
Chapter 5

"Daddy is back, Daddy is back" Juliet and Judith chanted as the hoot of their father's horn blared outside the gate. Jasmine turned off the gas cooker and went outside the house with her excited daughters to be sure. She was surprised to see the gate keeper opening the gate for her husband to come in. She wondered if everything was okay.

He had barely stepped out of the car when they surrounded him. He scopped them both in his hands and kissed them both on the cheek.

"How are my babies doing?"

'Fine dad, mummy took us to Domino pizza after school" Judith the elder one who was just four started.

"Pizza! pizza" Juliet who was barely two chanted.

"Wow! I can see today is pizza day. Hope you kept mine for me"

"Oh! I wanted to keep some for you but mummy asked me to finish it"

"What? He looked at his wife but she wasn't up for any baby jokes

"Is everything okay? Hope nothing bad happened today?" She finally asked the question that has been on her mind since she she heard the hooting of his horn outside the gate. Judith and Juliet had already started chasing each other around the compound

"Relax baby girl. Nothing happened. I just decided to surprise you today. I got something for you.. He went to the car brought out a bunch of rose flower.

"Wow! Thanks babe, I'm short of words" She took the flowers and gave him a confused look.

"That's not all, I've got something better. He went back to the car and brought out a box containing the latest collection of channel bag. She was admiring the collection on her phone about a week ago and didn't know he heard her and had the intention of getting it for her.

"Oh my God! I can't believe this. She shrieked in excitement as she threw herself on him" He hugged her tightly and kissed her on the forehead She looked up at him and gave him a more confused look.

"My love, I know I haven't been the best husband lately but I really want to make it up to you" He said

"Thank you so much for the bag and flowers. I really appreciate but it's going to take some time and more than buying gifts for me to know you've really changed" She said realizing what it was all about.

"I know, I just want you to be open your heart to trusting me again as I prove to you that I really love you"

Jasmine blinked back tears, She couldn't believe what was happening. Her prayers have finally been answered.

"I love you too but did you really leave work early to bring me these?'

"Yes and to tell you how much I love you. I have a meeting by six this evening with a major client. So I decided to come home first then go from here. I'll be back before eight pm to make mad love to you"

Jasmine blushed at the mention of love making, the memories of their last sex in his study flashed in her memories. She couldn't believe her husband was slowly becoming hers again. People do really change. She was happy she had taken her. best friend's advice. Ifeoma had advised her to be patient with him, give him time and keep showing him love notwithstanding. She assured her that he would definitely come around. She couldn't wait to share this with her friend

"Well thank God you came home first because I'm preparing your favourite meal of Amala and Ewedu soup. It will soon be ready in matter of minutes.

"Now I'm suddenly very hungry. Come on girls lets go inside"

As they went in, Femi felt a twinge of guilt at the games he was playing with his wife. He needed to get her trust so she doesn't suspect anything especially as he was moving towards her friend.. He would try his best to be as decreet as possible till he has Ifeoma in arms. He had always fantasized what it would feel like to be in bed with such powerful woman. They had so much in common which made him always question his marriage to Jasmine..

They had nothing in common. The only thing that attracted him to her was her striking beauty and now he was extremely bored. Ifeoma posed as a conquest to him, an intriguing puzzle that needed to be solved and he was going to unravel her no matter what. Tonight was the perfect opportunity and he was going to seize it.

# # # # #

II stood before mirror and looked at my reflection. Only that I wasn't looking at my physical appearance for I was perfect in a short red sequence dress that revealed my straight and smooth legs. I was looking her my inner reflection. I wondered if I was doing the right thing by going to see him this evening.

Why do I have to see him to prove that I could resist him? I looked at the address again. it seemed like a residential address. Can I really resist him if we were alone behind closed doors? Was seeing him again not a terrible idea?

But then I needed to be sure that I don't feel anything for him. If I could prove that to him today, I would be exonerated forever and all these would be behind me. I needed to end this all once and for all. After trying my best to convince myself that it was the right thing to do, I left the house.