
Destined (Unmei)

In a realm where the mystical has become mundane, and the spark of magic is a rare and precious thing, those with the innate ability to channel Gaia hold sway over their destiny. These select individuals, wielding unique and potent powers, forge the path of their will, shaping the world according to their desires. That is why in most societies, Gaia users are at the pinnacle. Into this strange and unfamiliar world, a teenager named Milo awakens. Confused and disoriented, he finds himself unable to remember anything, his past a blank slate, completely erased. His name is the only tether anchoring him to his existence. With no other choice, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery, seeking to understand his place in this world. As Milo delves deeper into the unknown, he begins to unlock the potential of his Gaia, finding within himself abilities that defy explanation. He becomes embroiled in conflicts and alliances, discovering that his gift of Gaia may be both a blessing and a curse. But as he battles the forces that seek to control or destroy him, one question will always linger in his mind: Who was he before? The quest for identity becomes a perilous journey through a fantastical landscape where magic is scarce, but its impact is profound. In seeking to find himself, Milo might just reshape the world itself.

Quwalasto · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

Huldo Amemo

Lok's house is built in a way that seamlessly blends in with the surrounding woodland, with mossy stones forming the foundation and knotted tree trunks serving as pillars.

The glass windows are set within twisted branches, each adorned with colorful leaves and delicate blossoms. The natural mosaic creates a beautiful interplay of light and shadow, lending an enchanting ambience to the interior. The roof is covered in a patchwork of green and brown, formed by a combination of overlapping leaves and bark shingles that allow the house to blend in even further with the base of Primdrasil.

"Welcome to the Asragd abode!" Lok says with pride as he stood before the main entrance.

"Asragd?" Milo asked.

"Asragd is our family name. My family have been at the forefront of the Court of Wardens, a birthright for centuries. But that's far from what I want." Lok explained, as if stating the obvious.

Milo stood there trying to recall his own family name. He felt a pain starting to form in his head. He immediately stopped thinking, and to his relief, the pain dissolved entirely.

"Come along! Let me show you around my house." Lok said eagerly.

Despite its rustic appearance, the interior of the house is anything but rustic. As they stepped inside, Milo was struck by the elegance of the interior. The wooden floors were polished to a shine, and plush velvet chairs beckoned invitingly. Above them hung gleaming crystal chandeliers, casting a soft hue over the room. The rooms are adorned with beautiful tapestries depicting woodland creatures, and every surface seems to be filled with leaves, twigs, and branches, lending the entire place a natural charm.

As Milo stepped into Lok's room, he couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort and warmth that radiated from the space. The light blue walls were soothing to the eyes, and the circular window behind the large wooden bed let in natural light.

Milo's attention was immediately drawn to the bookshelf on the left side of the room, which was filled with an impressive collection of books. Lok's desk next to the bookshelf was cluttered with papers and books, yet it still managed to exude an air of organization. Above the desk hung a map of the world, covered in pins and notes.

Milo scanned the bookshelf and noticed that one author's books were more numerous than the rest.

"Huldo Amemo," he muttered, reading the name off one of the books. Lok's ears perked up at the mention of the name.

"You know Huldo Amemo?" he asked excitedly before realizing his error.

"Oh, of course not," he added sheepishly.

"Who's Huldo Amemo?" Milo asked curiously, picking up one of the books and flipping through its pages.

"The great Huldo Amemo was the hero and savior of our world! He's a legend that prevented the Armageddon from happening!" Lok's face lit up as he replied.

"The Armageddon?" Milo asks.

"You ask an awful lot of questions, but I'm not complaining!" Lok joked as he hopped to sit on his bed. He then continued speaking.

"I don't know exactly what the Armageddon was, but that event was so serious that the fate of the world hung in the balance. Huldo Amemo united the different regions to fight against the threat."

"And what exactly was this threat?" Questioned Milo.

"We don't know. Surprisingly none of these regions maintained a record of what happened. At least that's what my father told me. One thing they're certain of is that Huldo Amemo stopped the Armageddon. But as of what the Armageddon was exactly... no one knows."

Milo couldn't believe the sheer amount of books Huldo Amemo had written, his series filling almost the entire bookshelf.

"He wrote all of these?" Milo asks, his eyes scanning over the titles.

"He did, every single one," Lok replies with a sense of awe in his voice. "But what's even more impressive is the life he lived. He travelled to the farthest corners of our world and wrote about the most incredible things. His books are filled with adventure and discovery! It is what made me want to go out and explore the world for myself!" Lok replies, engrossed in the conversation.

Milo couldn't help but be intrigued by the mystery surrounding Huldo Amemo.

"But what do we know about him? Where did he come from?" he asks.

"That's the thing. No one really knows. Some say he was born in the mountains, others say he fell from the sky. But what we do know is that he dedicated his life to exploring the world and sharing his knowledge through his books," Lok replies, a sense of reverence in his voice.

"However, I believe Huldo's legacy is so much more than just his books. His journey and sacrifice made him a legend!" Lok explains as he walks over to the bookshelf.

"What do you mean by sacrifice?" Milo looks at Lok with curiosity.

Lok picks up a book and hands it to Milo.

"Huldo died thirty years ago during the Armageddon. His death marked the end of it. His last book was lost in the process, a book that is rumored to hold the deepest secrets of our world, including the reason for our existence."

"And no one has found this book?" Milo's eyes widened.

Lok shakes his head.

"No, it remains lost. But his journey and writings have inspired many, including myself, to explore and seek out knowledge beyond our borders."

As Milo flips through the pages of the book, his eyes widen in awe at the vivid descriptions and detailed illustrations. He glances over at Lok and sees the pure excitement and wonder shining in his eyes as he talks about Huldo.

Lok gestures towards a door on the right side of the room.

"You must be tired after today. Feel free to freshen up and bathe in my bathroom before we head downstairs. My grandmother is a herbalist. I'll go ahead and brief her about your situation so that she helps you with your memory loss."

Milo's face lights up with gratitude and smiles at Lok. He then heads towards the bathroom.

As Milo stands before the bathroom mirror, he takes in the sight of a well-built young man with white hair and piercing green eyes staring back at him. He touched his ears, which weren't pointy like Lok's. There's a nagging sense of familiarity as he studies his reflection, but his memories remain frustratingly out of reach.


The living room feels as if it is part of nature, with wooden furniture and a tree trunk serving as a side table. Soft, plush cushions with floral patterns line the seating area. The walls are adorned with paintings of scenic forests and streams, while a woven rug on the floor depicts a pattern of vines and flowers. Faint light filters through the windows, highlighting the natural hues of the décor.

Milo sits comfortably in the middle of the couch, facing Lok's grandparents, while Lok stands behind him. Lok places his hands on Milo's shoulders and introduces him.

"Grandpa Nido, Grandma Ayref, this is Milo!"

The grandparents squint a little to see Milo clearly.

"Molo?" asks Nido, confused.

"No, Grandpa, Milo!" Lok chuckles.

"Ah, of course! Hello Milo, nice to meet you," Nido corrects himself with a smile.

"Would you like some tea?" Ayref offers.

"It's okay, I'll pour!" Lok insists. He rushes towards the coffee table, pouring tea for his grandparents and Milo. Lok's grandparents had a slight hunch to their posture, their jaws broader than the typically pointed jawline of an elf. Their faces were filled with deep wrinkles, and their eyes seemed to be naturally squinted, giving them a wise and weathered appearance.

"Milo has lost his memory, and I was wondering if you, Grandma, might know of any remedies or herbs that could help him recover his memory." Lok begins explaining as he brought over the tray with the tea.

"Come here, child," Ayref orders Milo, patting her lap.

Milo looks at Lok, visibly confused.

"Do I... do I sit on her lap?" he whispers.

"Yes, it's all part of the process. Don't worry." Lok reassures him with a slight blush.

Milo rises from his seat and approaches Ayref, cautiously settling onto her lap.

"I hope I'm not too heavy," he says, feeling a bit uneasy.

"Ha! I'm stronger than I look!" Ayref chuckles, pulling Milo's shoulders down to seat him more firmly. The sudden movement catches him off guard, causing him to let out a small gasp. He looks over at Lok, who is trying his best to suppress a laugh.

She begins to feel Milo's shoulders, moving down to his arms, then his torso, and finally back up to his upper torso.

"Your body is too tense for someone your age, Milo, was it?" she says with concern in her voice. She then places her hands on each side of Milo's head, and a warm glow of yellow light radiates from her palms.

"By delving into your body with her Gaia, she can find the root cause of your memory loss. It's one of the reasons why she's so skilled at using her herbs to cure people." Lok explains, admiring his grandmother.

"Wait why is there light coming out of your hands?" Milo blurted out in panic, asking Ayref.

"You can see it?! You must be a Gaia user as well!" Lok says surprised, disregarding Milo's distress. He visibly cannot contain his excitement that Milo is also a Gaia user.

Ayref let out a sigh and the yellow light dimmed out.

"Unfortunately. I don't think my remedies can help with this one." Milo and Lok looked at each other in disbelief. Ayref gave Milo's shoulder a gentle tap, and continued speaking as she started to play with Milo's ears.

"Your memories are still intact, but they're locked by someone else's Gaia. That's something that my herbs can't remove. I'm sorry, dear, but that's all I can do."

"But the memories are in his head, why can't he remember anything?" Lok asks, sounding agitated.

"Because they're locked away, you nitwit!" Nido interjects, playfully swatting Lok's rear with his walking stick.

"Is there any way to remove this lock?" Milo asks.

"The Grand Warden will definitely have answers, but no one is allowed to seek an audience unless summoned. Perhaps Risea could take him?" Ayref suggested, glancing over at Nido.

"I'll join you!" Lok declared. However, their conversation is interrupted as the living room door slams open. Risea walks in.