
Despicable Love

"I promise you Lilian, I won't stop till I kill every single vampire in this existence '' These words came from Amelia, she was at the cemetery at the grave of her little sister. She's a werewolf from the Rodriguez family, unlike all other werewolves, she was special, she was said to be blessed with the moon goddess thus giving her a whole different power level. She was donned in her normal assassin suit, a white shirt, skinny trousers with a red belt, and a red hooded cape accompanying her suit. She looked up at the full silver moon, its rays bestowed on her, her eyes turned white, her fangs elongated out slightly. Then she dashed away. ……… At a party ground, creatures were seen, due to their pale white skin, and unnatural red eyes, one could tell they are vampires, they were having a blood feast, they danced while sipping out the delicious blood from their victims, the atmosphere was not a pleasing one, red smoky aura filled the vicinity. Abruptly they heard a snarling sound, they all turned and behold it was her mysterious Werewolf. "That will be the last celebration you'll ever have, for your time has run out in this world" She voiced out with such boldness and fierceness. Her wood was on, as her long brunette hair, dripped out, extending beneath her breast, her face wasn't a friendly one, looking at her eyes was a terror, her razor sharp claws were out, ready to cause a massacre. "It's you again! attack her!" The head vampire ordered his fellow, they all bolted at her with superhuman speed. Amelia gave a battle stance, then a faint smile appeared on her face, revealing her evil intentions. She leaped up very high, as the glory of the full moon showed behind her, she landed with a slash on a vampire's chest that turned the creature to ashes. …….. Amelia was an average woman, she was born in a family of wealth, as her father Mr Rodriguez owns one of the biggest companies in manila. The moment she was born, a prophecy came, that she's the Divine Werewolf, the one destined to kill the Shaitan Vampire, the one whose soul was imprinted on it the devil's mark. But Amelia'a loving heart turns to lust for vengeance, when a vampire killed her little sister, she was eight years old then, they were playing in the garden, when it happened, ever since she had sworn to hunt down Vampires with her powers. But her life once again experienced light when she fell in love with Aiden, a staff in her dad's Company, finally she had a reason to be happy. But disaster came when she discovered he was a vampire, not just any Vampire, but the Shaitan Vampire, and even Aiden had no idea of who he was, her dad and the entire werewolf clan was totally against her love, Aiden is a good person, but his newly discovered self was a curse. Will Amelia choose her love over her duty or will she have to eliminate him, to fulfill the prophecy. ……. "You have to kill him now Amelia, before he transform into a full flesh Vampire" "But Dad! I love him" "Love has no place at this point, he is the cursed Vampire, the lord of the night, king of darkness, master of hell and god of the deceased had placed his mark on him, he is the Shaitan Vampire……….

Anthony_Destiny · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

Amelia enters an argument with her Dad again


Amelia came out from the bathroom, with a towel on her body, and another towel wrapped around her hair to dry it off the wetness.

She gave a deep sigh then sat on her bed and was upset rather disappointed she didn't get to kill any Vampire yesternight all thanks to Aiden,this gave her more reason to hate him. But she needs to stop thinking if she doesn't wanna be late for school, it's 7:00am and the kids are waiting for her by now.

She quickly put on a casual yellow gown, packed her hair like a pony tail, then put on her glasses.

She walks down the stairs and walked towards the sitting room where her parents were.

"Good morning mum and dad"

She greeted.

"Hi sweetie, come over here I've got something to tell you" her dad said.

"Ahr not again dad"

"No this one is different"

"Okay what is it?"

Amelia asked, sitting next to him, she was truly not interested.

"Dawson just arrived from the US"

"Really? That's….wow I can't wait to see him, it's been so long" Amelia said in excitement. Indeed her Dad proved her wrong. It was a good news to her. She and Dawson had been best of friends before he moved over to the US to further his education, ever since they haven't seen each other, only phone calls.

"Yeah he's going to come visit tomorrow in the evening together with his parents"

"I can't wait indeed that's a good news"

"Yeah and you know what the best part is?" He asked.

"What dad?"

"There's going to be a discussion about your marriage with Dawson between his parents, I and your mom" once again he ruined it. Amelia hates to talk about her getting married but her Dad keeps pushing it.

"What? Dad don't start again we've talked about this I don't wanna get married"

"A second ago you were excited of his arrival and now…

"Yes I was excited because he's my best friend and that's all..I don't have any feelings for him"

"Amelia I and Mr Diego had been business partners for years and he's the alpha of the blue moon park. We can't loose such an opportunity…..

"Dad is that all you think of me. Nothing but a business exchange?"

"Don't get me wrong, I only want what's best for you and Dawson is a perfect match he's a strong beta you have to get married Amelia, I've made my decision"

"I've also made my decision Dad" Amelia raised her voice on him, she can be short tempered sometimes.

"Amelia how dare you talk back to me….

"That's enough between you too" mrs

Janet interfered. She'd been quiet the whole time watching them.

"Mum you need to talk to Dad. This is my life i have a hundred percent right, he can't just do whatever he wants. Especially when it's about my life, this is getting too much" Amelia enraged.

"Calm down Amelia….

"Don't tell me to calm down, I have a responsibility I have a destiny the prophesy needs to be fulfilled"

"What are you talking about? I killed the Shaitan Vampire years ago when you were still a child. I did it so you will live a normal life….

"A normal life? Dad as long as those Vampires are,still out there this world is not safe the Shaitan Vampire might be dead but the world is still in darkness Medilingan didn't gave me such powers for fancy…

"And neither did she said you can't live a normal life or have a family of your own"

"That's my decision that's what I want.. The humans are helpless they need our help"

"Don't feel too pity for these humans. They never appreciate good things, we used to be their hero we sacrificed our lives for them. But you know what they did? They turned against us and sent their hunters to kill us along with the Vampires"

"You can't blame them Dad. They are scared and helpless not knowing who to trust. And that's what I'm gonna do I'm going to win back their trust, I'll make them believe that werewolves are not the bad ones but the Vampires are"

"You'll only end up hurting yourself"

"I'm done with this discussion, I have children to teach" Amelia stood up to leave.

"Don't walk away from me, I'm not done talking" he instructed.

"Bye Dad" Amelia sturbbonly walked away.

"Janet your daughter is testing my patience" he said to his wife

"Well dont cross your rage on me she's your daughter after all"

"You need to talk to her try convincing her maybe she'll listen to you"

"Well I don't have control over her life. She's an adult now not a child. She have her own rights and decisions"

"What you're in support of her stupid decision. You want our child to remain alone forever? She's all we have left"

"That's not what I meant. All I'm trying to say is give her some space, don't rush her into a marriage she didn't give consent to. She needs to think about it and decide for herself"

"There's no time we can't loose this great opportunity….

"And for once stop talking about their wealth. I still don't know why you're so interested in their wealth. We are already one of the most influential families in Manila"

"Ok I'm sorry about that but at least try convince her to attend the family party"

She sighed.

"I can't say but I'll try"

"Thank you"

Mr Rodriguez and his park used to be the best Vampire hunters around

Saving humanity from the clutches of the Vampires, even if they die in the process.

But they stopped after the government created an organization known as the 'Night guardians' a military organization whose field is to hunt down Vampires and also Werewolves, regardless of how much the Werewolves had helped them.

Ever since the Werewolves had been in hiding protecting themselves thinking less about the safety of humanity….

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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