
Chapter Seventeen

Femi watched omotola for two weeks, she was an enigma. Not only was she good at her job, she was also unreachable. He tried flashing her the green light severally but she never paid him any attention. She ignored him completely keeping it strictly  professional.

She was also a sensation at the company, he saw the way other men looked at her. She didn't pay them attention either. She had built a formidable wall around her and he was dying to break down that wall.

After two weeks of waiting impatiently, he finally let it out on a Monday morning when she came into his office to give him his briefings for the day. As she spoke, he could barely hear what she said, his mind was fixated on how he was going to get her. She was about leaving when he called her back

"Omotola, can I speak to you for a second?"

"Sure, Hope there's no problem sir?" She asked innocently.

"There's a problem, infact you're the problem"

"Me? What did I do sir?"

"Everything. Do you want to pretend like you haven't been noticing the green lights from me?" He asked

"What green light sir, I don't know what you're talking about?" She had  a puzzled look on her face.

Damn it! He hated when ladies gave him though time. The only woman who gave him a little tough time was ifeoma. Maybe that's his type after all.

"Okay, let me make this easier for you. I really do like you and I want us to be an item. Are you free this evening, I would like us to go on a date.?"

Omotola eyed him maliciously from head to toe "I don't fuck where I eat and you of all people should know this. If there's anything else, I'll be in my office" she slammed the door so hard that it echoed all over the office adding a mocking effect to his shock.

He wanted to scream and lash out at everyone. How dare her? He was her fucking boss! Does she think she could talk to him anyhow simply because he asked her out? He picked up his car keys and yelled at his driver to drive him round town for a few minutes. He was fuming with anger. What the hell was he going to do with her?

When he returned to the office, he became a bit calm and it was then he realized he had fucked up. She was right and he was wrong. He wasn't supposed to ask his employee out. As a matter of fact, he had never had anything to do with any of his staff. What's so special about this one? Was it because she was pretty? To hell with her! He would never bother her again.

But it was practically impossible, the more he tried to ignore her,the more he thought of her, the more he saw her beautiful face in his office, the more he couldn't get her off his mind. If he could get a successful rich CEO, why was a common nobody secretary proving harder?  he probably should apply the tactics he applied in getting Ifeoma. Yes, that is was he would do.

He began by sending her flowers every morning.


Omotola walked into her office one morning and saw a bunch of flowers on her desk with a note that said. YOU MIGHT NOT FUCK WHERE YOU EAT BUT WHAT IF THAT EATERY IS WHERE YOU FIND TRUE LOVE. Mr anonymous.  She simply tore the note and threw everything into the waste bin.

The nerve of him! He wasn't even conscious of the fact that he was married. All men are the same. How she hated them all. Femi's actions brought memories she was trying her best to forget. A man was responsible for her present predicament. She had loved and trusted him but he paid her back in the worst way ever. He destroyed her and made her life a living hell.

Just then, an idea occurred to her. She might not be able to get revenge on her ex who destroyed her at the moment but she could get the same satisfaction by destroying other men like him, men like Femi. She regretted throwing the flowers in the dustbin. The following day when he sent her another one, she sent him back a note saying. THANKS FOR THE FLOWERS, YOU MAKE ME FEEL BEAUTIFUL. LET'S GIVE TRUE LOVE A CHANCE. Femi immediately sent for her.

As soon as she got to his office, he locked the door and began kissing her without uttering a word. He grabbed, squeezed and caressed. He didn't take off her clothes because they were in the office. He bent her over the couch and entered her from behind. As he thrusted, her mind went far away, she wasn't at all connected to what they were doing. Her mind was in a happy place, a place far away from all the pain and sorrow she has felt. She was in a place of fulfilment, she was finally fulfilling her desire of revenge. He would regret the day he met her. He would regret this day very soon, he would regret ever employing her in his company, by the time she would be done with him, he would even regret his existence. He deserved everything that was coming for him.