Oracle System will be launched in two days ]

Leo couldn't believe it. "I was in that place for three days, but it only felt like a single day at most," he thought to himself, unsure of how to explain the time discrepancy. "Well, regardless, let's get back to business," he concluded before heading towards the town.

However, after walking for a minute, Leo suddenly remembered the sect mission to collect ten blue flowers. He quickly turned back, aligning himself with the forest order to begin collecting the blue flowers. After an hour of diligent effort, he had successfully collected all ten blue flowers and stored them in his space ring. Then Leo resumed his journey towards the town again.

Leo approached the town gates and presented his sect token to the guards. He entered the town without paying any fee and was greeted by the bustling crowds of people and carriages. Overwhelmed by the commotion, he navigated the sidewalks until he found the town square where he could exchange his spirit stone for gold.

After acquiring one hundred gold coins, Leo finally had some money to use in a mortal town like Mystic town. Feeling hungry, he decided to dine at a restaurant. He searched for a good place to eat and came across a luxurious establishment that piqued his interest. Despite the cost, he thought, "With one hundred gold coins, I'm a rich man by the standards of this world. I can't be stingy. I deserve a good meal."

Leo entered the restaurant, and a waiter greeted him respectfully upon seeing the emblem on his robe. "Sir, welcome to Mystic Restaurant, the best restaurant in town. We are full now, but luckily, a table has just become available. Would you like to be seated there?" The waiter's courteous tone impressed Leo, and he replied, "Yes, please show me to my table." With a hint of irony, he thought to himself, 'Of course, my luck would only work for simple events like getting the last table in a restaurant.'

Once seated, the waiter asked Leo what he would like to eat, to which he replied, "The best dishes you have with double portions." Feeling confident, he was looking forward to eating twice the amount of food. The waiter immediately took his order and disappeared, leaving Leo alone with his thoughts.

As he waited for his meal, Leo turned his head to the left and gazed through the glass panel of the restaurant. He watched the people of the town go about their daily lives and lost himself in thought. 'So, this is the world I'll be living in from now on, a fine place if you could ignore all the power struggles that lay beneath it.' Observing the mortals living in their own simple worlds, Leo felt a twinge of envy. 'It's a small and straightforward way of living. I almost envy them, but everything has a price, and the price they pay is surrendering their fate to the world. However, I cannot afford to live like that. People like me and Young Leo, whose body I possess, are not loved by the world. My path is clear; I need to become strong enough to survive in this world, even if it means being a murderer, coward, traitor, or someone who sucks up to those who could benefit. Nothing will stop me from keeping my promise to Young Leo and showing him how to survive.'

As Leo was lost in thought, he suddenly heard a voice addressing him from his right. "Hi, junior brother," the girl said, catching his attention. "We came here for a meal, but there aren't any available tables. We're in a hurry, so could we join you? We'll pay for your meal too."

Leo turned his head towards the two young people, both wearing blue robes that marked them as inner sect disciples. The girl had short reddish hair that reached her shoulders and bright brown eyes. Despite her feminine features, Leo might have mistaken her for a boy if he hadn't heard her voice. The boy, tall and slender with blonde hair tied back in a ponytail, had a pair of striking blue eyes that caught Leo's attention.

The girl continued speaking, while the boy leaned in to whisper something to her with a shy smile. "We could just skip the meal, Rose. Let's not bother someone we don't know. He might want to dine alone."

Leo looked the pair up and down, sizing them up. He wasn't fond of interacting with strangers, but as inner sect members, they were technically his seniors. He put on a smile, trying to be polite. "Sure, senior brother and sister. I'll be very glad if you guys join me. I was just feeling a bit bored."

The girl pulled the boy towards the table, and they sat down across from Leo. "Thank you," she said, flashing him a friendly smile. "My name's Rose, and this is Jack."