

The Next Day

Grayson woke up to the feeling of the cold ground beneath him, he was freezing already and the stench of mortal blood assaulted his nose. The stench was so strong and it was accompanied by an headsplitting headache, everything felt bad about this morning.

Blergh- he puked, irritated by the stench coming off him but there was absolutely nothing to puke, his stomach was as empty as a desert everything was so annoying. Just then he remembered that in order to puke he had actually lifted his body and with ease as well, a melancholic feeling washed over him.

His cheeks felt wet and a radiant smile bloomed on his face, Everything felt good about this morning and the snow looked particularly bright and beautiful.

He sat up and looked up at the morning sky with a dazzling but melancholic smile on his bloody face.

"Mum I hope you can see, your son can move again" he was exhilarated, whichever being that had orchestrated his downfall had finally taken pity on him. From a footballer who was at the top of the world to a loser who could not even move an inch.

He stood up, his movements were shaky and his legs were wobbly but he managed to hold on by holding the iron net wall thet was behind him as a support. He looked around trying to figure out where he was. He knew he was in New York and thanksfully he had visited this place alot in his previous life and so he knew his way around the city but what he didn't know was which part of New York he was.

After looking for a while he saw that he was in a school area but the place looked abandoned, he walking around and soon he saw a path that led outside the school environment and he followed it.

Before he left into the streets he suddenly stopped and with a perplexed expression he lookeddown at his body, he was actually in a teenage caramel skinned body!, after marveling at how small he felt, he continued walking towards the main road.

When he got outside into the street he paused with his mouth open wide in surprise, everywhere was shiny with Christmas trees placed infront of shops and houses and different Christmas songs were playing from different locations,there were some people packing the snow. The cars were different, they were vintage, everyone one was dressed conservatively, some where dressed in clothes so thick that even a bullet might not pass through it, while some where doing Christmas cosplays.

The streets here was not the one of the main streets and areas in Ney York city probably somewhere in Staten islands.

He then approached a lady that was dressed more like a reasonable person. She wore a white polo, a big sweater on top and a blue women's jeans. She was also wearing gloves by the way, everybody was.

" Ma'am pls can I know the date"

" uhmm yas, a minute" she said in a thick brummie accent that screamed I'm not from here, her voice felt so good that you'd wonder what it would sound like if it was a moan.

" Ah, good old days where you don't get insulted by approaching girls" he muttered knowing that if it were the gen z girls of 2025 that he approached looking like a bummer getting insulted would have been the least of his problems.

She reached in to her bag before bringing out a phone. When Lucas saw the phone everything became clear to him, he had his suspicions before but now he knew those were facts. Somehow he had actually gone back in time to the 90s and strangely enough he didn't feel bad, infact he felt so happy that he wanted to scream at the top of his lungs.

" 24th of December"

" uhm ma'am pls what's the year"

The woman looked at him strangely probably wondering if young people do suffer from dementia but she exhibit a kind of patience that could never be found in the 2020s.

" 1998" she replied before walking off hastily not even sparing a second glance at him.

Grayson stood rooted there for a minute and suddenly his eyes were shining bright with excitement.

"Merry Christmas" He screamed at the top his voice catching the attention of everyone on the streets.

"Merry Christmas kid, now get the fuck out of here" another man screamed in response but Grayson was already gone.

Now there's lot of problems, Grayson felt like he knew his name but he just couldn't seem to grasp it, it was just too elusive. He then reached into the pocket of his clothes trying to see if he had anything on himself and luckily he found a 50 dollar note in his left pocket, wondering how the former guy could have made this much. He walked towards a cloth store called primark.

"Hey uhm can I get a shirt, a winter jacket and a trouser for 40 dollars?."

The attendant looked at him with her mouth slightly open in surprise, and then she responded with pity in her eyes.

After picking some clothes from the racks she removed three from the pile and brought it to me, it was a jacket it's not so thick but thick enough to keep the cold away, a white shirt and a black trouser.

" this jacket is 14 dollars, the shirt is 10 dollars and the trouser is 15 dollars"

" Okay ma'am can I get my changes" he said after giving her the 50 dollars.

" here you go, have a nice day" she replied after giving me 20 dollars.

There are really alot of nice people in the 90s, Grayson looked at her for a while, she was a white lady and while she wasn't all that beautiful she could still be called a pretty lady.

"Thank you" Grayson muttered.

" uhm ma,am pls I know this is too much for me too ask but I really don't have anywhere to go, Pls can i sleep in your shop tonight" He continued with tears evident in his eyes and it wasn't fake and that made him confused he was really crying in front of a woman like a teenager and he was perplexed as well as he didn't even know why he was crying anyways but anytime he thought of that incident he would be sad.

She looked at me with a concerned but wary eyes as if thinking whether it's safe to accommodate a stranger.

"Okay wait here we'll go home together" she replied before walking back to where she sat before.