
Destinies Unveiled: The Jobless Explorer

In a world where dungeons have suddenly appeared, Ethan, a student at Dawnridge Academy, is left jobless while his best friend, Daniel, receives an average class designation and his crush, Sophia, is assigned an immensely powerful role. When Daniel betrays Ethan, he sets out on a journey to uncover the truth behind his jobless status and discovers his own strength and purpose along the way. "Destinies Unveiled: The Jobless Explorer" is a thrilling tale of self-discovery, friendship, and defying societal expectations in the face of an uncertain future.

Akiskaz · Fantaisie
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19 Chs

The Forbidden Classes

As Ethan delved deeper into the labyrinth, his curiosity compelled him to search through the available status information provided by the system. He meticulously examined every detail, hoping to uncover hidden secrets and untapped potential. However, what caught his attention were not the known classes but rather the forbidden ones.

Within the depths of the status window, Ethan discovered a section labeled "Unavailable Classes." It listed a plethora of classes, each with its own unique set of abilities and status attributes. The forbidden classes beckoned to him, whispering promises of extraordinary power and unimaginable possibilities.

Curiosity consumed Ethan as he scrolled through the list, his eyes widening with each new entry:

1. Chronomancer: Status - Locked

This class wielded the power of time itself, capable of manipulating temporal flows and altering the course of events. However, it remained inaccessible, its secrets veiled by an enigmatic lock.

2. Celestial Paladin: Status - Restricted

The Celestial Paladin embodied divine might and righteousness, channeling celestial energy to smite evil and protect the innocent. Yet, its power was beyond Ethan's reach, held back by an unknown restriction.

3. Elemental Archmage: Status - Sealed

The Elemental Archmage commanded the very elements, summoning fire, water, earth, and air at will. Its potential remained sealed, its elemental might untapped.

4. Voidwalker: Status - Forbidden

The enigmatic Voidwalker had a shroud of mystery surrounding it. Rumors spoke of its ability to traverse between realms and harness the power of the void. Its forbidden status only served to intensify Ethan's desire to explore its depths.

The list went on, displaying an array of classes, each more tantalizing than the last. However, the system warned against pursuing these forbidden paths, cautioning of unknown consequences and dangers that awaited those who dared to defy its restrictions.

Ethan's mind swirled with conflicting emotions. The allure of these forbidden classes enticed him, promising unparalleled power and unraveled destinies. Yet, he couldn't ignore the system's warning. He understood that venturing down these paths might have dire repercussions, jeopardizing not only his own journey but the lives of those he cared about.

With a deep breath, Ethan made a decision. He would stay true to his chosen path as a Shadowdancer, honing his skills and mastering the shadows that had embraced him. While the forbidden classes whispered temptations in his ear, he knew that his true strength lay in embracing his current abilities and unraveling the mysteries of the Shadowdancer class.

Resolute in his resolve, Ethan closed the status window and pressed forward, his steps swift and silent. The labyrinth seemed to acknowledge his choice, guiding him deeper into its recesses. He had chosen his path, and with each passing moment, he grew more confident in his decision.

Destinies Unveiled: The Jobless Explorer had found solace in his chosen class, resisting the allure of the forbidden. He would walk the path of shadows, harnessing his innate abilities and pushing the limits of his Shadowdancer skills. The secrets of the labyrinth awaited him, and he would face them with unwavering determination.