
Destined (Unmei)

In a realm where the mystical has become mundane, and the spark of magic is a rare and precious thing, those with the innate ability to channel Gaia hold sway over their destiny. These select individuals, wielding unique and potent powers, forge the path of their will, shaping the world according to their desires. That is why in most societies, Gaia users are at the pinnacle. Into this strange and unfamiliar world, a teenager named Milo awakens. Confused and disoriented, he finds himself unable to remember anything, his past a blank slate, completely erased. His name is the only tether anchoring him to his existence. With no other choice, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery, seeking to understand his place in this world. As Milo delves deeper into the unknown, he begins to unlock the potential of his Gaia, finding within himself abilities that defy explanation. He becomes embroiled in conflicts and alliances, discovering that his gift of Gaia may be both a blessing and a curse. But as he battles the forces that seek to control or destroy him, one question will always linger in his mind: Who was he before? The quest for identity becomes a perilous journey through a fantastical landscape where magic is scarce, but its impact is profound. In seeking to find himself, Milo might just reshape the world itself.

Quwalasto · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
15 Chs


The view from atop Primdrasil was gorgeous, offering a glimpse into the vast and untamed wilderness beyond the city below. The forest extended endlessly, an ocean of green and brown, disrupted only by the occasional flash of vibrant hues from birds' wings or the glistening water of a distant stream. It was a place where one could readily lose oneself for countless sunrises.

At the edge of the plateau atop Primdrasil, Milo, Lok, Risea, and Esron sit gathered around a table formed from intertwined branches. The table boasted a succulent roast deer, accompanied by a colorful array of ripe fruits and a selection of freshly squeezed juices, tempting the senses with their sweet and tangy aromas.

Esron carves slices from the roast, expertly portioning them onto each plate. The aroma of the perfectly cooked meat fills the air.

"May I suggest, Risea, since Milo will be leaving us soon, that we send Lok to accompany him on his journey?" Esron proposes.

"I'm sorry, but I must insist that Lok stays with me." Risea firmly replies, his voice carrying a hint of concern.

"What if I order it as the Grand Warden?" Esron slyly suggests, abusing his authority. Risea sighs and places his hands on the table in defeat.

"Your grace-" Risea starts.

"Let us not put up formalities again, Risea. Just call me Esron." Esron interrupts with a playful grin.

"Esron." Risea begins again.

"Much better." Esron says, settling into his seat after serving himself the last slice of the roast.

"If you command it as Grand Warden, I cannot refuse. What authority would your words hold over the other Wardens if I decide to break them?" Risea elaborates between bites of the roast.

"Please do command it, Uncle Esron." Lok chimes in with joy. Risea almost chokes on his roast, slamming his hand onto the table and glaring at Lok. Milo and Lok both stifle snickers, trying not to incite any further anger from Risea. Esron turns towards Milo.

"You know, there is a renowned scholar in a kingdom further south from here. It is a long journey but I believe it is worth seeking him out. He is considered to be the most knowledgeable person in our timeline, having a vast understanding of Gaia and many other topics. He might be able to help you find the person with the ability to manipulate memories."

"What's his name? And where exactly is the kingdom?" Milo asks, his face lighting up with hope.

"His name is Subol Belaeb. He resides in the Kingdom of Palpeo. If you travel south, you will not be able to miss it. It one of the biggest kingdoms in the region." Esron responds, his tone filled with joy as if mentioning an old friend. Meanwhile, Lok silently sulks in his chair, realizing that he is not allowed to accompany Milo on his journey.

"Palpeo, a land renowned for its scholars and sages. The House of Wisdom is its most prominent landmark, and I have a strong feeling that Subol will be there." Lok interjects.

"Amazing intuition Lok!" Esron applauds, "However, it is a long journey from here. Both of you would require decent preparations before you head off."

"Both?!" Risea exclaims in expected shock, he coughs and chugs down water to ease his throat. Lok's eyes widen in anticipation.

"Yes, both." Esron confirms with a firm nod, fully aware of the implications.

Risea's sigh resonates with a mix of resignation and understanding as he perceives the unwavering resolve in Esron's eyes. Taking a moment to collect his thoughts, he asserts himself with a firm yet composed tone.

"If you remain resolute in your decision to have Lok accompany Milo on this journey, I ask only one thing: that they depart under my conditions. That is the extent of my request."

His words carry the weight of his conviction and the unspoken hope that his conditions will be respected.

"Very well! Pray tell, what are the conditions you wish to set?" Esron's voice carries a blend of enthusiasm as he clasps his hands together.

"Give me four months with them in Gabble Grove." Risea requests.

Milo, still chewing on his roast, turns to face Lok, assuming he'll automatically explain what Gabble Grove is without him asking.

"It's where we elves undergo intensive training to be inducted into the army." Lok excitedly responds, understanding why Milo turned to face him.

"That is fine by me! It is fortunate that you've chosen these upcoming four months, as the Grove remains vacant during this time," Esron explains as he turns to Milo and continues, "We usually hold our trainings at the beginning of the year, so the Grove being empty now makes it the perfect opportunity for you both to train with focus!"

Lok bursts into laughter, his excitement spilling over. The dream he had cherished for so long, the dream of embarking on a grand adventure, was finally manifesting into reality. As he hungrily devours the delicious feast before him, Milo looks at him with a serene smile, a peculiar emotion welling up within him. It is happiness, but not solely his own—it is the joy radiating from his friend, intertwining with his own.


As Milo stood at the edge of the magnificent tree, content after a satisfying meal, he noticed Risea and Lok still engrossed in their hearty feast.

Suddenly, Esron appeared beside him, his presence catching Milo off guard. With a mischievous giggle, Esron spoke.

"You know, Lok never quite fit in with elves his age. While they were content with their sheltered and conservative lives, Lok was always driven by curiosity and a longing for the outside world."

"I've noticed that about him," Milo replied, trying to compose himself after that unexpected startle.

"Yes, Lok has always had a spark within him. A hunger for knowledge and a thirst for adventure. It is a quality that sets him apart from other elves. Lok would share stories of faraway lands and epic quests from the books he read. It was as if he carried the essence of wanderlust within him, even in the confines of our home." Esron added, his tone reflecting a mix of pride and fondness.

Milo's shifted to look back at Lok, who was now in conversation with Risea.

"I'm grateful that Lok's dreams are finally taking shape," Milo said.

Esron gently rested his hand on Milo's shoulder, a comforting gesture, giving a sense of reassurance through his touch. His voice carried a comforting tone as he posed the question.

"And what about you, Milo? Are you prepared?"

Inhaling deeply, Milo gathered his determination and answered.


Esron's smile grew, expressing his faith in Milo's readiness. With a pat on Milo's shoulder, Esron turned, making his way toward Risea and Lok. Milo followed closely behind.


The sun was high in the sky, its radiant light penetrating through the foliage of the forest. As the day progressed, the weary travelers pressed on, their footsteps sounding through the ancient woods. The journey had been long and arduous, and the weight of their steps reflected that.

With the sun now well past its zenith, Lok's voice rang out, filled with exhaustion.

"Can't we spare a few moments to rest? We've been walking for what feels like an eternity."

Risea's head remained fixed on the path ahead.

"No breaks. We must reach Gabble Grove before the sun sets." He declared.

Milo trailed behind Risea and Lok, a soft smile adorning his face as he observed the growing bond between father and son. "Father," he quietly thought, his mind reaching for fragments of memories that seemed just beyond his grasp. A sudden pang of pain pierced his head, the distant sound of chains echoing through his thoughts. Milo's knees gave out under the sudden pain, and he fell to the ground, clutching his head as the throbbing intensified.

Lok, alert to Milo's distress, immediately halted his steps and rushed to his friend's side.

"Are you alright? What happened?" Lok asked, concerned for Milo.

Milo managed to regain his composure, rising to his feet with a reassuring smile.

"I'm fine, Lok. Don't worry. And don't use me as an excuse to take a break." He reassured, albeit teasingly.

"N-no, that's not it! I was genuinely worried about you!" Lok's cheeks flushed with embarrassment, stammering in protest.

Milo's looked ahead, where Risea continued to forge ahead without pausing.

"Come on," he stood up, extending a hand to Lok. "We better catch up with your father." They stood together, resuming their pace as they chased after Risea.

Risea abruptly halted in front of an archway constructed from interwoven branches. Lost in his thoughts whilst walking, Lok collided with his father, his attention snapping back to the present.

"We have arrived." Risea anticipatingly announced.

"Gabble Grove?" Lok inquired, curiously peering past Risea to catch a glimpse of what lay ahead.

To their astonishment, a vast hollow greeted their eyes. Nestled within it stood a smaller, yet still impressive, grand tree at its center—a small fraction of the size of Primdrasil. The hollow appeared empty, save for this tree. Stepping through the archway, the twisted bark of the branches sealed the exit behind them, creating an enclosed sanctuary.

The air was filled with a serene stillness as the three ventured further into the grove.

"Another batch so soon?!" bellowed a voice that rolled throughout the hollow, its powerful tones tinged with annoyance and a hint of raspiness. Milo and Lok froze in their tracks, their eyes scanning the surroundings, searching for the origin of the booming voice.

"What are you looking for?" the voice taunted, sounding amused. "I am right in front you!" Milo and Lok turned to look towards the grand tree, their jaws dropping in surprise. Gradually, two eyes, a nose, and a mouth materialized on its trunk, forming a face.

"Do you see me now?"