


"Alright, I have booked the ride and it will be here any moment so let's hurry and go down" Avery said

"Let me just get my things together" I said as I began packing my bag

"I will meet you guys at the elevator" Matthew said

"Okay, no problem" Avery said

I quickly gathered my things in my bag, my laptop, phone and some documents I would need.

"Why do you always carry work home?" Avery asked

"You already know the answer to that so don't ask" I replied her with a pointed look

We both walked from my cubicle to the elevator and Matthew was already waiting for us.

"Sorry we took so long" I apologized

"It's not a problem, I just got here. Are you guys ready to go?" He said

"Yes we are" Avery said

We all got into the elevator and quickly went to the end of the elevator to avoid what happened earlier in the day. He pressed the button for the last floor and we remained in silence, which wasn't very uncomfortable. We got to the last floor and got off and the driver was already waiting for us. Avery quickly got into the front passenger seat leaving me and Matthew to seat at the back. As I was reaching for the door handle, Matthew beat me to it and pulled the door open for me to get in.

"Ladies first" He said with a smile

"Thank you" I said with a small smile.

I got in and he followed after. I moved to the end of the seat to avoid any contact with him because I know that I can't handle it.

The ride was quiet until Avery decided to turn on the radio and Ed Sheeran's "thinking out loud" came on and I felt my heart skip a bit. " What's seriously wrong with me? I mused, why I am acting up.

"Wow, I don't want anything romantic" Avery said as she kept on tuning the radio until she got to a station playing Cardi B's "Money" came on and she started rapping along.

We got to the restaurant and got inside and got a table. Matthew pulled out a seat for me. I smiled and said a small thank you.

The waiter came and Avery ordered a bottle of red wine, well according to her, it was to "unwind". Then we ordered our appetizer.

Light conversation was ongoing, we were talking about work and our different colleagues.

"So, Matthew are you married?" Avery asked and I was shocked at her directness. Well to think about it, I have never thought of the possibility of him been married. I turned to him and saw the shock on his face that quickly changed to a small smile.

"No I'm not married. Why did you ask" He replied

"Okay. No reason exactly. I was just wondering if a fine man like you is taken. So no girlfriend?" She asked him back

"Nope, am as single as a pringle. What about you?"

"Oh okay. Am as single as a pringle too" she said with a smile as she leaned forward.

"Okay, so what about you June?"

"She is. Always has" Avery answered for me.

I could feel my cheeks heat up from the embarrassment. I wish the ground could just open up or better still Avery should just choke on her spit. I have never felt this embarrassed before.

"Oh I see" Matthew said.

"That's not true" I said in a small voice

"We both know it's true so stop been in denial" Avery said.

The waiter arrived to take our orders for the main course just when I wanted to reply her and I just let the matter die.

"Wow, how do you guys find these restaurants that serve food that are this delicious?" Matthew asked after taking a few bites of his food.

"Well, you have me to thank me for that. I always wanted to be a food blogger. So I always know where to find the best places that serve the best food" Avery said with a proud glint evident in her eyes.

"Really?" Matthew asked

"Yes, she has always been a foodie. Loves food more than anything" I said

"Well not more than you baby" she said with a wink directed at me.

Dinner went on with us making small talks. We finished the bottle of red wine and ordered another. I think I became a little bit drunk, just a little bit though.

"Is she alright?" I heard Matthew ask Avery when I started laughing and talking more than usual.

"Nope, I think she is drunk. She has low alcohol tolerance" Avery replied with a shake of her head

"That's not true" I said

"I think it's time for us to leave" Avery said

"We can stay a little longer" I protested

"No baby, get up let's go" Avery said as she got up to help me up.

We got outside and Matthew helped us hail a taxi because Avery was preoccupied helping me walk cause I kept swaying.

"Alright, have a good night" Matthew said as we got into the taxi

"You too, Matthew" I said with a wave.