
Descendants 2. The son of Maleficent and Hades.

Hadie's is the son of Maleficent and Hades. His best friends are Evie, Jay, Carlos, and his girlfriend Princess Mal. Who is the younger sister of King Ben, and the daughter of Queen Belle and the Beast. But as Hadie's mother dies Maleficent. Hadie's doesn't want to return to the Isle of the Lost. Since his father Hades is there the Lord of the Underworld. Since Hadie had never known his father. So Evie, Jay, Carlos, and his girlfriend Princess Mal. Helps him move into Auradon Prep. Where Hadie's starts his new life along with his friends and his girlfriend Princess Mal.

TravisLaRowe23Y · Fantaisie
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(Just before going to Auradon. )

Chapter two:

Sorry, but we have a issue! Mal said, coming up into their place, entering her boyfriend's area. The two had been dating for a solid few months. What? What's wrong? Hadie asked when Mal entered.

Apparently, me, Jay, Evie, and Carlos has to go back to Auradon Prep. Mal said, as she sat down on Hadie's bed.

What? Hadie said.

I know! Trust me, I wouldn't go if it wasn't for my mom Belle forcing me too. And it's just the four of us, for some stupid reason. Mal said. Believe me, if I could, I would bring you along, or stay with you, but I can't. Mal said looking at her boyfriend.

It's okay. Hadie said. I'll be fine.

But I don't know if I will be. Mal replied. She leaned forward, their foreheads pressed together, before their lips connected. The kiss was short, but passionate. As they pulled apart, someone knocked on the wall.

Can I come in? They heard Evie say.

Come in. Hadie replied.

Are you okay? Evie asked her friend.

I'll be fine. Hadie smiled.

Good to hear. Come on now, we want to spend as much time with you as we can before we have to leave. Evie said. Mal and Hadie stood up, and the three friends walked out of the room.