
The Lord?

"As the unusual man blows down I was confused I then say "Lord? what do you mean?". " the other man disappears a flush before my eyes towards me I jump looking at there horns and tails looking at there wings and teeth." I say "who is the lord you speak of?" walking back terrified." The man says "The deman lord of course the only lord in the universe" I look at him puzzled." What about god?" I said, he lools at me God? he said "who is he?" I look at him thinking of how it's gonna be a long story I brush it off and say nevermind." I look at the stalker guy "Hey, you!" he looks at me and rools his eyes." I kick up and swing my leg he grabs it blocking my attack "how did you know that was coming?" he looks at me with an annoyed face "did you know that this was coming" he looks at me confused of what I said he put my leg down and I walk up to him face to face and bash my head to his I scream " ow ow ouch" I look back at his forehead." It's gone the mark is gone! I said " Than well than, playing rough huh? you guys think you can kidnap me." I kick the stalker guy in his jaw and kick the other one between his legs and dash like a anime character." I run out the park and go down the street The two guys catch up to me and grab me to the trees he has a necklace of some kind and it glows bright I see white light and couldn't see the two men before." I fall from the sky I look around in the air "Is this wonderland and I fell in a demans hole and not a rabbit hole?" I land on flowers in the middle of a dark forest "where am I?" when I'm rubbing my head, I look around hearing whispers and sounds." "Is anybody there?" The noise stops and its a cute rabbit it gets close to me "aww so cute" I see its eyes it comes closer and it opens its mouth huge with big teeth like a horror movie I dash up and run though the forest I run and run till the point that the tree braches I'm running in are ripping my clothes." I fall on a tree trunk in the middle of nowhere I look around and go to a place where I see light." I follow it I see a big tree I go sit next to it." I hear the wind and birds singing." I look down on my clothes I gasps loudly I'm completely half-naked I look around see if anybody heard or seen me I look up seeing the beautiful view of the tree." I hear bushes moving I jump up quickly seeing if it was the bunny again "Who's there??" i look to where the noise is coming from." "...." the sound comes closer." I see a boy who looks about my age." "who are you?" the boy says to me I look at him his eyes wided and eye color green and so as his hair he looks like he could pass for a female because of his feminine face, but by his voice he's a guy." "who are you and what do you want?!" I back up" he looks like his looking at my clothing he blushes and turns around "my bad! I didn't mean to look" I look down on my clothes and use my hands to cover up "PERVERT" I take off my shoe and throw my shoe at him "Ow! he said I'm sorry.." from my view he looks pissed " I laugh "I think your not bad at all cause any bad person right now would tooken advantage of me heh" I say "he looks back and throws his robe like jacket at me "wear it women shouldn't be looking like this it's wrong.." I blush and put the jacket on I hear my stomach growling I shed a tear and murmured to myself "I'm hungry" he trows me a rabbit it's the same one from earlier was he following me? "eat it" I look at him " bro, if I eat this thing I'm gonna die" he looks at me like he forgotten something and brushes it off as a joke "Oh by the way what's your name" he looks at me with an youger brother atmosphere type." "Im...Donna Nice to meet you " he looks at me " Donna. Donna I can remember that I'm Izuku Kugunochi." he smiles cheerfully." And thats how the journey begins..

this chapter is about how the series begins this is where it all takes place and where the mc mets her price charming and while writing this is made by real experience by the authors real life sort of heh.

clairalas_Some1creators' thoughts