
Deserted Infinity

The gods took him from his home, tossed him into the Abyss. Now, they come back for him oncemore.

And_Burger · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

Journal Entry…1?

Been stuck in this hole for what, 5 years? These creatures are the only things I can survive on. The meat was so… Tough, and chewy. Bleh. The stupid lizard things wont let me leave, but I will find a way to get out of the blasted pit! Anyway, today I made a step forward in escaping. I found the creature encampment. Big news, eh? I can use the bones from the creatures, and I can make some tools. I can take over the nest hopefully so I can corral them into a pen I made. Wood is sparse, but it should be a good investment to cut it down and make the fence. I found some acorns to plant, as well as an apple from the outside! Soon, i'll be planting an apple tree so I don't have to eat the disgusting meat from the lizards. Sadly it will be about two years anyway before I have apples. Maybe I could tame one of the lizards? The lizards aren't the only thing down here, and I have heard VERY menacing sounds outside my shelter many, many, times. The lizards are decently fast. Found a Sunken Ship. I think that area was underwater before. But this is great news! If those people can survive that long, why can't I? Although it is abandoned, and i'm ignoring the skeletons inside the ship. I found a rusty sword and shield, so better already. I can relocate here for my base! It has decent terrain, and I think I saw a forest nearby. Maybe I can find some sheep or cattle, but I'm not going to get ahead of myself. Bad news, I heard a roar nearby. Sounds… menacing. New discovery? Possibly. I coined them… Titans! I swear, if I named a chicken with a menacing roar a Titan, I would hunt it down to extinction out of pure embarrassment.

Real Time Segment 1…

"Ugh. This journal is the only way I stay sane." I have no idea what my name is, I actually have no memories before being tossed down the pit. Except for hitting the ground. That hurt. I closed the leather book I found, then I unsheath my sword and pick up my shield.

Then it hit me. Literally.

A sound echoed throughout the cavern, as I felt the weight of a god's power enter me.

[Qualifications met.]

[Initiation.. Beginning… 3…2…1..]

Quick note! Dont expect this to be an amazing story or a really long one. This is my first time writing a story like this!

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