
The Grand Mistress Laughed


I stood with the others in the Wheelhouse, the blood in my veins rushing to a faster beat in response to the great power housed there. The white iridescent light of the well of power cast all of us in its shadow - except for li’Morl, who himself shone, his inner light rising to match that of the Well.

I remembered a story I’d heard as a boy when my mother taught me about the nine worlds. How Odin came to be the Great King, ruler of Asgard and Guardian Regent of Midgard. She told me that the Vanir gods had collected material from all across the Great Unknown and created a well of their power and good intentions. With that power they made the worlds and stars, and connected them all to one another with the Bifrost - a bridge made of power and light - because they were family and the gods wished to always have a way to travel between each of their worlds. She said the Svart god’s children were among the first to be created and would often play unsupervised on the Bifrost.