
A Trial Disciple

A new day begins, and Xiang Wu woke up. He cleaned up and took the broom lying in the corner of the small room and walked out. Standing at the front door, he stretched a little. He looked up at the touch of grey in the dawn sky and closed his eyes while taking a deep breath. He was enjoying this moment of peace, before reopening his eyes to start sweeping the ground; cleaning away the dirt and leaves.

Xiang Wu was a Heavenly Dragon Valley Trial Disciple. For two years, he had trained in the Sect but managed to only reach the Tempered Body Third Stage. Yet, the other Disciples that had entered at the same time as him had long surpassed him and reached higher stages. They were all able to enter the main building, pay their respects and make advances towards their futures. While he can only lament about his inadequacy in the outer courts.

Achieving Tempered Body Third Stage in three years cannot be judged as good or bad; just really, really mediocre.

Helpless, Xiang Wu could only continue to sweep out here in the outer court; working hard to support himself and working hard in training.

Heavenly Dragon Valley is a unique Sect. This uniqueness is seen through the ruthless competition between Disciples. In this Sect, the strong are like kings, while the weak are eliminated. The strong eat the weak; the law of the jungle, in the Heavenly Dragon Valley, this rule is actively followed by all.

In other Sects you might be able to school friendly competition, brotherly bonds and people working together to achieve the same goal. But in the Heavenly Dragon Valley, you will only be able to find false bonds – in order to use each other and rise in power. Stepping over each other's bodies is the only way.

Heavenly Dragon Valley's strict system as well-known throughout the entire Great Han Dynasty. Although the grounds were not that large, but due to the brutal nature of their Disciples, their might is second to none! This is also because each Disciples' skill is akin to a tiger. When outside of the Sect, no one in all the rivers and lakes dares to provoke them.

In Heavenly Dragon Valley, there was one rule. That's to fourteen-year-old Disciples, the first three years of their acceptance is considered the testing phase. In these three years, all of the Disciples food, clothing, and shelters are provided by the outer court. Disciples only need to focus on cultivating. If by these three years, they managed to breakthrough pass the Tempered Body Stage, then they will be able to enter the inner court to pay respects to the Elders and become their Disciples. Of course, you don't need to have a teacher.

You could practise on your own, but there is a huge difference between learning by yourself and having a teacher. In a way, Heavenly Dragon Valley's rules do have some flexibility and freedom. In those three years if you don't break through, then you can either leave the Sect or be demoted to a Trial Disciple.

Xiang Wu is currently a Trial Disciple! He is also known as Heavenly Dragon Valley's shame!

Compared to Ordinary Disciples, their treatment is very different. Trial Disciples must provide for their food, shelter, clothing, for the Sect will no longer waste cultivating resources on these trashes. Once demoted to Trial Disciple, you basically can never advance. Unless you manage to increase your cultivation level quickly. Only then will the Sect allow an attempt to become an Ordinary Disciple.

The entire Heavenly Dragon Valley consists of three thousand Disciples, while what about the number Trial Disciple? You can count them on your ten fingers! But, Xiang Wu has faith that he can eventually become an Ordinary Disciple!

For Trial Disciples who wants to survive in Heavenly Dragon Valley, it was akin to an attempt at reaching the heavens. Take Xiang Wu for example, he created a Log House near the Rivers with his bare hands. He buys his own clothes and got to collect his food himself. He is responsible for all of his own needs.

Xiang Wu's small hut is in the Sect's most remote and most uninhabited location.

Generally, with such horrendous treatment, it is difficult to endure. That is the reason why the Sect only has a very small number of these Disciples. Most who couldn't breakthrough the tempered body chose to leave, but Xiang Wu with his determination stayed in hopes of ever becoming an Ordinary Disciple.

Xiang Wu made a living out of sweeping after he became a Trial Disciple. Right now Xiang Wu was both a Trial Disciple and the Sect's little sweeping servant. But just by sweeping to maintain a living has been difficult. There are many times when he is cold or hungry but in this life, he had chosen this path. Even so, he had chosen this oath and must continue through it. That was what men did.

This Is The End Of Chapter 1