
The red moon

"It was the night by the time of 3:00 devil's hour." "I was walking through the park while the cold wind blowing in my face moving my curly hair up." "I was going to be in Japan for a work trip, I had to write a article about something." "I sit at a nearby bench by a mailbox next to a city light looking at the lake across from me." " I look up at the sky I seen an unusual red moon it looked pretty gorgeous." "I smile, I then make a wish on the moon like a little child would, my wish was for true love." at that moment a bright light shines." I look at it gasping I see people fighting on the like they look like devil's I jump up and hide behind the bench." I clinch my messager bag in fear looking at the fight. I look closer at one of the two men his the guy from before." I flashback comes in mine I think back at my workplace I come to my senses and yell STALKER GUY!!" The two men men look back at me stunned and dumbfounded." one of the men stares at me and come towards me." he blows down and says ma'am please come with me it's for the Lord.