
Descendants of Old

Boss_Milo1 · Romance
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9 Chs


Marcus woke up the next morning, earlier than usual, but he wasn't himself.

The man, after possessing Marcus last night went back to Marcus' house, going straight into the room and dropping on the bed in an awkward posture.

Marcus' parents noticed he was acting, but they were too caught up in their love play to ask any questions.

The man made sure to wake up very early so he'll get out of the house before explaining the reason for his conduct to Marcus.

Things had changed a lot since the last time the man was awake, but he managed to find his way around the house using the memories of his host. After getting ready for school ( As it was seen in Marcus' memory ) he stepped out of the house, making almost no sound.

'Where the hell am I'. That was the first thing to come to Marcus' mind as he woke up in a very dark place. He couldn't feel his body but he knew he was alive. He tried to scream multiple times, but he ended up in failure as no sound came forth from his mouth. After calming down and assessing his environment, he figured that he didn't have a body, only his mind is alive, he carefully listened and he heard the things that were happening outside the black trap he was in. He figured out someone was taking a shower, but the sound was all around him, so he had to be the one having the shower, but that didn't make sense. He continued to listen as the person outside did various things, and as Marcus listened he felt himself being lifted up and up. Marcus suddenly saw a faint tiny beam of light appear at a distance from where he was, instinctively he started to move towards the light. When he got to the light, he was able to have a glimpse of the outer surroundings. He saw himself, jogging towards school, then the events of yesterday played in his head and he realised.

'I have been possessed'. He said in horror.

He tried to gain control of his body, but couldn't. He felt a force, trying to force his mind to sleep, but luckily he could resist. Yesterday's scene played over and over in his head, making him grow angry.

'How dare he!'. Marcus shouted as he bursts into anger, almost overthrowing the man in control of his body.

'Wow! This boy got some determination'. The man exclaimed in surprise as Marcus almost gained control. He had never possessed someone before and he never wanted to, but Marcus was special and he had something very urgent that he had to do. When Marcus saw him last night, he knew he would freak out and not listen to him, desperate times calls for desperate measures.

He got to the so called High School. He found his way into Marcus' class and dropped his belongings on the desk, he then search the whole school before he found the rest room. The man was faced with another difficulty when he got to the rest room, because there were two doors, both had stickman images on them, one was a plain stickman while the other one had flowing hair and weirdly extended legs from the waist to the knees, he decided to choose the plain stickman when he noticed the other other one looked like a lady putting on skirt.

The light in front of Marcus gradually expanded and he felt himself gaining control. He opened his eyes and met himself in a place that looked like the male rest room.

'How did I get here?'. Marcus was thinking, then he saw a man standing in front of him, he recognized him immediately. 'He is the ghost from yesterday'. He realised in terror.

"Welcome back young man". The man, a ghost, said.

"What happened? Who are you? How did I get here". Marcus asked, still shocked.

" Oh, I'm sorry for the abrupt actions yesterday, I didn't get to introduce myself. Well let's start the introduction, first of all I'm Dominic ". The man said apologetically.