
Destined Lovers

Selena – Brown, Bold and Beautiful, A successful actor in the International Industry with a decade of hard work and passion makes her who she is today. A true definition of Beauty with Brains. Her almost perfect life comes to a halt when she finds out what her so-called dear cousin has been doing behind her back and ruins her career for Good. Disappointed and Furious from the heartbreak and seeing her years of hard work crashing right in front of her eyes, she decides to revenge on her tears, make all those behind them pay for it, and get back her respect and reputation back in the industry. To her surprise, someone came to her rescue even before she thought of looking for someone. A billionaire musician who had a remarkable reputation in the industry and country, who was willing to help Selena with her Plan but on one condition and that is... To Marry Him.

curlyhairedSeleno · Urbain
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32 Chs

Chapter 26


Did he just trick me? Did Namjoon just trick me?

This date... these gifts... all this was a trap?

I looked at him calmly but inside anger was rising in me and all I wanted to do is slap this man standing in front of me, how dare he play tricks with me?

'Is he your new target?'

'What kind of relationship do you two shares?'

'Did you start working as a prostitute now that your acting career is doomed?'

The reporters spoke one after another.

I turned to face them and decided to answer their questions but I felt a hand on my waist and found Namjoon standing next to me.

'What did you just say about my fiancé?' He asked the reporter in anger covering his voice.

'Your fiancé?'

'When did you guys engage?'

'Have you two been dating secretly?' the reporters started shooting questions again

'I asked what did you just say about my fiancé?' Namjoon spoke again. This time in a calmer but deadly tone.

The reporter looked a little intimidated but recovered quickly and asked another brazen question and the next thing I know, Namjoon snatching his mic from him.

He just kept the mic to him and I was grateful for it. I didn't want to be a part of another mess.

Namjoon kept me close to him and looked at the reporter again and said 'You don't deserve the mic.'

He looked over the media and said 'I will not tolerate any more nuisance questions about my fiancé, so you better chose your words nicely.'

I kept looking at him from the side... the whole time, trying to understand what this man is trying to do right now and why the hell he keeps calling me his fiancé?'

'When did you guys engage?' asked another reporter.

Bingo… Thank you for asking the question, I say in my mind.

Namjoon doesn't answer but takes his hand off my back, slowly snaking it through my left arm and pulling my hand up. He places a lingering kiss on my knuckles and that's when I notice it!!

A RING… on my ring finger!

Wait…. A RING!

When did this happen???

'Today.' Namjoon answered.

He looked into my eyes, knowing I have been looking at him all this while, and pulled me into his chest and murmured a congratulation.

'When I kissed you.' He answered as if he could read my mind.

The kiss…. I did feel something on my finger but was so shocked about what happened that I completely forget about everything else.

'Are you out of your mind?' I spoke through gritted teeth.

The reporters were so busy clicking pictures and asking questions, I bet anyone could hear me.

'Take this off.' I said while trying to take off the ring but it didn't budge.

Namjoon just took my hand in his and started walking towards my car and Rhys. He opened the door for me and motioned me to get inside but I didn't.

Take this off. I tell him again and he told me to get back home safely and we will talk about it tomorrow. I do not wish to talk about anything tomorrow and certainly not with you. I tell him and get inside the car.

He looks at Rhys, Rhys looked worried but he just nods to something Namjoon said to him. I wonder what they are talking about but don't bother myself, again. I'll ask Rhys later.

Namjoon looks at me and says, 'Text me when you reach home.' and I just ignored him. He smiled at me and walked stepped back waiting for us to leave.

Once Rhys gets behind the wheel and started driving, 'What did you two talk about?' I asked him.

'He just asked me to take you back home safely.' Rhys said.

'I see.' I said sarcastically being well aware Rhys is not going to tell me whatever the cheeky bastard told him.

We reached home and I thanked Rhys and went to my room upstairs, changed into comfortable clothes, and drifted off asleep. After all the drama, I have been through today... I do not have the energy to deal with anything else right now.