

'Demonic Blood Art?'

Xiang Wu was confused.

Looking at it again, left him speechless, though there were no words. It was empty. But the pages couldn't let him see through it. He gently tried to tear a page, but he couldn't tear it at all.

But such an empty scroll, what is its use? He inspected the book all over, and still nothing.

[How mysterious…] Xiang Wu turned to the first page, and nothing. Staring at the blank scroll page. With little effort, he still found little change to the page. Then he discovered there was a little change to the page. Small letters appeared, but Xiang Wu was not able to read them properly since the letters were too small. Slowly and slowly the page began to show signs and more letters.

Xiang Wu's eyes started to become heavy as he was losing too much blood and the poison was reaching his heart soon. With a final attempt he looks at the scroll page one more time. He started to read the Scroll out loud.

'Instructions on how to use The Demonic Blood Art. '

'Blood is cited, fall into the abyss, arise from the ashes, Immortal!'

'Proud demonic overlord, rules the fence, indomitable spirit, will it descend!'

Thinking of this, Xiang Wu hesitated no more. The writing clearly on the page clearly states that he must drip blood in order to lead. Thinking of this, he dripped the blood of his hand and dropped it on the page.

He continued to endure. His blood continued to flow, and the light on the page was becoming darker and darker.

This penetrated deep into the soul, which caused Xiang Wu to throw the Scroll, with his limbs shaking uncontrollably. Breathing deeply, but as he threw the scroll and his body moving uncontrollably he felt a certain urge to kill and to "devour".

He reached towards the dead body and pierced his nails through it's neck. While doing so, all of the blood that remained in the dead body transported through Xiang Wu's body making his bones, flesh and internal organs recover to it's previous state while also refining Xiang Wu's body more and destroying the poison that was about to reach his Heart. Xiang Wu's Dark Eyes turned into Bright Red Eyes. The Scroll closed itself and was absorbed by the Black Crystal that Xiang Wu was carrying. Xiang Wu eventually passed out onto the ground while finding himself back in his Hut.

Xiang Wu stood up, although he had just used up all his strength and received his recent injuries, he was fully healed and regained all of his energy! An hour before, Xian Wu felt that it was like a dream. He really could not believe this was happening.

He felt as unblemished as a new-born baby!

Rubbing the places that previously held wounds, dead skin fell. This revealed the new tender skin underneath, like a baby's but far healthier.

Then feeling his own strength, he found out that he was still at the Tempered Body Third Stage. That did not change. This discovery somewhat made him a little disappointed.

Xiang Wu couldn't help but feel his hands heat up and having fantasies about devouring blood and slaughtering. Aside from his Physical Changes he could feel that his Senses were more sharpened then they were before.

Though he could not explain what happened and couldn't properly understand it himself he looked at the black crystal with confusion. He was becoming more and more excited, whilst also becoming more and more uncomfortable.

Xiang Wu felt more and more uneasing hatred as he was reminded what his Senior Brothers did to him! He had only one main thought in his mind. To take revenge by killing his Senior Brothers. But how could Xiang Wu think so negatively? He was never like this before.

Although Xiang Wu was only seventeen this year, due to his experiences these past three years, he is far more mature than his peers. It is also because of this, that he forged this unyielding character.

In front the sun rising, near a cabin in a remote place of the sect stood a sweating young man. Diligently practising, slow fists and discovering his future.

Half an hour passed when Xiang Wu suddenly felt light. The record was very clear, you could only cultivate for half an hour every day at sunrise.

His effort seemed to have drained him. Thus Xiang Wu fell to the ground in a heap and took a deep breath. A surge of red boiling gas accompanied his breath and disappeared. In an instant, he felt refreshed and energised.

Looking distracted, he couldn't help but but be shocked!

Atmosphere sense! He had already developed a sense to the atmosphere. That is to say, he had broken through the Tempered Body Third Stage and was entering the Fourth Stage!

This news made him excited. Since entering Heavenly Dragon Valley, it took three years of practicing to reach the Tempered Body Third Stage. But, after thirty minutes of practising, he had broken through the Fourth Stage!

But the hatred inside of Xiang Wu did not disappear. He decided to come up with a plan to have revenge on his Senior Brothers. And the only possible thing he could think of was: Murder.

This Is The End Of Chapter 6