
Destined (Unmei)

In a realm where the mystical has become mundane, and the spark of magic is a rare and precious thing, those with the innate ability to channel Gaia hold sway over their destiny. These select individuals, wielding unique and potent powers, forge the path of their will, shaping the world according to their desires. That is why in most societies, Gaia users are at the pinnacle. Into this strange and unfamiliar world, a teenager named Milo awakens. Confused and disoriented, he finds himself unable to remember anything, his past a blank slate, completely erased. His name is the only tether anchoring him to his existence. With no other choice, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery, seeking to understand his place in this world. As Milo delves deeper into the unknown, he begins to unlock the potential of his Gaia, finding within himself abilities that defy explanation. He becomes embroiled in conflicts and alliances, discovering that his gift of Gaia may be both a blessing and a curse. But as he battles the forces that seek to control or destroy him, one question will always linger in his mind: Who was he before? The quest for identity becomes a perilous journey through a fantastical landscape where magic is scarce, but its impact is profound. In seeking to find himself, Milo might just reshape the world itself.

Quwalasto · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
15 Chs

The Outsider

Milo followed Lok into the woods. The forest was dense, with tall trees standing close together, creating a canopy that blocked out most of the sunlight. The ground was covered in a thick layer of leaves, moss, and ferns, giving the forest floor a spongy texture. The air was cool and damp, and the sound of rustling leaves and chirping birds echoed throughout the woods. Shafts of sunlight broke through the canopy, illuminating patches of wildflowers and creating a dappled effect on the forest floor.

As they ventured deeper into the forest, Milo caught sight of something that made him stare in awe. A colossal tree, with an area of a hundred trees and towering to the height of a hundred trees, stood majestically in the middle of an elven city.

The elven city nestled in the heart of the woods, boasting a charm that entranced anyone who entered its borders. The buildings, constructed entirely from wood, emanated a warm, rustic feel that blended seamlessly with the natural surroundings. The city was dimly lit, with soft amber lights peeking out from behind wooden shutters, creating a serene and peaceful ambience. The lush greenery that surrounded the city only added to its otherworldly charm.

Twin elven sentinels, donned in armour that consists of intricately woven silver and gold threads - creating a shimmering effect in the dim light - guarded the entry point of the clearing that encircled the great tree. Their breastplates are made of polished silver, adorned with golden engravings of elven symbols.

Lok strode past them, and as Milo trailed behind, they quickly pointed their spears at him aggressively.

"No outsiders allowed!" one of them shouted.

"He's with me, Haledim," Lok intervened.

The guards lifted their spears. "You will bear full responsibility if your father catches you," the second guard says.

"I know, Helidam," Lok said, grinning. Milo followed him hesitantly as they walked past the sentinels.

"Who are they?" Milo asks.

"They're Helidam and Hadelim, twins of House Garddim." Lok answers, encyclopedically. Milo stares blankly in confusion. Lok notices and laughs to himself.

"But you don't need to worry about that now! Follow me!" Lok said as he pulled Milo by the arm, moving towards the center of the city.

The great tree stood like a towering monument, its gargantuan size dominating the elven city that surrounded it. Houses spiralled up the trunk of the tree, with their wooden walls blending into the bark and branches. The houses were connected by a series of wooden bridges and walkways, winding their way up the great trunk, giving the city an intricate and maze-like feel.

Some houses were built on the tree itself, with the trunk forming the central pillar of the dwelling, and the branches providing additional support for the floors and roof. Moss, vines, and flowers grew from the tree's bark, creating a verdant and vibrant environment. Soft amber lights shone from within the tree, illuminating the interior of the houses and casting an inviting glow.

As Lok and Milo made their way deeper into the elven city, Milo's eyes remained fixated on the colossal tree that stood before them. Sensing his companion's wonder, Lok turned to him and spoke.

"Breathtaking, isn't it?" he said, his voice filled with pride. "We call it Primdrasil."

"It's beautiful," Milo replied, awestruck.

"This is our home. Our people have lived here for centuries." Lok said, gesturing towards the tree.

Milo stared, taking in the sight of the houses built on the tree.

"I can't imagine what it would be like to live here," he said.

"It's a peaceful life. We have everything we need here. The forest provides us with food, shelter, and protection. We are safe here, away from the chaos of the outside world." Lok replied in monotone as if his own answer did not satisfy him.

Milo looked at Lok. "You don't seem to be happy with that," he said.

"Outstanding deduction! I sometimes wish I could leave and see the rest of the world." Lok said smiling, a hint of sadness in his voice despite the cheeriness.

Milo raised an eyebrow. "Really? Why?"

"I don't know. Sometimes, I feel like there's more out there." Lok shrugged.

"Then why don't you leave?" Milo asks.

Lok's face fell, and he sighed. "Because we're forbidden to leave the bounds of the forest. The Court of Wardens believes that the outside world is too dangerous for us."

"Too dangerous," Milo thought to himself, a faint memory stirring in his mind.

He struggled to recall where he had heard those words before, and a sharp pain suddenly shot through his head. Wincing, he placed his palm on his forehead to soothe the discomfort.

"Are you okay?" Lok asks, clearly worried.

"I'm fine." Milo said. Lok looks closely at him before deciding that he is truly fine.

"Alright! Since that's the case, let me give you a quick tour of my humble city!" Lok excitedly says. The two boys then adventure between the many alleys.

The boys embarked on an adventure through the many winding alleys. Milo was so caught up in Lok's improvised tour that he barely noticed the puzzled looks of the elves directed towards him.

"What's a human doing here?" "What is Lok up to again?" they murmured.

Eventually, they found themselves standing at the start of a vibrant plaza. Life here moved in a fast motion. Elves traded goods at bustling stalls and shops, their words mingling with the chimes and clinks of various trades. Aromas of exotic spices wafted from food stalls, blending with the more earthy scents of fresh produce and leather.

"Behold, the trading district!" Lok announced. Milo turned his gaze this way and that, absorbing the hustle and bustle around him.

He noticed an old man squatting by a barrel of fish, his hands clutching a white crystal. It radiated chilling air, and as he watched, frost began to creep over the fish, freezing them.

Milo opened his mouth to ask Lok about the white crystal, but before he could, Lok darted away towards a stall selling beef skewers. Milo quickly moved towards Lok so he didn't lose him.

"These are the best beef skewers you will ever taste in your life! Courtesy of Nirdirham!" He says as he gestures his palm towards the middle-aged man behind the grill.

"Oh, Lok, you humble me!" Nirdirham says, blushing at the hefty compliment.

"Word got around that you have a new friend, is that him?" Nirdirham asks, pointing a skewer at Milo.

"Rumours always travel faster than owls delivering letters." Lok jokes. Nirdirham laughed.

"Here," Nirdirham tossed two skewers towards Lok, who surprisingly snatched them out of the air. "On the house. For you and your friend."

"Thank you!" Lok exclaims as he passes a skewer to Milo. Nirdirham tips his hat at Milo, and Milo reciprocates with a nod. With that, the boys then resume their adventure around Primdrasil.


They soon arrived at the gates of a sizable house situated right at the base of Primdrasil.

"Oh no," Lok sighed.

"What?" Milo asked, looking ahead towards the house. He saw four sentinels accompanying a sentinel wearing similar armour, except for a golden cape at the back and no helmet. Milo surmised that he was of a higher rank than the other sentinels he had seen.

The helmetless sentinel looked very rugged. He had short brown hair and blue eyes, similar features to Lok's. He also had a perfectly trimmed beard, which complimented his handsome features.

He noticed them and bellowed angrily, "Lok! Come here now!"

Lok suddenly turned invisible, leaving Milo alone to face the sentinel. But to Milo's surprise, the sentinel made a beeline for an alley next to them and grabbed the air, lifting his hands. Lok suddenly appeared, held by the sentinel.

"Father, hear me out!" Lok cried.

"No outsiders are allowed in the city! That is the law!" Lok's father commanded, his angry gaze shifting to Milo.

"Calm down, father! Milo means no harm! I found him washed up on the beach -"

"On the beach?!" his father bellowed. "You went all the way to the edge of the forest? You know the danger that lies beyond! How could you be so reckless?"

As Lok's father sets him down, a sentinel approaches and interrupts, "Warden Risea, you have been summoned by the Grand Warden."

Risea shoots a stern look at Lok and commands, "You two stay put. You're to enter the house, and you're not to leave until I return. I'll decide what to do with both you and the outsider."

Lok bristles with anger and corrects his father, "His name is Milo."

But Risea completely ignores him, turning his back on them and glaring one last time at Milo before striding away towards the great tree.

"Sorry about that," Lok said, forcing a smile, though his stress was obvious. "But let's not dwell on that. Come with me, and I'll show you my humble abode." Milo gratefully returned the smile, concealing his mild panic as well.

"How did you vanish like that?" Milo asked.

"I'm what you might call a Gaia user." Lok says, his tone lacking any trace of modesty. He continued.

"I'll explain more about that once we're home! Come!"

Lok leads the way towards his house, his mind racing with worry about what his father will do to Milo. Milo follows silently, still feeling a bit overwhelmed by everything he has seen and experienced so far. As they enter Lok's house, they both take a deep breath, unsure of what awaits them once Risea comes back.