
A Fierceful Competition

In Xiang Wu's mind, there was a concept of toughness; if you don't hit into the brick wall, then you will never understand what it meaning to be tough! The sky gradually began to light up as he swept. Cleaning the trails, sweeping dust from the space.

Even though sweeping itself didn't use a lot of energy, but without food or drink since the morning and constantly moving, Xiang Wu was drenched in sweat. This had nothing to do with strength, but his poor physique. Two out of three meals he was hungry. For anybody living like him, how could their physique be considered good?

Gradually a group of Heavenly Dragon Valley Disciples surrounded him. These Disciples had woken up early, not to cultivate but to look at him. They had great interest in Xiang Wu, looking at him with avid gazes like they were staring at a naked beauty, a sweet fragrance.

Among those Heavenly Dragon Valley Disciples, they have gathered around Xiang Wu, there was a tense competitive atmosphere surrounding them. Looking at each other warily all held an unfriendly look. Someone in the crowd softly spoke out. "So many people, isn't it a bit excessive?"

It was that moment someone else replied. "Do you think anybody can walk this path huh. Nobody wants you to stay." That statement made the person who spoke embarrassed. For everybody knew why they were gathered here, why they were all looking at Xiang Wu, all waiting for that moment to come. The deadline was about to arrive, leaving now was not a pity? If you can grab the funds, and today it is also a harvest.

Having commotion next to him, Xiang Wu naturally understood; though his expression never changed. They will parade themselves every five days, six times a month. He has already gotten used to it. He also noticed the number of people in front of him had decreased, they probably had not all arrived yet. Xiang Wu would regularly been asked to be challenged.

As he was being discredited, he turned a blind eye to the people next to him and continued to sweep. Following the passage of time, the people around Xiang Wu gradually increased. There were now roughly fourty to fifty people present.

Xiang Wu suddenly stopped and sat down in the middle of the road. Slowly, he breathed in the early morning air to restore his own physical stamina.

At this movement, the people gathered around him all spread out and surrounded him, with Xiang Wu at the centre. A tense atmosphere filled the air and made it hard to breathe. No one looked at each other. Instead, they were all focused intensely at Xiang Wu.

If people were to see this crowd, they would hold the misunderstanding that an expert was in the middle. Or else, how could so many people surround one person like that? In reality, Xiang Wu was only a Trial Disciple with that accomplished Tempered Body Third Stage. Any of the Disciples surrounding him were stronger than him.

"Xiang Wu. No need to bother. Why don't you just obediently lie down on the ground so I can beat you and save some time?" Seeing him like this, one Disciple spoke out in disdain.

"How much energy can a Tempered Body Third Stage restore? You are going to lose anyway, so why continue to waste time?"

"Come on and listen to me, Xiang Wu. We are not like you, after this game we need to go and practise."

The statement was to let Xiang Wu quickly submit and let them beat him. Making the act of restoring his internal energy disrespectful to them.

Time continued to pass by, suddenly the melodious Tower bells sounded. It reached the ears of all the Disciples surrounding Xiang Wu and himself, startling the Disciples. The bells tolled nine times, and from the East the Sun rose. It was a new day! Everyone's breathing calmed down, helplessly looking at Xiang Wu as he slowly got up. He took up his broom and glanced at the people encircling him.

"Choose me, Senior Wu!" Shouted a person. "I strike lightly, I can guarantee you no pain Brother Wu!"

"Bullshit! Choose me, I will be merciful. I will end it in one fist, and I promise not to waste everyone's time!"

It was very clamorous, just like in a marketplace where vendors were trying to sell their products and competing on whose products was higher in quality. Xiang Wu was fully pressured. "Xiang Wu, you can choose your own opponent!" Someone reminded.

He lifted his broom and threw it into the sky. The dozens of pairs of eyes looked up, full of expectation. Xiang Wu picked one person from the crowds. A regretful sound, the crowd full of resentment and resignation. But that burly youngster laughed out loud and rushed out: "Fellow Disciples, this Brother has won this battle today, but hopes that you Fellow Brothers will not blame me."

"Lucky bastard!" One jealously Brother said.

"Why aren't I chosen Xiang Wu? I've been coming here a whole month!"

"Brother, you are more miserable than me."

"It's not miserable, not miserable at all. At Least we will be watching a good, good show." The two brothers looked at each other, smiling secretly to in their hearts.

In the courtyard, the others had already dispersed, leaving only Xiang Wu and the burly teenager looking at each other.

"Trial Disciple Xiang Wu, Tempered Body Third Stage!" Xiang Wu introduced to his opponent.

"Ordinary Disciple Zhou Xieng Xu, Tempered Body Fifth Stage!" The teenager introduced.

Heavenly Dragon Valley Disciples were ranked. From bottom to top, are the Ordinary Disciples, Lower Base Disciples, Elite Disciples, and Core Disciple. Zhou Xieng Xu said that he was an Ordinary Disciple, which means he has yet to pay his respects and obtained a mentor.

If the breakthrough of the Tempered Body Disciple had a mentor, then their status would be at the top of those Lower Base Disciples. And those Elite Disciple were those selected from the best Lower Base Disciples.

As for the Core Disciples, they were treated as the hope of the next generation of the Heavenly Dragon Valley and thus cultivated accordingly.

though it seems unreasonable it can stimulate the younger generation into the fierce sense of competition, which is the foundation of the brutal Valley's regime. This is the main reason why Xiang Wu fought countless people, another rule of Heavenly Dragon Valley, the Challenge Rule.

This Is The End Of Chapter 2