
Destination unknown; finding the crystal of cold heart.

******************** “Imagine the thrill of finally achieving your heart's deepest desire, only to discover the unpredictable consequences that follows it.” This is the question that drives Jonas, a renowned researcher and archaeologist, to embark on a dangerous journey into a formidable forest, called, “The Ramazon.” He seeks the fabled Crystal rumored to grant wishes and hold ancient secrets. Initially, his son; jerry was skeptical of such fantastical tales, but as they uncover evidence of the crystal's existence, Jerry joins the quest. Jerry alongside with his friends, embark on an adventure reminiscent of cinematic blockbusters. However, their excitement turns to dread when they realize their information concerning the myth was wrong, and they where not the only ones searching for the same crystal. The pressing question now is: does the mythology surrounding this mystical crystal hold truth? If so, what will happen when they face the consequences of their actions, armed with incorrect information? Join Jerry and his team on a heart-pounding adventure into a world of magic and mystery, as they search for the elusive Crystal called “The Crystal of Cold Heart.”

Williams_ · Fantaisie
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25 Chs

losing hope?

But from what they could tell from the scene, the beast seemed to be immune to the guns.

The more they shot, the better the beast display it strength; it was as if the bullet itself where powering it up or something.

It lashed out with its powerful tail, knocking out some soldiers off their feet and sending them crashing into the stone walls.

Their blood splattered across the screen, as the creature ripped off one soldier's head with its massive jaws, snarling, as it tossed the severed head aside.

The guy broadcasting the video, turned in terror as the beast turn at him, it could be tell from the way the video was playing and shaking at his hands. Seems like it was his turn for his head to get ripped off.

Well, to them, they where actually watching a live horror scene, and as they watch, serinal and zilia seems to be feeling the emotions one would feel when watching something like this.

They use their palms to embrace their mouth at the shock of what they where actually seeing.

The one broadcasting the video was now busy trying to save the video, meanwhile the beast was coming towards him from his back.

Suddenly, it dive at the man, ripping of his head and blood spilled all over the screen, Jonas immediately turned of the clip.

A moment of silence wash over them, the whole place including their hearts where ghastly seeled up due to the scene.

It seems as if time itself had stopped because of the horrific scene that they watch.

Mike stepped back from the computer, as his face turned pale in a moment and his hands where quite shaking due to the terrifying scene that he had just watched.

He kind of felt a wave of nausea wash over him, and he stumbled at the field about four meters away from them. He then tried to vomit, but all that came out was spit.

"Damn! That was the most horrifying thing I've ever seen," he said, his voice hoarse, he then spat again on the field.

"How could someone make a video like that in the middle of death?" He could still see the images from the video playing in his mind, and he shuddered at it.

Jonas stare at Mike in surprised, still not believing mike was trying to throw up because of the clip.

He had known mike to be a jester for sometime now, but he didn't know mike was also toddler; actually he was literally behaving like one.

"How old is he again?" Jonas asked looking at Jerry, whose face was downcast at the moment.

"Twenty four" Jerry said, feeling despair, but still feeling the awkward embarrassment that mike was coursing him in the presence of his cousins, he had expected mike to behaved like a man, at least in front of his cousin's.

"I don't know if I'm ready for this anymore," lily said, breaking out, her own voice wavering.

The fact that they talk about encountering monsters and all that, plus the horrific scene she just witnessed, had turn her off on this already.

But Jonas was undeterred with lily, he clearly understand that lily was still a kid, and if there was anyone going to freak out first, that should be her and certainly not mike.

Although, he actually didn't expected the clip to make them scared, he had expected them to be motivated by it, but it turned out the other way round.

However the old man, still needs to encourage the kid–actually, all of them, because, they where probably as scared as lily was, now.

"Alright, I know I've a job to do, lily" he said, his voice full of conviction and turning to the rest, he continued.

"And I know we are all sacred one way or the other, but common guys, think of what this will means if we succeed. We're up to the task. We can do this."

"Yeah, if we succeed" Zilia said, her voice shaking a bit, but she try hard not to let it known.

"So how the hell did this actually got you motivated, I mean, that was the most horrific scene I have ever seen; like, this is real guys, did you see the way the beast kick that guy?" she asked poppingout her eyes.

"I know right!" Lily chimed in. "that was the worst thing I've ever seen life, I mean that creature was as hell deadly as anything"

"Yeah, you're now seeing why I told you that, it would be dangerous right here, right?" Zilia said, slumming her shoulder timorously. "Right now, I'm wishing I had never had come for the damn vacation and now we're just going to get killed like those scientist."

Jonas already sensing the fear, immediately spoke, he couldn't afford to let them give up now, not when they hadn't even yet, entered the ramazon forest.

"hey zill, I get your point, don't fret about that, what happened to them was as a result of them taking the wrong root to the crystal, but trust me, I'm in lane, we can do this."

"And what about what the guy said?" Serinal said, glancing at the rest, who happens to be lost at her reminder.

"Wait, none of you thought of that? The dude was trying so hard to release an important information, though in the wrong root and in an unknown language to us, yeah, I know, but I think that information was relevant, right? I mean what was the encense of the whole clip if not the information"

"Yes dad, what where they saying, you should have turned on auto translator subtitle or something, so that, at least we could understand what he was saying" Jerry said, glaring at his dad.

"Yeah it's, Jonas chimed in facing serinal. "The information he gave was what we retranslated in the computer that was telling us that they're dangerous creatures out there and all that…. but look guys, the tales is real, although not all information where translate, but we have the most relevant of it, guys trust me, we are in the right track"

"Oh…Oh!" Jerry exclaimed, seeing clearly that, 'smart dad' was always right in point. He never misses a point.

"Well, I'm still not okay with all of this, I'm kinda of feeling like going back home." Mike said, as he twitch his eyes on them.

"Alright," Jerry chimed in, clearly seeing the 'ghastly look' on mike face as he strode to where he was.

He was actually, really messing up now, especially for the fact that, he was the only guy complaining in the middle of the girls around them.

"Listen mike…..umm.. fine, i admit, like he said, 'It will be difficult' but common dude, this is something that could change our life's for good, think of it this way; we get to the forest, use the map to trace our track, fight and douge monsters like, what we see in movies like, ummm…umm-"

"Like, Jurassic park and journey to the center of the earth, Right?" Mike interjected.

"Yeah, yeah" Jerry said, giggling. "And boom, we get this wishing thing. You get your wish, my dad get his, serinal get hers, lily get hers, Zilia get hers and I get mine…..and boom it's done! Problem solve!" Jerry exclaimed, hoping he had relieved the pressure in mike.

"Yeah" mike said, his face reflecting the spell that Jerry had used in compelling him.

"Alright, I'll….I can't wait to get that freaking wishing crystal anyway. I'm going to become the next president once I get hold of it." Mike smirked mischievously at his own statement.

"hahahahaha..….alright mike, you're just being too sarcastic right now, why the hell will you be the president? I mean I'll certainly be the number one person that will asseverate you out." Serinal said, a hint of mockery in her voice as she laughed at Mike.

"Well, not when I'm with the wishing crystal…. hahahaha" Mike said, laughing hysterically, hoping he proved a point to gainsay serinal mockery.

"Alright, enough of this…. Can we now be serious and get this done!" Jonas said, his voice full of determination.

The others nodded, gathering their resolve at the hearing of his words. They were determined to see this through though, but the word 'no matter the cost' wasn't a food for thought, at least not now.

"This journey will be difficult, yes I agree, there's no doubt about that," Jonas began, his eyes scanning the group trying very hard to convince them.

"But guys, we're stronger than we think. We've all have been through a lot in each of our own trials, right, and you guys are here today, because you came out the other side.

And I know that we can do it again, especially now that we are together. So let's take a deep breath, and remember that we're a team. We have each other's backs, and we can face anything that comes our way, okay!."

His words filled them with renewed energy, their nerves slowly settling at the hearing of his speech. He was such motivational speaker.

They took a deep breath, and nodded in agreement, though still considering in their minds weather they will continue at this point or not.