
Descent To Insanity

Read the journey of a boy who wants to explore the world, and help his parents live a better life. But will he be able to do that with an ability like teleportation? Will he gain enough power to explore the Unknown? And Will the power descend him to insanity? Read the journey of Wand to find out whether he wins this race or not! ——————————————— Note: This is my work for the WSA 2024. So, don't hesitate to give those Power stones!! Universal Energy(Unie) is this world's equivalent of mana.

StrangerOfVoid · Fantaisie
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18 Chs

2 Awakening

"Today is gonna be a good day!"

A 15-year-old boy said while talking to himself, and he was right today is indeed going to be a good day for him after all today is the day when the greatest academy of his planet is going to recruit new disciples.

He will finally have a chance to earn money, get stronger and even if he doesn't awaken a good ability, he will still be able roam the world and self-develop his own ability and himself.

It was just yesterday that he arrived at the capital city of his country along with his friends from his village and a disciple ranked member of the village's council.

He is also not too stressed because even if the greatest academy, named Aurora Academy, of his planet didn't accept him, he might still be accepted in other smaller academies and rise on the strength ladder later.

Anyways, it was just morning time, and his body was also feeling sore from travelling for the past couple of days. So, he woke up, washed his face with a wet towel and started stretching his body while using Universal energy—Commonly referred to as unie.

"I have been strengthening my body using unie with this much strength at least the smaller academies should accept me."

"Don't worry wand! You will get accepted by Capital." Another 15-year-old boy came out of a tent seemingly Wand's friend.

"Hehe, I hope so! What about you john? Don't slack off now, I have already surpassed you."

The boy —John— replied jokingly "Of course! This great one has already surpassed Thou for I shall be rewarded by the ruler of all the hero itself!"

Both boys looked at each other for a second and burst out laughing.

"Ay boys and girls! Come and help me remove these tents!" The two boys heard a loud but familiar voice.

 After which 8 boys, including john and Wand, and 4 girls came forward to help a slightly muscular man remove three large tents where they were sleeping on.

The group from the village didn't have enough money to live on the inns in the capital and hence the capital arranged a safe area for such travelers to sleep and put up a tent.

After taking out the tent and having breakfast of dried meat on the large plain, they went towards a gate of the walled city. Of course, this was the capital city.

The group quickly headed to the large central plaza of the capital city where many other similar groups were waiting while looking at a stage. All the people were talking to each other making the plaza sound like a noisy classroom.

Wand, John, and the other children were looking around curiously as it was their first time in the capital.

"Today the academies of this planet will hold a fair to accept new disciples! Like always ability awakening ceremony will be the first!" A middle-aged man announced while the noisy plaza went completely silent.

"Kids who are going to awaken will go to the building on the left of this stage and awaken!" the man said pointing towards an ivory-colored building on the left of the stage.

"I would also like if volunteers from academies help maintain proper order." After that the volunteers started guiding the children towards the awakening building.

After, All the children lined up towards the entrance of the ivory-colored building. There were about 300 kids in total and Wand's group was in the middle of the line.

There was a banner outside the building that read: 'Did you know? Although it might seem like that some abilities are useless, an ability's effectiveness depends on the person's intelligence.'

After one hour Wand and his group finally entered the building, and to say the least they all were shocked!

The inside of the building was like a hall and on the far side of it where Wand assumed abilities were awakened was a room, and from what he could see through the door there was a shiny metal box with a lot of buttons and on the wall there was a smooth black glass like surface which was showing some letters every time a children put their hand on a pedestal near the metal box.

The zigzag line inside the hall slowly but sure moved and after 15 minutes it was Wand's turn to enter the room. He was also the first from his group to enter the room.

"Put your hand flat on the pedestal. Your unie will get sucked, do not resist it." A man in his 20s said seemingly bored.

Wand complied.

After putting his hand there, the man pressed a button. Then Wand's unie started getting sucked which slightly shocked Wand.

Then, the sucked unie started flowing in his body in strange…pathways?

After 30 seconds a needle perked up from the pedestal and took a little bit of Wands blood.

"Shhh" Wand was shocked and the man in the room made an enlightened face.

Then, the words on the screen shocked even the man.