
CHAPTER -10 a deal

* Clatter ! thump, creak , tap tap *

August was still locked in

The basement when he suddenly hears

some noises from upstairs.

August's pov:

" Huh? what's happening??" And suddenly the noises become more intense ,

* Bam , bam , swoosh , bam bam !!!*

August tries to hear the outside scenario by putting his ear on the door , silently.

Uncle - " please , please , ahh , * coughs* , mercy . I-i will pay your debt , just give me few days . Please don't kill me .*ahh*

Aunty - *screams* " please leave him , I beg you . I swear we will pay off your debt in a few d-days."

Someone - " we have already given you enough time , this isn't in my hands , it's the master's Order. *Beats the shit out of uncle*

August- " w-what is happening???!!!" *Silently*

Uncle - " p- please just a few more days , please , I beg you *crying intensely *"

* August stands up and looks secretly towards the people through a slight hole in the door *

* He saw some people wearing

Black suits and beating uncle mercilessly*

August - *quietly*, " who are these people, loan sharks , maybe ? . No something about them feels off , they're giving a very terrible vibe ".

Someone (no.2)-" Alright , we are giving you two days atmost , pay off the debt , we don't care how . And if you can't then ...we won't mind selling every single of yours and this woman's body parts after the intense torture"

* They had cut off the uncle's

Two fingers of each hand and have almost taken out his kidneys after piercing under them *

* August saw those people leaving and his uncle in unbearable pain *

August -" N-no , he seems furious , he's gonna beat me again. *Tears gathered*

They don't let me study nor talk to Ryan . "

* Controls his tears* " I'm gonna get out of here after collecting the evidence against uncle and aunty "

Next day

"O-oh no , what should I do now , am I going to die " , I don't want to die " ughhh this is terrible , what have I become !!!!!"