
(ACT 02) The patron goddess(es)

“Half gods are worshipped in wine and flowers. Real gods require blood.”

—Zora Neale Hurston

. . .


By the time William had burst through the door to get to his room—his footsteps hurried but soundless as befitting of any monster mercenary… Proserpina nonchalantly glanced at the newcomer who still had not made themselves appear at the face of a mortal man.

Truly. How vain. She almost rolls her eyes, “Did your father never taught you that it is very rude to sneak in other people's houses?”

“Careful how you speak about him, little cousin,” a young, girlish voice chided, coming from nowhere and everywhere at once. “...my father has lashed out for less.”

Proserpina had not looked away nor did she even blinked… and yet, at the next second, what seemed to be a young teen was suddenly standing directly in front of her, a face as dazzling and lovely as the moon smiling at her. “…Artemis,” she drawled in feigned nonchalance; her hands still on her sides as she regarded the older goddess, “What brings you here?”

“Straight to the point as always,” the goddess of the moon chuckled, the sound clear as a bubbling brook, “This is why I like you so much. We could use a hunter like you, cousin. You know the invitation’s always open for you, yes?”

Proserpina glared.

Artemis huffed at the blatant hostility, crossing her arms and Proserpina deliberately tried so hard not to look over at the dark-brown bow and set of silver arrows slung over the goddess' back. Those weapons aren’t just for show, “Fine, fine. Be that way when I have been so nice to come instead of Apollo to warn you.”

And Proserpina pointedly decided to ignore the remark about the god of the sun. She would very much prefer not seeing Apollo for another few years (actually, make that a few more centuries).

“For what?”

The older goddess shot her an irritated look, “You have to leave.”

“...did you just seriously commanded me to get out of my own house, Artemis?” Proserpina retorted, raising her chin, defiantly.

Thanatos hummed, ‘Or was it to flee?’


…From what?

‘Your werewolf?’

She stiffened.

If that Alastor Nyx is stupid enough to actually come barging in here (which is highly unlikely because he is not supposed to be aware of her being here right now) Proserpina will personally throw him to Tartarus.

This time, for real.

No more Ms. Goody-two-Shoes. Besides, Proserpina is the patron goddess to monster mercenaries and like the hunters of Artemis, she hunts down monsters and monsters that had a speck of intelligence (even little to none) flee from her.

‘And yet… you ran from that werewolf,’ Thanatos immediately commented. Ever unhelpful, ‘Even struck a promise you fully intended to break. Oh prinkípissa, what will your father think?’

Proserpina crossed her arms, willing her face to remain blank.

Shut the hell up, Thanatos.

“Just leave. He’s coming for you,” Artemis insisted urgently, her form flickering the same way the moon’s form does amidst a stormy sky, “Now. While you still can…”


Anger suddenly flashed across such a deceptively young face the same way lightning would have under what was once a supposedly clear sky. Proserpina was immediately reminded that Artemis, like all the other Olympians, may not be used to being denied so blatantly, “As the goddess of wild things and protector of young women–”

“With all due respect, I am a goddess as well,” Proserpina very nearly snapped, “I appreciate the concern… but just in case you have forgotten, let me remind you: I can handle one werewolf.”

“Excuse me but handle–?” Artemis actually squeaked at the word, taking a shaky step back from her with wide, horrified eyes, looking like Proserpina just confided to her that she secretly kicks puppies for fun, “You... c-cousin, you wouldn’t mean to… to kill him… right?”

‘As it should, as it will.’ Thanatos murmured, only heard by its keeper, ‘For all lives, great and small… ends with us.’

“If I have to.”

“Have you gone mad?!”

…A long time ago, maybe.

For a moment, Proserpina was honestly confused as of why Artemis of all the gods, would even care about one incredibly stubborn werewolf. Wasn't this brat of a goddess supposed to hate men and hunt wild animals or something?

‘Oh. Have you truly forgotten, my dear? Lady Artemis is also their patron goddess, for some reason...’ Thanatos reminded her.

Proserpina huffs.

What the hell is up with that contradiction?

Internally, Proserpina let out an annoyed sigh at that, “You... think I wanted to actually kill your pet? He was the one who won't just leave me be!”

And the only response was a low, whining sound of frustration. Artemis buried her face in her hands as she carried on making the sound of an inhuman, overgrown pup but made no comprehensible words regardless.

“Oh, please,” Proserpina sneered, “Spare me the theatrics, Artemis… that was Apollo’s thing. You, of all people, should understand!”

“For the love of all the gods, Proserpina… you’re not listening to me!” Artemis suddenly yelled in sheer exasperation to the ceiling, rubbing a hand agitatedly over her deceptively young face, silver eyes glowing as she glared at Proserpina, “If you really did not care—then for the sake of everyone involved—please leave! Crawl back to whatever hole Uncle hides you in if you wish and never show your face to this realm but I WILL NOT STAND BY AND LET YOU KILL ONE OF MY WORSHIPPERS!”

They were both quiet for but a heartbeat, both still glaring at one another while Proserpina slowly raised a hand and the door behind her slammed shut before William could even think to step inside.

“Hey–!” he cried.

For the time being, Proserpina ignored him.

“A̯̩̣̬̘̬̺̣ͤ͂̕r̷̙͎̩̩͈͒e̶̘͉̬ͣͧ̃ͮ ̒̍̍͏̳͖͔͓ŷ̟̻̞̥̞͈̜̣ͦ̀̊͝o̵̰̹ͮu̝͚̣͌͑̊̀ ̜̳̫̯̪̮̰̞̆͟t̗̳̤̩̘̝͑ͪ͋́̀ḧ̡͍̝̋r̫͓̞̹͍̯ͫ́ͤ͜e̶͈̹̠͈̊aͬͭ҉̜͙̯̼̘̖͔t̢̖̟̹̾̆̄e̸͔̩͋n̹̣̬̲̑̏̋̂͜i͔̭̜̙̦̮̇ͦ͠n̝͖̽̆̆́g̨̲̯͎̥̱͙̑̈́ ͙̤̼ͭͮͥ͡m̖̤͇̝̻ͤͥ̌ͫ́e͖̹̯̓ͤ̕?̳̣͍̼͉̱́̀̊͜”

Artemis groaned, sounding, and looking more like the stressed teenager she currently appeared to be rather than a goddess who was actually centuries older than Proserpina, “N-No, look… you just don't understand! You can't kill Alastor, okay?”

“And why not?”

“I swore not to tell you–”

Proserpina gave Artemis a flat glare.

The moon goddess slouched in defeat, “…fine, but you didn’t hear from me that she'll have Eros sending stupid boys after me and my hunters again!”

Proserpina released a breath.


‘…I knew it.’

For a moment, the only noise was William’s banging fists on the door, demanding to be let in. Again, Proserpina was personally tempted to go up to Olympus and have a word with that meddlesome, gossip-loving fool…!

“Why” she gritted out, “…is she after me again?”

“I don’t know! Maybe she just doesn’t like asexuals…?”

I’m not even asexual… I think, “Artemis, give me one good reason. One good reason why I must not go up there right now and–”

“What the f–?!”

Proserpina had just barely called forth Thanatos from the depths of her shadows when she felt rather than heard the front door bursting open.

“…William?” she called, a bit apprehensive.

Artemis, sensing what must have happened to her brother, even had the gall to actually give her a dazzling smile when Proserpina received no further response from her brother other than two consecutively resounding thuds, “Aaaaand I suppose that's my cue to leave!”