
Depth of Sanity

Imagine a world where the essence of your heart determines your ability to wield elemental powers. Fiery spirits command flames, while calm souls control water. But what if some people with complex heart disorders possess multiple elements or unique themes? Such a mystery shatters conventional beliefs and sets the stage for an intriguing exploration of the interplay between hearts and magic. In the heart-pounding "Depth of Sanity," powerlessness becomes the ultimate advantage, setting the stage for an intense psychological battle. As the characters grapple with their vulnerabilities, a mysterious puppeteer orchestrates a mind-bending game where perception is reality, and every move holds life-altering consequences. Prepare for a rollercoaster of suspense as the true mastermind emerges from the shadows, reshaping the very fabric of sanity itself. Blunders aren't just mistakes, but sacrifices that could lead to unpredictable winning. Get ready to immerse yourself in an epic tale of a young boy's fight against destiny. In a world of magic and power, he battles his arrogance, choosing the path of righteousness. But his quest for change is not an easy one. He must use every tool at his disposal, including manipulation and even murder, to challenge the world's perception. With a god complex and a fierce existentialism, he takes on the most powerful forces in the land. This is a story that will keep you on the edge of your seat and challenge everything you thought you knew about magic, destiny, and the human heart. ----------------------------- *Worth reading as it contains the philosophy of life of each character, how they perceive the world and has poetry too. Warning!! (18+)

Whoami_ · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
14 Chs

Twisted Reality

That night, Lucian anonymously sent a letter to the children. Subsequently, one of the children received it from the diligent guard who had been stationed at the dormitory throughout the day. Intrigued by the unexpected correspondence, the child promptly approached the guard to inquire about its origins.

"Mr guardian, where did you receive this letter? From whom actually?". The child inquired, wearing an expression filled with curiosity, as they addressed the guard.

"I can't be specific, that kid didn't tell me his name when he gave me this letter... Em...he only told me to give it to you".The guard looked puzzled, scratching his head in an attempt to recall something hazy.

"Hmmm...how about its looks?". The child asked again, his curiosity growing.

"If you asked me that... hmm...the kid's hair was long and the color was black...he wore neat looking clothes...maybe he was from the higher class family. Forgot to mention, I mistook him for a girl when he approached me, his voice was calm and his glaze was also calm".The guard quietly answered the child, his head lowering mysteriously.

"A letter...from sir Lucian".Kid A looked intrigued as he pondered silently.

"By the way, it was my friend...thank you for answering my silly question mr. guardian".Kid A politely smiled as he spoke. His smile was warmth and courtesy, it was like a cozy blanket on a chilly day.

After returning to his dorm, the kid sat down on his bed and began examining the letter with careful attention."Let's see...how much I can show him my loyalty". Kid A silently mused to himself while others in the dorm carried on with their activities. Some engaged in a push-up competition, some were asleep, and the remaining individuals focused on honing their magical skills and equipment.

It was a wide dorm that was like a dimly lit hall that would echo with mystic whispers, and the rooms be embellished with tapestries depicting ancient spells. Candles flicker, casting ethereal shadows, and the air carries the scent of arcane herbs.

The dorm's ambiance transports inhabitants to a realm where the mystical and the historical are seamlessly entwined, creating an otherworldly sanctuary.

"Abandoned house". The recipient of Lucian's letter was taken aback by a single word, engulfed in an overwhelming tide of curiosity.

Around 10 p.m., he glanced at the sleepy guard and noticed the guard's fading awareness. seizing the opportunity, he swiftly left the dorm without hesitation.

Following a straight path, he suddenly halted at a corner, concealing himself behind a large statue. Two guards on night patrol appeared, forcing him to change his route and navigate through the shrub area instead.

He sprinted silently, mindful of his surroundings, making an effort to muffle his footsteps. After 30 minutes of covertly evading detection, he arrived at his desired location, which was quite a distance from the academy and required a significant amount of time to reach.

"Finally...".Kid A's breaths echoed like distant whispers, a symphony of exhaustion accompanied by the rhythmic melody of a heart trying to find its calm within the storm of physical and emotional strain.

Before he stood a two-story house, its windows aglow with the warm flicker of candles, while an ancient, classic lamp cast a nostalgic glow on the path, inviting him into a realm where time seemed to weave tales through the play of light and shadow.

"Oh...there is a light inside... and a silhouette? .. I should enter the house quickly...". Kid A muttered to himself.

Upon opening the door, he discovered a considerable gathering of individuals inside. To his surprise, there were nine children present, each wearing expressions that were simultaneously inquisitive and apprehensive.

"Hey! Kid A...you received the letter too aren't you?". Kid C asked Kid A.

"Huh?...".Kid A replied.

"This letter". Kid B spoke from the kid A's behind.

Kid A startled. "?! You scared me!...that letter... yes I did receive one. W-wait...the fact that I was here, that means I received it too dummy". Kid A smacked Kid B's forehead lightly.

"Then... Why does everyone from the other dorm here?...also... They are also a commoner...". Kid A finds himself in a perplexing situation and is pondering its details and implications.


A soothing presence resonates from above.

A sudden voice from upstairs surprised everyone.

"Human...was a simple being, lend them a hand when they were at their lowest point...they will show their gratitude that was overdone. For example, give them an apple when they starve, they will show their gratitude by giving their trust, souls or even better...their most priceless things...they see their savior as the God itself...".Lucian spoke.

Lucian laughed."Well...I wonder what if... I asked them to return the apple they had eaten. Lucian smirked.

"Everyone... gives me back my bag of gold coins". Lucian smirked.

The people's reactions were intense. Some became alarmed and agitated, adamantly refusing to return the bag of gold coins. They resorted to using harsh language and threats towards Lucian. The atmosphere was charged with anger. Despite this, Lucian remained composed.

Then, he calmly settled into the embrace of an old chair, flanked by twin classical lamps, he exuded a tranquility reminiscent of one who shares years with an aged dog. Unperturbed, he sat there, a portrait of peace and charisma, a juxtaposition akin to blooming flowers adorning the edge of an active volcano.

"Isn't you the one that gave it to us and wants our loyalty in return". Kid A expressed concern.

Lucian let out a small smile."Now... I don't need everyone's loyalty anymore... Give the bag of gold coins back".

"You are the one that ordered us to spend it like crazy! ".Kid A spoke again. His tone raised as he was angry, clenching his hand due to resentment.

"Pftt...".Lucian snickered, his hand covering his mouth, looking down on those unfortunate children.

"You forgot one thing...the loyalty I meant wasn't just being a mere submissive dog... I need your souls and be a sacrificial pawn for my intentions".Lucian responded his gaze still as calm as the night breeze.

"Isn't your goal to create an equal world?". Kid A asked, he was trembling in furious.

"Yes I do... to create such impossible fantasies of mine... I need a power... I need to become strong... I'm just a lone soul that wasn't accepted by the fate itself". Lucian responded again, yet his demeanor was still the same as usual, it was like he was in deep control of emotion, like seafarers on the raging sea.

"Then, why did you do this to us...if you need a power?". Kid B interrupted.

"Why would you want to know that?". Lucian fixed a cold gaze on Kid B's eyes.

Lucian looked at the kids with a sly, narrowed gaze, his lips curling mischievously. He seemed to see their souls as an opportunity for his selfish gain, with them as the beneficiaries. "Let me ask everyone here a simple question...tell me, in this world...what is your existence's importance? is it to become a mere dog for the kingdom? or living a life with your head being stomped by higher life beings while keeping a disgusting smile?".

"If it is my fate to live a life having my head getting crushed in the name of this kingdom, that doesn't allow you to use me as a dog".Kid C replied.

"Ouh~poor boy... pardon me... I'm not like the others, they are monkeys...these monkeys were born with a great gift...some were talented, some might have great intelligence and others were born with something that can be useful. Sadly, they are stupid yet dumb! like a monkey receiving a flower using others like mere dogs doesn't amuse me... if I was about to use a soul.. it is not for only my benefit, but they would also receive their benefit. However, it is your soul that must be the payment. One sacrifice will lead to many benefits".Lucian spoke slowly, maintaining a cold demeanor.

"Oh... I forgot...if I was a monkey... I'd still be different from them...if they received a flower. I'm the monkey that received the weapon".Lucian smirked.

One of the kids unleashed a water spell in the form of a spear, swiftly hurling it at Lucian.

"Arghh! Enough with the talk!". The kid displayed anger.

"Pathetic". Lucian sat calmly on the old chair, unfazed by the kid's attempt at casting a spell. He stared calmly into the kid's eyes.

The water spell, resembling a spear, failed to hit its intended target.

"You can't even aim accurately and dare to become a hero...this is why your existence's value was vaguely exist...you were granted such a great power...but sadly, a great weapon with not in a great prowess.".

Lucian engaged in a calm conversation with the child who had assaulted him.

Lucian rose from his seat, steadily advancing towards the child who had attempted his life. The child remained rooted in place, avoiding any eye contact with Lucian. Their body language displayed a clear sense of fear, evident by their trembling and a cold chill running down their spine. The child's mind was filled with the image of being pursued by a relentless predator, one that had missed their initial strike, only to discover that now they were the hunted.

"Ho~... I'm close to you now...why don't you-". Lucian whispered in the kid's ear.

"why don't you try another attempt...show us your magic prowess?".Lucian chuckled mischievously.

Lucian narrowly evaded an incoming spiral-shaped fire attack with ease. Thanks to his quick reflexes.

"Don't come near him!".Kid A shouted.

"Who are you actually?". Kid B spoke confidently as he assumed a ready stance for casting magic.

"I don't know how strong you might be...but, you are outnumbered". Kid A spoke confidently.

With a surge of courage, the individuals in the room found themselves compelled to confront Lucian.

Lucian smiled.

Lucian swiftly moved towards Kid A, firmly gripping his right hand. With precision, he restrained Kid A's hand and applied force, fracturing the bone.

"Ack!!!!". Kid A screaming in pain.

"When the dogs bite the owner... that's the end of their fate". Lucian smiled mischievously.

Fear gripped everyone.

"S-so...how can we repay the debt?". A child hesitantly asked Lucian, concealing his fear.

"Ouh...now we are back on our business". Lucian smiled.

After 30 minutes.

On a solitary night, the quiet symphony of crickets harmonized with the sparkling constellations, which could be readily counted with a single finger. The luminous moon cast its radiant glow, positioned directly above a house, bestowing upon it an ethereal radiance. In light of this, Julius cautiously entered the dwelling, only to be met with a harrowing sight. A multitude of lifeless bodies, consumed by the unforgiving flames of arcane fire, greeted him. Instantly, Julius was overcome with an all-consuming terror and dread, for the charred remains belonged to innocent children.

"What in the world happened here?!". Julius panicked,his face showed wide-eyed terror and was covered in sweat drops larger than raindrops.

"Welcome...my dear big brother...". Lucian's voice exuded both tranquility and fascination.

"LUCIAN!!". Julius struggled to control his anger and resentment towards Lucian, leaving him in a state of mental disarray. He had envisioned a confrontation with Lucian at the academy, but the reality turned out much different than he had expected.

In an instant, Julius caught sight of a shadowy figure resembling Lucian. Reacting impulsively, he launched a barrage of fire spells towards it. Consequently, the vacant house became engulfed in flames.

A group of guardians arrived at the abandoned house and witnessed Julius recklessly launching fire magic, which resulted in the house catching fire. They swiftly took emergency action to intervene and prevent Julius from causing further damage.

"Stop it brat!". The guards shouted.

After a few minutes, all teachers quickly arrived at the scene and witnessed Julius's actions.

"What in the hell is that brat does?!!". Temose appeared surprised and raised his voice in frustration.

The other individuals in the room expressed their disbelief by shaking their heads in response to what they had just witnessed.

During the day before the night.

On the fateful evening before the unfortunate occurrence.

Julius received an anonymous letter. The contents were written in a way that did not reveal the sender. "Abandoned house".

"Lucian... it's Lucian's handwriting. HAHAHAHA finally... I will make you beg for your life in front of my eyes... I want to crush that pride of yours...". Julius laughed in joy. Therefore, Later that night, Julius left his dorm and went to the abandoned house stealthily. Sadly, when he arrived, everything wasn't as Julius expected but everything was as Lucian planned.

The next morning after the tragedy.

In the morning, Lucian once again slept peacefully in the horse carriage. Meanwhile, inside the academy, rumors of another mass murder circulated, creating a sense of commotion.

However, this time, the second case brought some fortune to the academy, as there was a strong main suspect at the crime scene. With this valuable piece of the puzzle, the academy had a better chance of solving the second case.

Despite this development, Lucian continued to sleep peacefully, his face adorned with a smile. He held a red elemental core in his hand, which, surprisingly, did not come from a beast, but rather from a human. He planned to obtain this elemental core from Kid A, who possessed fire magic. It was believed that this young individual had the potential to unlock the magic zone by slightly pushing his sanity.

Lucian discerned the child's impaired mental well-being and lack of stability, despite the child's effective facade concealing his madness. Consequently, although the kid possessed a lower combat aptitude, he managed to attain proficiency in a magic zone. Unfortunately, his physical constitution proved inadequate for handling the immense power, resulting in his body being consumed by flames when he succumbs to unconsciousness for prolonged periods.

In this story, Kid A tragically perishes due to burns. Following this event, Lucian hatches a plan to retrieve Kid A's elemental core and manipulate the other children, using them as catalysts for his descent into madness. Throughout it all, Lucian cunningly places the blame on Julius. Ultimately, the children desired to seek revenge on Julius, and this kind-hearted individual simply fulfilled their wishes. However, for this to happen, sacrifices were necessary, and the children serenely met their end, content in the knowledge that their wishes had been granted.

Therefore, If you focus too much on the leaf, you will miss the whole tree but if you focus too much on the tree, you will miss the whole forest, but if you focus too much on the whole forest, the existence of the leaf will be forgotten.

However, Lucian's focus wasn't on the leaf, tree, or forest, but on the entire Earth. In doing so, he had to sacrifice the attention given to the leaf. This shows that there isn't a perfect and saintly goal to be achieved. All goals have flaws, and judging someone's goal based on their flaws doesn't determine whether the judges are good or on the right path. It simply means that their perception of one's goal was denied by their perspective and the concept of righteousness they created in their imagination.

Have a great day

Whoami_creators' thoughts